The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 21, 1983, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    PCS 3 2
Friday, October 21, IQ33
Daily Ncbr&sk&n
1 Fans urnsd: Beware
ofivksre you park yjjft I Jfoe V vlijTe
7 .
ftUsisjst n4 Lob;':-3 "
H, w C
Pn Fried Chlcfica
Choice Ac-d Dccf
Opa tm dinner 4:23 fusa. Qos-Ir-g
S31 N. Cctncr
the south tide cf u direct from Centennial Kill to
Lte-kircUee Deportment JIi Eolrd said
c.T.ctx3 L;. dialler..! tr.d tcv.eJ about ,70 vcld-cl:-3
in this area far fcaprcper psrkbr? during the
Ccrnhuskcrs Erst three heme fames, lie said vehi
cle's parked at the location during Saturday's game
against Colorado risk bsiag ticketed or towed - .
The psrkirt prohibition is necessary to relisw
cor.sstioa zX the intcrssctlcn oflCth and K streets,
. erp-2c:il!y 3 trade kaws the downtown area after
the gsme, said Richard Ifadea cf the city's Traffic -Engineer
Division. - . ;
Both Haden and Baird said they ire gsMrtg foot- '
ball fans to voluntarily comply with ell parking res
trictions for home football gomes. The restrictions
are intended to interference with trsffie
and pedestrian movement, they said.
trl(cl W
Car Stereo
iniionai I .
5 60 1 70
54 0 1 70 j 90 t l?0 1Q 6Q .'
6 1)00 1 104 10S ,
' ! i 0D f lOCt
3ilE'l B B Q B
O fca
20 Watts RMS Per Channel or Pre Amp Out 'Automatic Noisa
Reduction Stereo-Mono Switch "Lo-Dx Switch Auto Revcrsa
Metcl Tape Switch Automatic Music Sensor Auto Eject r.'.03
FET Front End Powered Cassette Loading.
rp,Tri7n7r7r""i ?
rw4t J CI Clock North ef Siraarior St. iaeet st rf mu
v ? f
ltr SJQ: lXl(5)lr i'kc firing
Nsticnd end news
frcai ti:3 Itcutcr Ncvs Report
Lebanese agrea
on location for talks
BEIEUT lbsnon'a f ctbrjs hzrz screed
on a new locution for !cr. Czlr-d national
recoRCilistion UII-3, stuta-nin Eciriit radio
ssid Thursdsy.
In Damascus, Sptsn !.!Lil:tcr of Ctcte for
Foreign AIMrs Fsrouq Al-htre' tcid the fac
tions have reed on Geneva, Switzerland, and
. : that the talks may bein very soon. Other Dei
rut sources close to the ne stiators sdd the
Lebanese embassy in Berne, the C.vLj capital
may be the site for the talks.
The talks were to have began Thursday at
Beirut International Airport, but three cf the
nine invited politicians refused to go there and
a fourth refused to come to city talks, which
will discuss Lebanon's political future.
Warming-trend warnings
.WASHINGTON Fcr the second tLne in a
week, a government report warned that
temperatures on earth are itLr. cr.d resulting
changes ia climate could be harmful, causing
higher sea bvcls and harrair, nations.
The National Kesearch Ccuacil icd a report
.Thursday that said the "greenhouse effect,"
stemming from the buildup cf carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere, could have a more severe
impact on the poorer nations than cn wealth
ier countries.
Earlier this week, the Pro
tection Agency issued a report that said the
greenhouse effect would begin in the lCSOs,
much sooner than generally expected. Sea lev
els are likely to rise, flooding expensive proper
ties, the EPA study said.
The National Research Council report
screed with some of the EPA study's key con
cluskas. ' It :soid the wormir j trend could
impede food production and have a severe
impact on poorer nations whose economies
rely largely on agriculture.
Soviet: TaUcs will continue
. GENEVA, Switzerland Moscow's chiof dele
gate at Ui5.-Sovit talks cn Usitfcs nuclear
- missiles in Europe said Thursday that the talks
will continue for the time belr.j but there is no
prospect of success. President Rcrgan-hsd
said Wednesday that the Scsvict might
walk out of the. talks whea NATO begins
deploying new raissilss in Vectcm Emcps in
December. But Soviet ddcgitbn head Yuli
Kvitsinsky said Thursday that the Corir.ts "will
keep talking as long as it is Reeccaary, o fcr.g as
there are prospects." American cLlciaki said .
. Thursday's meeting, at the US. mrdsn, lasted
two hours. They, sold lloscow agreed to
another meeting at the Soviet mission
Curfewimposad in Grennda
BRIDGETOTfTJ, Barbados-- Grenada's mfl
h&ry leaders, who seized fzr fci the tiny
Caribbean island Wednesday ar tzg left
wing Prime. Minister 'Zlsurice Ei-hcp, an--.
ncunced Thursday that:the ccur.try vH be
rued by a 16-raexnbcr "rr!atiar.ary ctsry -counciL"
; "Rie mSitary impend an'alklr-, oH-Kght" -curfew
on the island, to remaia Li force until 6
axL Lendoy, and warned that drZ en the
streets wu be shot on cht -
f0J' f Grennda the cZZziy coun
cd has "full leshife &d eas:Uv3 papers"
anQ IiSSl it. TtflW "(art!!.. . .
Ssvenuaent of Grenada."
aop, tnree members cf bis Ccti.ict and
two labor nr?.n !-.-t. . - . . . j i
troops Wednesday. .
Valesa: Visit Impartible'
banned Polish trade union C;Lar Hiurs
day was quoted in a Norec-i rS
saving he finds it tepc:,:" s t3 v-:i :y to
eecept the 1C33 Ncbti r?r- S-V; t-. S
tics Cisar w- r.. , i-. ..
vp the award cnhallcf htr huil r i