The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 21, 1983, Page Page 16, Image 16
4 7l Frldsy, October 21, assayed (pii it ! r Ji V i :? .1 r r ICHEAP1 ButClesnf $1;I 00 montn; $123.00 deposit South tilth erasr 0.U) p.m. ROOMMATE WANTED: SptiOijt 9 bedroom house. On bus Mr tlo-0nwnth and utilities. No. 1 or ASAP. 474-&r. Fmatt or m? to liv-in with wheel chafr msi. Fret roomboard. Little help. 4S-S22S. Femat Room met . Non-smoking, 16th O. About $120. 49-7004 morning A aher 5. Vounj mat boarder to ehar duplex with family. $200mo. room A board. Call 475-6891. PRZQMAinT Explore life-olvlna option. Wa d lika to help. Catholic Social SarvicM. 423-6S65. TYPEWRITERS: RENTAL - SALES - SERVICE BLOOM'S 323 N. 13th 474-4135 PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE By M A. Tarm Papars Theses Dissertations 458-0795 LicanMd Day Cart. UNL area. Call after 1 .00 p.m. forappointmant 474-5261. Amelia Earhart aaya If your head is In the cloud all the time, contact the Women's Resource Center Counseling Service at 472-2597. TypingWord Processing Proofs, Spelling Checker, Storage . COMPUTER TYPE 1C23 QUE . 470-TYPE 5 DAY STOP SMOKING CLINIC The University Health Center will be holding a Stop Smoking Clinic November 5-10 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the Health Center Conference Room. If interested, please obtain registration information or materials from Room 106 (472-5050) by October 28th. The cost of the clinic is $15. EXPERT TYPING Superb Grammar and Spelling. Call for Appointment 435-6734 Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT is a confiden tial helping hand. 483-2509. Ski Condo in Dillon, Colo. Close to all ski areas. Call 483-5297. 489-3444. or 423-1968. CHtfOFHACTIC Downtown Mon.-Fri. Dr. John Wynhausen For appointment, call 477-1027. Fresh Cigars for Pinnies Cliff Downtown - 12th 5 O HALLOWEEN COSTUMES Shop Goodwill tor wins, clothe, etc. Goodwill located at 1717 "Q" Street, Havetock. WsstssS. University Rasa, and College View. To Cerhondale, III., or anywhere in between. Preferably next week. 4Q5-S3S2. FOUND: Gold ring m women's bath room on 1st level of the Teachers Cof- to. 472-0229. Found 10-19. LOST: A blue back-pck at the Union F swkstor. Fiasse calf 472-6227, if found. Thanks. REWARD: FOR THE MISAPPREHEN SION OF A RED AND WHITE TANOF U IB! CYCLE LOCATION LAST tllM fSAR 200 BAB. NO QUESTIONS ASK E. 435-;32. 472-2553. Ptfy Murphy, 6AE alum, was found C1" 'J .'adneday morning behind the rWil with par of size 42 pantyhose d around h' r-ch. Aythofiiisj his cswa of cteai.t unknown. A f?ira is '- Saturday, October 12 mm the Iocs..) to tt tm'mtK&ii. TK". A tn4 ihr ti'4 v..vs: T w J TClAi TCA! Cat psysftsi for tr TCOA p vty ton'. tl Is t.z 4 ThiK tilt' S.s'-v 0i 1 1 S 1 1 ; f I j .in i .. .mi ...... i J Conrad Wa!!ace, Maprry 1sh, room mi. You're the best! (And tt iey thought It wouldn't last.) Love, Snicker To a!l my friends. Thank you very much for the two most wonderful night I have had. Around friend like you, no on mind q -siting older and responsible. Thanks, Golds' Dad Darren, No one will rain on your "ELK PARADE!" I know I II be proud of youl Love much, Gerrie Dimple (Lambda Chi), Are you for real? the girl without dimpietl Alpha Delta on Safari, The hunt ia on, ft tc;:r.: tomorrow night. For you and somon7? It will be a fright! The piece await. You know not where. Hop you find it We'll e you there! The Lion Fkpy: Today' the day I would ve said Happy 2 Year. - Ex-Cuddibum (Sign Language) Point to you. Point to me. Roll eyeball. Poke belly. Shuffle feet Squeak. Fall Down. HepCaL Theta Xis, How 'bout that Homecoming float Thanks, it was fun. Kappa O's P S. Breakfast tomorrow, our place! Be there. . Tammy DAL. Here's to: Our chauffeur James. Our private piloL Condos in Aspen and Canada, Big diamonds. Gold caps for our boots. Roses, Doberman and horse. But especially, , Hera's to von take un Because someone cares. Chuckle Eddy (KAT). You're the greatest. The past 4 months have been the best. Looking forward to many more. Darwin Cathy N. ft. Shelly G. (KDs), Congratulations on helping the NU Golf Team pick up 1 last weekend. We think you're super. Your Kappa D. Sisters F.A.F. FIJIs Are Foxes We can't wait until tomorrow night! Love, TheThntas P.S. Love those polyester BOXERSI Sandy (From Omaha), Pleas call Read at 47S-C917 for a gt-to-gether this weekend. Football Saturdays at Reuben's Open for lunch at 10:30 a.m. Ride round-trip to ths game for $2. Bus leaves Reuben's at 12:15 p.m. Gateway Shopping Center' n. i ... ta nrn. V.'e must eliminate cur excess mzd tires. Our October new tire zzls hes us over flowing with used tires. Ceil Bob tt ;. 03 Ctindsrd 47S-C319 Adj:::r.t to ccmp-js tt 17Ci d 'Q' Ct Ucju Scretnt-z rrintir.2 is cm tzzizltyl V t;-; a . f:z"j3 cf ii tzzs. lizp b ir.i git a pries q'lots fcr ycur rcup. LAURA (KKG) . fcnjoy! ftur eonvrfion W$niy: would'v l.J to talk Ici-ysr. Intsrmttd? RVi". Dan Lh, Happy 20th Hope all your Promlss cometruel Loveya. fMI JA (Tht). Congrats on the Big 2-01 Remember to behave wfiiia you're making the "rountJs toniBhtl Fcnfe- P S. Whet' It Uk to room with a Theta of the month? Leah C. Have a Happy 20th Birthdayl Gwen ft Jim- Julie Ann, Get psyched. You only turn 20 once In your iiie. Hope you plan on adding this night to our sdventures for the year. Take the moment tt is yours. -K.C. Hometown Football Games Country Kettle Early Momlncs ' Late Nght Swims - Storm Long Talk Hope you keep being there to make me laugh. Saturday will be one night to remember. Keep Smiling DN Ad Staff: Please re-reed your production sheets I gave you Monday. TB Female with blue sweats, pink sweatshirt, in M.H.L.S. Tuesday night about 6:30: I think you're a fox. I really do!H Let' get together for a Banana, how's that sound? Signed the Banana Man GM In 12:30 350 Stats ' M.W.F. Nebraska HaH: Your smile Is intriguing. RVP. TO ALL D.U. LION HUNTERS: Your Alpha Dett date Can haruJy wait! The clue we will find Lead to fart timet (The hunt start at e'ght.) Your ADPi Lion Huntresses P S. tt wW be funnier than r.f. (Huh!) Delta Sigs: . We had a great time at the study break! We're sure you'll be a success) TheThetas Julie, HAPPY BIRTHDAYI Fit, Pete Moss, Methyl and Ethyl Ether Happy 20!9i Derek O. Deb Hey Frat Boys. Who's putting all the starch In your shirt collars? .. Cory(DG). Your mommy love you!N GuewWho Steve, 1 Hope your 19th' a heppy onet Lov. Your Study Bu&Sy P.S. Wang say he-spy birthday test 467-2561 .11 L J r3 I a n ! Ho, j lJ. a L LAR3Y (you god. you). HAf'PY BIRTHDAY Id 8 W1 suy. You've made th DN hat it i tody. What rlitto have iomoni to fciame it on. You" been a rtl tit to wk wish thit mmmtmr. And if you txiwv mis, you ' prcbWy tio think I'm gonna py you trie ti ii I owe you, too. Have a wicked weekend. Chief ft WHAT A WHOP.! Jatba the Hutton (Lambda Chi) Jut you waitl Pound Isn't through witn you ystt The Fox Ckler Woiwn: I hop you f.v a harry blrtNJsy end a great Haiioween. Youngr Man M Julie. Happy 2Gth to th best Iriend I could ' ver nope to have. Rhonda Larry S. Have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY for me you deserv It Continue to do the great fob your doing a editor. Kitty Kelly H. (DG) rose are red, viols; are tlue, you don't know me ' but know youl Thia wek h& bean fun tvpe you enjoyed youml( as much aa I did. I cant wail tiH Sunday nights Gue Who? ! Your Loving Mommy P.S. Last Our. I'm not a mirty, and often tardy Maybe because I tovs to party. My Teddy Bar Happy Sth month anniversary!! ... on to forever! Your Love Muffin Rick, ' Happy Birthday, Sweetie. Love Ya, Shelly CatherlO Thank for th fun and WILD entertain ment Tuesday. When' our next date? RSVP Pound 10 ?"t hi -i i l ' J ' 0 4: t? ifi r 1 st tT k4 iiii 1 Axlsriiir.s . S" cf 13Jc:.::ie:3 cfcro II Wdlawayf ,X5wcttwin3. 13 Mr. Fira 17 Of Eds, II-rcn,etc 13 Urjicccn- 21 Cbarfcun 23 Skittish SSIloREhacity IIAte'Ssr 13 Q'rrebJat It9. ' S3 Gcrscis - l Prcntpted 3In!et :. ,, 23 aid between 41 Fd.crLcx. successor 41Tnicker's rij 1 Exert cnsself 3 Over? "3 r3"l3rr.n oraffir.ssl?M: ' DisratH r3P,M.ttaj 1 Thermometer ccr.ter.ts f 1 Greek Istter C2TT.3 Mines' CI Prccstc C3 f !"!cm prscr lesder ' C7AUr.;t2rr!i SFwryt B. Happy 18th Birttay. I hope you like this not. Sv Parry Amnlia M. Congratuletlons on D.E. Looks lils thy mad a wis choice You're ti orsat3tl . M SAM LITTLE S!STCR3..,. Sunday nlgtit, 7.(j0 mt at tNi house tor the Hauntad Houte Trip. sturdy before the game there a bsu iecue at tm house. Love, The Men of SAM Nw World Man: My calendar tell m today special day. Happy Birthday! Kim ROD Her' your personal, although it' not a pronai personal, it is a pertonaliied personal, which isnl necansarily bsiier than a personal personal but personaily I think a personal personal i too personal for your pertonail At any rata, thi per sonalized personal is personally brought to you by . . . wH ...It personal . . . ytaur Sammy Litti Si. Vie. Happy 20th Birthday to a erect roonv matot Juat think, in 343 daye I can go to Vm bar tool Have a good onot Laurie Ladles of the Firrt Erttte, Don't forget to retwm youx bids to &. rarara Desk by Monday. Keep posted tot detail on futun rver. TUa LLCC LARRY, Iiav Happy Cirtliday. Production mzm automotive I rxd you already! See you Monday niht. Me' CROSSWORD PUZZLE - -- - i- tit -'- - h....3 .1 .. 0"Vissi IHicclrJaria " Sue w'wff'.B '-.- a 1 ArJdcbcr.cs extrication - 4 The Bucksyss' test: 5 Ateutisnicla 6 Ilartebesst 7 "I Get Out cfYou" 8Gans!L"3 9 "Ths Laura Mars," 1873 film 13S.R.O. !,3',y 11 Armcfths Black Sti -' 12Fst3crEzpo3 13 Activist cf a ' ' s-?rt 15 r!ci3.cfarea' e PB. ). 23 Babasy t3Irr,lr.Ccstet SJPeudifc-ture 21 Spots f;r flitters 2 Ureihcrr.-i 3 Snatch n Ma Bell's 1 I I i m u j i TT j """ j ' "" j I - ill ZTj ZtiJi it " j- j J j ' ! ! ILTi'i' -Tr ! .1 !J!iU inH J. He1 (Ceisf). Don't i.K Ii s m lf!gt! . . . Ksv t fjrtai day) Sndfa D, Happy D'..J.:JiytTf.arA fortslRg c l friwnd. MJH Ck't AOfT and Lms Sisters: 1Uu.-a TOaAl TOUiM TKI t Srnsd Mitt and Joel, Thank for thinking about usl You guy arc awsnomel ' Love, The Theta ADPC Wt'r gonna have a gmt float. Thank for ctrina in on it with u. Qt fMyched for th SMC (Saturday Morning Club). The Mn of 6ta Sigma Psi Kim, Yvi knew you'd make It! Congratula tions! Dm and Linda Josy Utile Boy (Astro). Have a grest b'.. ;?;ey wiktnJt t&m, Siily Duf Lor Jen factory tsaJ4 foreign car t-'eeia. . . Ufa & T Lincoln, Nebr" -. 3 Woman's ' . sracs ' ro. - O BcrtcfCJla : 1 terra 3TL-jCi:;-s' ."" fiUl 3 Words before instxr.tcr. 7 Let eff steam 13 OviJ'sbeir.3 C3 Put up drapes . CI Persons CI Scottish . explorer , A:,.'a i'Jt...rtf f r "ii "in ( ; n.4. '5 4 :S . .K A' mm 0r "I I I j . . r I -""V - 111 1 1.. J