Diliy N;brc:kEn Friday. Ociober 21, 1CC3 Paso 14 r 2231 Whthrcp r V 1 t..Mwyi imuw ivvu jjiaya iui iVCj CcJ Z!2crv3 ovoibblo HERE!. Only C2.CJ coupon;;;:.- "i 3 to immm w ) 1 ( t C c1 ! !G C) 1 1 f ; i -. ' . " . in r i-Hi .j .j r ( 5 1 ul ! j i 1229 R Street 4356350 OPEN 24 HOURS Weskend football contests oner fans bowl previews Now that the World Series is over, sports fens can turn their undivided attention to college football. And there are some very good games this week to hold their attention. But first . . . Cclsrado at Usbracka: After a good start, the Buffs seem to have returned to their old form. Bad, in other words. ' Colorado ho lost three games in a row and worse yet, they redly havent J left Goodwin 115 north 14th Lincc!.i ' Nebraska, on the other hand, got back on the rijht track r gainst Ulzzou test week. , And there docsnt teem to be much the Buffs can do to stop them, either. AH of w hich maizes me think Colorado coach Bill McCartney should have picked another team as his team's "rivaL" Thb thought must ba givia;? McCartney nightmares this week If Missouri scored 59 on us what will Nebraska do? Like the 800 pound gorilla whatever it wants. Katraska C3, Colorado 10. Iowa at IlkLian: As usual Bo's Boys in Blue (sounds like boysenberry if you say it really fast) are right in the thick of the ffcht for the Rose BowL This year, the Big Ten teams haw an added incentive: The Pac Ten teams are so bad that the Big Ten re presentative has a reasonable chance of winning. The Hawkeycs saw their Hose Bowl hopes take a jolt a few weeks ego at the hands of the Fighting lilini, but they aren't .out of the race, by any means. The problem they have in this game is playing In Ann Arbor. The Wolverines lose at home about as often as Jesse Helms goes to an Americans for Democratic Action meeting ' With the exception cf a less to Wash ington, the Wolverines have played well thb year. Michigan gives the Hawks the Ei Chill: Iliciigan Z2t tczn'zm Cal at Kctro Dane: How the ra!j.'Uy have fallen. The Trcjans, at 2-3-1, dont even have a winning re cord. The Irich are favored for a charge and they are playing at South Bend but dont put too much faith in that. This is always thought of as a spirited rivalry, and it Is, but it is a game that USC almost always wins. Defense has been a problem for the Trojans this year and they will have to contain Allen Fin knelt, Notre Dame's explosive tailback.. The offense hasnt been outstanding either, with the exception of the Wash ington State game. It's been a long year for USC, but they should be on the verse cf putting it together. UCC 23, Nctrs Dana 21. (C ' W lb )mA IS (S1 Q :Scoreboagd T.vv.-.'-:-V. .0 . ' ' : '.'; n. ; ) r w , . -,) i i ) ((i ((t VOLLEYBALL No Names dcf. Sandoz Six 15-12. 15-12 . Schramm Seven daf. Sandoz Six 15-12, 12-15, 15-10 Chi Omega daf. Alpha XI De!ta 18-14, 18-16 Alpha XI De!ta dsf . Dun Threa East 1 5-2, 1 4-1 S, 1 5-2 Alpha Dc3ta PI dcf. Cr.Uh Ten 15-13, 15-12 f 'o f 3 c?:f. A';ha D: !a Tl 15-2. 15 8 .. . . Chi Gjt;s;3 dsf. Sandoz Thrsa 15-4, 15-3 Schramm Ssvsn Dsf. Pound Two 15-8, 15-4 v Smith Ten c:f. Pound Two 13-14, 15-11 DurrThrea Es:t tzi. Smith Eight 1-15, 15-9, 1715 Smith Eijht CJ. Leva Threa 15-3, 15-0 Wreck Crew VHC, 15-0. 15-9 Dorehsstsr Lonshoma dcf. A3. Economics 12-0, 15-2 Dorchcstsr Longhorna daf. Guccha Soc. 15-2, 15-9 Sandoz Two dsf. Pound Nina 15-10, 15-2 Ruff Tuffles dcf. Pound Nina 15-4, 15-0 . . Mol'lies Maulsrs dcf. Crur.cr C'.xb 15-, 15-3 Wreck Crew dsf. Crurser Clc'd 15-1, 15-7 Schramm Thrsa dsf. Sandcs Two D 15-11, 11-15, 15-3 Men Mark Ftasmussan. Thsta XI, dcf. Rick KuWlsk, Alpha Tau Om:; a. 21-7. 21-3. Woman Ktnn Schnsidar. Curr Tro East, daf. Darla SissiS, KeppaAaThjta.21-3. NOTICwS Flcj feerc::! p!iye"a (rr::.nc) htn Wsdnday. Schtcy!ca tra cvsilcla tf::r 1 p.m. Tuc:ry. Vc"rts3l p'ty cV.3 tzz'n CunCiy. VcIIcybs'l eccdutcs era e 3 tz?;y ftcr 1 p.m. Co-recrsitJonsI teccsr pfsyeffs trrJn Sunday. Schedules era avantta todjy f:cr 1 p.m.'A!l &h;a v-!!a-fcSa t Picrest'on Drpartrsnt C.",Z3. 1723 Vina Ct. 4 w ... , Cc',ctt'3 UD hAM - 24a 11 Oi' 01S.7C:h v J U C i u y ' wi ' 1 -1 - ; It ' 1 ' - I 1 ' " '