The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 21, 1983, Page Page 11, Image 11
-ridsy, October 21, 1C33 Dally Nebrcskan Pago 11 13th & "P" st. 4i&-mm TONIGHT: 7:20 & 9:20 SATURDAY L SUNDAY AT 1 :20-a : 5V5 : 2V7 : ?VQ 7 V i ; 7PA c; 'J j I t;ss c curtesy 1 lis Zoo tnd Ltrtcc:."! GUnsrii Hatpllal Jery H:r.3 ar.J tla Gas iraaiaca, left, rfH appear tt Tt Zoo thb Treekesd, wMle Denny end Ilaris Gincna cr.tcrt3 tt Fcrs!i3 Auditorium. Saturday at the Howell Theatre, 12th and R streets. Tickct3 are $4 for students and $5 for the general public. The play runs Tuesday through Oct. 29. The Metropolitan Opera celebrates its centen nial with a lavish eht-hour extravaganza. Some of .'the world's foremost opera singers are featured in the program, including Luciano Pavariotti, Roberta Peters and Placido Domingo. To make viewing this special easier, Channel 12 ha3 divided it into two parts, one airing at 1 p.rx Saturday, the other at 7 p.m. Rcdio KUCV (0.9 FZ1) A special four-hour edition of "A Prairie Koxna Companion" airs Saturday ni"J;t at 8 p.ra. The special is part of the Beethovan Bash fund-raising evsnt KZU!.! (3.5 Ft!) Earscapcs is an ambitious radio theater project, produced by various non commercial stations across the country. It airs on KZUI1 Sunday at 7:0 port Thi3 week, The Servant by EianLlaw Lcm -esarainca the master-servant relationship in the year 2CO0. The program was orig inally produced at Lcs Angles. It all cornea to an end this weekend. Today's activities are hihied by the parade, scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. on ICth and S streets. A pep ray h scheduled to begin at 70 p.m. and a street dance featuring the Star City Ka:crs to scheduled to t-t .underway at 0 p.m. -TLs pep ral and xlancs bath take place in the Memorial Plaza, just north of the Nebraska Union. , "" - "Karaikaae TO, which stars the late German director Itainer Werner Fassbinder is showing to night and Saturday at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. A special matinee shows Saturday afternoon at 3 pjn. Admis sion is $3. Banning Sunday, the British fim The Long Good Fridsy," wiU show at 3 p.m., 7 p.m. and 9:15 p.m. Admissisn to 2X3 for students. Around Tot? 7hat do state senators do when the Legislature isnt in session? Some are night club performers. All right cne is a night club performer. Lincoln Sen. . David Landto will appear at Patoot's Lounge, 803 P St tonight and Saturday. The show begins at about 10 p.m. and there is no cover charge. Johnny Reno and the Sax Maniacs are one of the most lively outfits around the country right now. The seven-member band specializes in a lively com bination of swing, pop and jazz known as "Jump" music. They play tonight at the Zoo, 136 N. 14th St Cover charge to $4. Lincoln-based band, The Jettsons, will play this afternoon. Cover to $1. The Drumstick 547 N. 4Cth St, to featuring the MsdsLrCltizcns Club Saturday night The band has ' just rc!carad its first EP, It s tha Rcndszarxe. Cover charc to C2. ' " ; They're finally here! Donny and Marie Osmond wiU appear at Lincoln's Pershing Auditorium as part cf the Lincoln General Hospital Auxiliary Kru2 Friary nl'ht at 0. Thkct prices benin at $10. Iron Maiden wU appeal Sunday at 7:0 p.m. at Pershing. The concert had been postponed last '. month. And they say Lincoln doesnt have diverse enter tainment - Sign language interpreter to perform Susan Freundlich, a na tionally renowned sign lan Curgs interpret sr, will pcr fena her one-woman show tonight at the Nebraska Center for Continuing Edu cation. Freundlich's show com bines dance and mime with sign lar..7,:age to inter pret song.3 for both deaf and hearing audiences. She has performed throughout the United States and Canada and has interpreted songs for the deaf at concerts by Holly Near, Pete Seegcr, Arlo Guthrie, The Weav ers and many ethers. . She also ha3 worked as a sijn language coach and interpreter for the cast cf the Broadway show "Children of a Lesser God." The Lincoln Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf sponsors the show, which begins' at 8 p.m. Tickets are $5 for adults, $2 for children. They can be pur chased at the door. ' V J: .CATTIPHAY & SUNDAY SEATS $2.00 UNTIL 2 PM FTNAt,WFEIC! f TONIGHT: 7:10 & 9:S0 SATUEDAY & SUNDAY AT 1:45-4:30-7:10-9:30 wo. 1942...R Cfosh of Cufturgs brwD couuic jcxa cam 1415 "O" ST 476-155G TONIGHT AT: 7:40 & 9:40 WEEKEND: 5:40-7:40-9:40 ! I 400yMno vaMng 'vv-..' afluddtn drxti. wwltihttf on 2Qh WMuiyAnrica. r Ff-DAY I SATUTSAY K'SHTS AFTER MIDNIGHT 1 1 AT 15 (R) Fr.r3 r.sp!r3 .D. - - ISO Passes j 1 M-f "V On "Major Barbara," which stars Tcdd Nelson, Place - " a personal in the .Daily"-:.-.: i TCACUL 4C t ,wLTE GENS II. ,. -nnrn 1 J3ANNACA, ' '7- c - 1 4 Li L.w - y ' - .- . ;f ? .;:V ; . . ft' id- ' VVV ;' ' - ub & 1 ' 4- . -- ; Z31 y :yccli::::; pati:zti:zny ; txZ. tar fm Lj . t A T-D TZJ to 7 j. Ul !- .