The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 20, 1983, Page Page 15, Image 15
Tftucday, October 0, 1CC3 Dally Kcbraskcn Pcga 15 anoisase o9 German thriller iia 1 984' laaold Ey Eric Pclercsa . . . One ofGcrr.arys p-eatest directors plays a rols he obviously and tho roughly enjoys, that of a crusty, amoral and thoroughly cedent detective, in "Kamikaze '89." The film is part of a tribute to its star, Reiner Werner Fass binder, who died last year, and shows tonight, Friday and Saturday at 7 and 9 p.m. at the Sheldon Film Theatre, with a Saturday matinee at 3 p.m. X ' ' Film Review Wolf Gremm's film 13 based on a fut uristic thriller, "Murder on the 31st Floor," by Per Wahloo, and it follows a lot of mystery genre conventions. Police Lieutenant Jansen (Fassbinder) is a man who always solves his case and the corporate-governmental baddies who obstruct him cannot prevent his winning, even though they own the game. . "Kamikaze W b a witty and fun film partly because of the political com mentary inherent in the story and even more importantly because Fass-. binder is good. Everjtlir.3 is preen '' -r; "Everything is green a synthesized voice says blandly at the start. "The chemical industry has found the solu tion for sweet dreams." This is ob viously a bad dream of the future, like the artificial calm of "1D34" and "Brave New World; as Jansen's . assistant Anton (Gunther Kaufmann) says, they ; drive you to drink and then make that illegal ' . , - Jansen refuses to challenge the sys tem. "Never, never say, that," he cor rects Anton's indiscretion in one of his few emotional moments. Normally he confines himself to laconic comments like "Avoid unnecessary questions," and "Avoid unnecessary thinking." What Jansen seeks is to do his work quietly and get along wear his absurd leopard-skin suit and drive his car with the leopard-skin dashboard, drink his illegal alcohol and win every case; ' y-'-y-y- Much of the excitement in this futu ristic thriller comes from its potential , for satire. The Police Disco where Jan sen hangs out has a laughing contest all through the weekend when he is above a very strange assemblage of dancers, almost encased and their manic laughter is televised to a nearly universal audience. : One woman becomes progressively nearer hysteria as television clips are interspersed through the film, but the winner, is Little Rita, a small blonde woman with an idiotic, doll-like giggle. Unexpected deaths ' Much is borrowed from Orwell and Huxley here; somebody's sweet dreams tablets drive him to gun his car for Jansen and die . . but people are never murdered, never commit sui cide; Germany is full of "unexpected deaths." - The case Jansen works on is simple enough; someone has sent a bomb threat to the headquarters of Ger many's control conglomerate, which dominates everything. When Jansen gets too close to finding out vital secrets about the conglomerate, such as the existence of its terrorist section, he is advised to stop the investigation and attempts are made on his life. Jansen finds out the culprit of the original bomb threat, only to discover that a second threat has been issued, obviously an attempt by the conglo merate to blow up part of the building and rid itself of certain persons. Jansen saves them in his fixation of doing a good job even if the bosses dont want him to only to find they have died the same day from "burns." The film ends wonderfully with Fass binder standing against a life size pho tograph of astronaut Neil Armstrong on the moon; he leans against it, copu lates with it, laughs in front of it, as we hear Armstrong and President Nixon reflect on the grandeur of humankind and the meaning of the moon landing. Does Ms job Jensen's own ambivalence about what has happened is particularly interest ing. The police lieutenant will always do his job, but that doesnt mean we don't see him at moments when he is thinking about not doing it; Jansen is clearly intrigued with the cartoon fig ure Krysmopampas, "the ultimate enemy," which people have seized on as a way to express their contempt of and frustration with the Germany of "1989." ' --.v--: And when Jansen is determined to perceive a beautiful and mysterious woman named Elena Fan as the most important suspect in the bomb threat case (she is not the guilty party), we connect her glamor with her subver sive activity. But Jansen never ap proaches his Elena and never does anything other than his job. y y - ' hfi: ' .- ri liftB to r U W W . i i , k m m a f F'S f m "J I 'I TS i9 7 I La: ' Fleven. trained stvllsts have been at El Toro forvears. In i fact our same stylists will probably follow you through the j university, through graduate school, and if you stay in Lincoln.. through your early professional career. y'-'-y: : El Tbro lasts' r . . lc"T Level 47m::s cr" ? 4 '' t i, V f i 1 V 1 ' 4 f Photo courttt y SheSdon FUm Thtitrt The late E&iner CTerner Fassbinder in a scene from "ILamikaze fiD." Has Pu rchasing Jewel ry Got You Puzzled? ALL DIAMONDS ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL Many so-called "sale, diamonds" are merely diamonds of much lower quality! When shopping, ask to see the diamond under magnif ication in a ten power binocular microscope, such as Sartor Hamann's Diamondscone. - "rX COMPARISON WILL SHOW YOU WHY THE STATE'S J BEST. VALUES IN FINE DIAMONDS HAVE COME 7 Y'Av I'.t 's m Sett i -j p i i M Sartor Hamann has the pieces DIAMOND PENDANTS '"- Prict 113 CARAT $1C3.C3 113 CARAT. $213.C3 13 CARAT S270.C3 15 CARAT S323.C3 14 CARAT $3S3.C3 13 CARAT. $475X3 3a CARAT S2C3.C3 12 CARAT S1E25.CO 2"S.O 1 CARAT $2235.03 S12C5.C3 J x?"-. v. i a. ; V, X X X . .. . "Wv: uarsi sna rreceous t iciinum rnond Engsgomeht Rings 13 CARAT 15 CARAT 14 CARAT 13 qARAT 33 CARAT 12 CARAT 34 CARAT 1 CARAT Regular Price $333.03 , S3G0.C3 $415X3 ' $315X0 $11C3X3 $17t3.C0 $2203X3 Sale v Price $1S5.C0 S2S3.C3 $345X3 $445X3 $73X3 $325X3 $1CC3X3 $1 j.C3 ' Safa Pric Cw?.C3 -$133.03 S1SS.C3 X275.C3 $345.03 $23.C3 UNUSUALLY GOOD VALUES, thesa beautiful, brilliant diamonds ere sp.?clcl purchsjss from estates, broken '. and cutters',. end era, set' in-our own:;-., shop. ' Cheese" from' 14K yellow.. or; whits pld ssttins.; ; .y :v- J':' y:yJL-:i:J', V Jt' ut!f itIUtf If 13 1 I -1 in -o-' Kr:L'LC'r.a r.:AiX'