6 Wednesday, October 19, 1833 Daily Nebraskan Pago 3 Depression causes, cures discussed at lecture By Para Alward If you are a woman, you are more likely to be depressed more often than most men, the-director of the UNL Psychological Consultation Center said Tuesday. Nataiie Porter spoke about "Women, Depression and Suicide" at the second of eight "Women in Perspective" lectures sponsored by the Women's Resource Center. Women seek treatment for their dep ression twice as often as men do, Porter said. The higher depression rate for women could be misleading, how ever, because most men are reluctant to seek help for their depression, she said. Depression seems to have many caus es, Porter said. The main one being loss of a loved one. This kind usually abates after being untreated for nine months. Depression in the clinical sense, which lasts more than weeks, is characterized by low self-esteem, changes in biological functions and either a great reduction or increase in activity, she said. One out of every 10 people b clinically depressed at one point in their life, Porter said. Many theories exist which explain the cause of depression. Teminist theories of depression differ from traditional ways pyscholosts look at women's depression," Porter said. Shorts Traditional theories centered almost completely on hormonal factors in women, she said. One traditional theory blamed early childhood losses for many women's depression. One feminist theory also links hor monal changes to depression. Pregnant women and those going through meno pause or other hormonal changes un-. dergo possibly adverse role changes that can lead to depressions. "Mental health problems in general are greater for married women than for single women. With men it is the opposite," Porter said. Another feminist theory is called learned helplessness. "It is a result of the socialization of women," Porter said. "We have become more passive and dependent and help less." A third theory involves social status. Women feel guilty if they reclaim so ciety's traditional values or foresake them entirely, she said. "We've got to be careful about taking on a double set of guilt," Porter said. Other causes of depression in women' are incest and rape. Sometimes it takes four to six years to recover from such violations, she said. One result of depression is suicide. Time is the best cure for depression, Porter said. But if it is recognized early, the person should act to prevent it "The best way to beat it is aerobic exercise," Porter said. Students interested in participating in today's Homecoming Royalty elec tions can vote in polling places in the Nebraska and East unions from 8 am. to 8 p.m. Nine men and nine women are finalists for the royalty honors. The names of the winning couple will be announced at half time of Saturday's Homecoming football game with the Colorado Buffaloes. Parking Area 23 near the College of Law on East Campus has been re opened, UNL Police Lt. John Burke Burke said the lot was closed for resurfacing for about 30 days. Ummitf cfrA'cbms.'ca OctcbcM6-22 n 1 1 ia4t(f0j tfiejtw effit n n - I J'l! 37 n a yum U Today Nebraska Union and Nebraska East Union 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Everyone VSdccms! z- -K , - 1 :.r l.!usS7on by Chili Did your junlsrscnbr ChCCk Z2V2 you fcc!:n3 3 bit L.'3 A&3vs rzhkin i i Independent study ccn ho!p. If your juniorsenior check turned up a class you meant to take but didn't, consider independent study at your pecs and piece. It could help you grad uate on time. For information, visit the UNL Divis ion of Continuing Studies Independent Study Department, 2C3 Nebraska Center for Continuing Edition, 33rd end Hoidrc-3. Taks the shuttle bus from city campus. Or call 472-1923. Campus UTL doss net tJIssrtaijiit in Its c2sraic, ira-Stais or- -Brspjoymtnt preisr.t. Bad -idss by s!l ALLOWSEW COSTUME FRSMl TOOK 5' V U::. ::: 4::::: J - ::. ::5 J . p . - .'r.v.'.v.vJi v.... 1 - .v.w.v.v i V-i' Ji0r i -"."V.V-- j M f I0l'"mr .- -. Halloween costumes from most stores have one built-in disadvantage . : anyone can buy the same costume. A costume from Ragstock; on the other hand, is unique. It's unique because you select it yourself from our huge stock of recycled clothing. This Halloween get your costume from Ragstock. ( L . -..J 1324 P Strc2t 474073 SPECIAL S70HE MOUilS Oct 24-23 wlen-Sst 10-9 Sundays 12-5 Friday Oct 23 10-r.:n:3ht G UqMzj, Hc"3v;ccn Oct 31 10-9 f 3