Monday, October 17, 1C23 . C2.CD Richers 0:CO-C!o;o & This Thursday Night C35 LoninccJs 9:C0-Cfnc3 "inr"ln?'iVT 4f 228 P" Steci Lunch &Loun 476-1020 Buy American Gov. Lzb Ecikj t-a aj;!r.t Kstesia.CsjsKte cf Gs nda Kto' XVZ 4 L v-: "3 representatives rd aJ tlO EiZa la feitrisl rrc&xti w2'3 In f i!-?if T X, n JOV'j J . . - Ths YfcSiani War tavchrcd tear prcclixn- V' lyJJ" I c-' huni-cis cf t;eo- IF i Apartheid . . . Gostiscsd fe:a Pcs 7 ' Abrcus said that in 1077, the United Nations instituted an anrj embargo against South Africa. All U.N. members must participate in the embargo. The United Nations clzo provides Icol end monetary assistance to vietiins end political prisoners cf the apartheid system, he said. All U.N. members have condemned the apartheid system but ere divided on how to deal with it, Abrous said. The United Nations is worldng for the total divestment of South Africa. The system must eventually go; it is not pcecibls merely to reform It, he said. . The United States has condemned they syrtem, but dees net favor eJ cf the United Nations policies, Abrous United States citizens who ?bh to help in the flht c-iinst cpsrtheid should write to their senators and urga fuU endorsement of the United Nations' actions toward South Africa, he edd. Abrous b abo the Deputy to the Director of the United Nations Educa tional and Training Program for South Africa.-. . "WW, 1 Ai - " WA rwlona cf AmsfJcsns. Yet matt cf us hr3 never undcaod!sy Ksmow'a fcd"bnt end fprcjudlccd r.: beck tcwj fccli viliy and fccw C.!s L:2- vsr L.ct na cna wcd v23 kept V!:!nz A t:t:ry Is for everysnt Jhs tr;a Invcd cn any level la tt vr:rr, ter evsryena ro is ti hruntsd by IS, end fcr a nsw ctncraeJon to riicm Vietnam 13 cnSy A Copsnlon to FC3 Tclsvlslon Carles C-3.C3 J" 'Wife 12J ft R SuMtc In Uncoin Cntr Open Monday-Friday. 8-5 30. Saturday. 9 530 FoMee o o e ... 12:42 xun,,r-r. ricbus pcrccr.3r reported ncir 426 N. ICth Ct They were net there when cuccrs arrived.' - 1 2:44 am. Loud music reported at 1 245 N. 1 Cth St. Officers settled the situation. ' 12:53 a.m. Epicious persons reported at 1531 S St Omcera did not End snj-one in the area. ; 1:45 am. E-.crcncy phone reported off the hook at 14th and T7 streets. ' . 1:53 &.tx Lous noise reported at Broyhill Fqvlh tain. Q:;tcd a group cf people. : 8:54 &. Cccurity alsxm reported accidentally set off la Iliirdlton HsZI ; 3:05 p.m. - A person who is not a student report edly stole a b3& cr.rd to aNeihaTdt Hsll rom. The person wo zitcz tt The victim also reported being held in her .rccn tct her on Friday. The ' suspect rzzj eppczr ci court cn this charge J.Iond?y, although the victin rasy drop the chsrcs. The vic tim and sipect repcrtedy fcsew esch other. . - t 1 ' 0- ; "Th3 Dr;2.T,v;:.:v.;r"-. . . a 75-fn!nut3 pro- with ccrtrr,pcrcry h;i tun;3 frcm tho Dcra!:3, Jchn Denver, H3 Cccllio, Kcr.:s, Styx and ethers, t'.zroizn 2.CC3 vieue prcjested : into thrca tzrzo ccrcrns from 14 ccT.putoriz- ed prcjietera r-vo a unm cr.tertei,lrncnt experiment ycu ven'i went to r,il:3. - - t a W 4 i e i v.- -wl Tuccttey, Oct: 1 0, 7:C9 a 0:20 PM FIRST 3 YTEilIArj CHURCH mh a "F" Ctrc;t3 o 477-C037. , " ry i 7 cmfon jit Fur2 cili; too Over1CC0int!3Ck! - Cf -J l - 1 5 - 19 ff f) LEVIJ2Ar:3 I tzfi i El .a f ; $24 LI - i ! :?:;:h:L?3 ' I i i ' ' . i r s I ';:.-" V f X -. i v, r.:3. $123 ' Sw.