Monday, October 17, KZ3 Dally Ncbrcskan Pcga 1G o (A f 33 PBL MEMBERS .;p irtd' today, Octo t-t 17. Pay Craig or Sylvia, 3rd door Taachara Co'leg. "Frshman Day At CBA" Thursday, Octobar 20 9 f-4:03 p.m. CBA Lourto All Studant Vtcomal u. colli cs vow a ci:.tccnAT$ MweSing trtia Thursday 7:00 in trta Nabraska Union MAKE A DIFFERENCEI BE A STUDENT HOSTI Applications art now available for New Student Orientation (NSO) 1334 Student Host Staff positions. You may pick one up at: Campus Activities and Programs Office (200 Nebraska Union; East Union, 3rd floor) Your College Dean's Office Office of Admissions and Advising, 108 Administration. DEADLINE is Wednesday. November 30, 1983. Call the NSO Office at 472-2454 for more information. IMPORTANT TIMER'S MEETING TODAY AT 4:30 p m. MEET AT SPORTS COMPLEX POOL AREA. DON'T FORGET TO WEAR RED SHiRTSI Do you like melodious music? Thrilling theatre? Dazzling dance? You can have an impact on these arts at UNL by joining the UPC Major Performing Arts Commit tee Tuesday, October 18, at 8:00 in the Union. Is rt true you can buy jeeps for $44 through the U.S. government? Get the facts today) Call (312) 742-1142. Ext 3153-A. IMPORTANT TIMER'S MEETING TUESDAY, OCT. 18th at 4:30 p.m. MEET AT SPORTS COMPLEXiPOOL AREA. DONT FORGET TO WEAR (RED SHIRTSI It's Coming! ALL-UNIVERSITY tSUO tt'RESTUKa November 18 Be there) Even if you're not a pro. Go Steamboat you can go! Tuesday, October 25 Annual Dracublood Drive Nebraska Union. 9.00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Sponsored by Acacia Fraternity Supports Shrine Burn Center. 1984 MARTIAL ARTS CALENDARS $300. SHO-REI-KAN KARATE JUDO 475-6691 BIBLE STUDY1 For those just beginning or who want a new start. Tuesdays, 4-5:30 p.m. begin ning Oct. 18. 5 weeks. Wesley House UMHE 640 N. 16th NEBRASKA FENCING CLUE BEGINS SUNDAY 4:00-6:00 every Sunday In Coliseum. Equipment provided. Everyone Invited) Block and Bridle, in conjunction with Homecoming 1S23, proudly pre sents the Homecoming Swing Dance on Oct 20 at 8 p.m. in the East Union. Bring your boots and horss tor a good time. r Come and tee the hidden talents of University students. Don't miss the action of the Homecoming 1SS3 Talent Show on Wednesday. Oct. 19 at 6 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. What you see will amaze you. The University Program Council proudly presents the 1 &S3 Homecom ing Talent Show on Wednesday. Oct. 19 at 8 p.m. Coma out and support your favorite star) The moment you have been wait ing for will happen on Saturday at haiftima eoainet Colorado. 1S3's Homecoming royalty will be announced) The talents of the Trl Delta Wash board Band, UNL Men's Gl, Uni versity Choraie, and Scarit and Cream will be on display at "On The Pla" Saturday at 10 a.m. at Memor ial Plaza. "Grab For Something" "Jut For the Fun of it" at the Homecoming Dancel October 20, East Union Students, , Come rock at the Homecoming Dance, East Union. October 20. Uncle Ed . Round up your favorite gal and rodeo on down to the Homecoming Swing Dance. Thursday at the East Union at 6 p.m. You'll have a rowdy old time. - Get ready. The Homecoming Pa rade and Pep Rally are set tor Friday. Parade begins at 6 p.m. Pep Rally at Memorial Plaza. - FREE OUTDOOR MOVIE) FREE OUTDOOR MOVIEI FREE OUTDOOR MOVIE) See Rocky III and "Get The Eye of the Buffalo" Tuesday. Oct 18th. 8:00, on east side of Love Library. Spon sored by All-University Homecom ing. UPC American Films, and Lowenbrau. Spike your way down and coma watch the competition of the Home coming 1S33 volleyball tournament finals. 6:30 at Mabel Lea HaD. We'll serve you a lot of fun. Star City Players will provide the music and Memorial Plaza will be the place for the Homecoming 1S3 Street Dance. The music ssarts up at 8:00 p.m. Bring your friends or that spe cial someone and get psyched for Homecoming 143. Show your spirit and get ready to watch the Husk era clobber Colorado. Attend the Homecoming Pep Rally on Friday, Oct 21 at 7:30 p.m. at Memorial Plaza. Don't miss the ex citement, and be a part of it all. The stars will shine at the Home coming 1883 Talent Show Wednes day. Oct. 19, at 8 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. Don t miss this bright event. ciii i- Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT isaconfiden tial helping hand. 4&3-2S99. Manpower Inc. 122 N. 11th Term papers, theses, doctorala, resumes, letters, outlines, etc. Reasona- . ble rates. Near downtown campus. Call 477-8338. GUITAR INSTRUCTION Private Lessons Beginners or Advanced ZAGER GUITAR STUDIO 423-2709 NEW Fingernail Etchings free offer The Galtwry 484-0914 620 ft. 43th TYPEWRITERS: RENTAL - SALES - SERVICE BLOOM'S 323 N. 13th 474-4138 ClU.lOr.lACTIC Downtown Monday Friday Dr. John Wynhiun For appointment, call 477-1027. Fresh CiQsrs Fresh Tobacco Nice Pips CHtY's Downtown 12th 4 0 Ski Condo In Dillon. Colorado. Close to all ski areas. Call 483-6297, 4ts9-3444, Of 423-1 6ti. 1 Need a ride to Minneapolis Oct. 21 , Will share expenses. 472-8217 or 433-1CQ3. J ! t ! I FOUND: A watch between Burnett Andrews. Call 472-8327. DTD LITTLE SISTER Meeting Tuesday night at 6:15. Offic ers, important meeting beforehand, 5:45. Dan, Happy Anniversary. Thanks for the last three years. Let's have lots more. ILovaYou. Lou Eric T. (Delt). Congratulations on making the 1984 NSO Staff Assistant You'll do a great job, I am sure. Make it the best thing you've done yet (even Camp Lincoln). Remem ber .. . maybe not the besL but the most supportive. Good Luck! My Three Opos-sons: Donl be possumptuousl Snout pos sumble for this fiasco to tail off promptly. Ed One Busy Man. - (want to spend time with you. but IH be patient because you are worth waiting for. I like you) One "Homy" Girl Bill. Sorry last week was so rotten. Hope this one is better. Love. Kim Val. Happy 20th. So what's the big deal anyway? (Just kidding!) Kim Lynns. Happy 20th. It's going to be tun going to the bars together finally. I'D see ya later. Party til ya' puke. ftandee Kelli. Happy 20th. t - fcft.' l--rrm ' i"?F-j- I fj II!' i U - " -U i il ' 1 i . ' 'Ti( i ;i r. . ; "'7'; , . n I ) : '' '.11'" . i-t" n l ... - ; EDuTTOMN-CihiSEF Wham and Jam to the sounds and tights of Star City Players at the Homecoming Street Dance on Fri day, Oct. 21 at 8 p.m. at Memorial Plaza. EM cf all. IT'S FP.EElSt! Catch The Crib Entartalnmafit for Homecoming "63 on Tuesday, Octets 16 i "i 4fiiyn Patera 3 i iimC :m -Er ,t Jutf ferine Fun Of ! Tha Dslly rbrssksn is new fssrptlng p'!sstlor.s until 4 p.m. Cstsber 23 for Ed'.t-iivChKl fi? spring Tha Editar-ln-Chief formu!stc$ ediiris! policy, cvsr- f2$ r.zwzrcom cpsratlons, dstarmifics editor ps;a ccntsnt er.J reports to the Pub!isstson$ Csard. 'Appssnts must have cm year newspspsr experience end fca a ftJdsnt it tha University cf fkbrs;ka Lincoln. AppSscstsons . csa bs cttsinsci from , Dsn Ehsttil, Oocfn 34, fbr!;a UrJca.' - -i Daily i UNL does not derbcirts la its acaiende, tr:Av'r-r cr -:-!?,YT;tsnt rx'::i-J 6' i iiiies by all Icds'tl it :,,.om John R. (Linus), . I pray I still am to you what you are to me. I tove youl I hank lot bmt 3 years ol my lii. Charlie EUownl But NO as much as I love you I'll even have a dog in the housat BUHI All My Love, Lori B. (Pasty) Piqfet: Happy ISta birthday) Have a great day! Mtiwe Happy Birthday Mike! Hcpa you have a nice day. WOW1 V-met a wondrnt wwkeftd at WorKJs Of Fun with the wuNutnFUL woman I love trie most. Thanisi Dobbsrt happy BiFtTHDAYll Hope you have a GREAT day) Tain Chartovie, You make life SO very sweet. Happy Eirthday. Luv Spuncky CVr Kf OH Vxh S',nma Pif"s: ,S OH WHu HAVE YOUR OH WHERE OH WHER8 COULD TMtt PE? YOU 3 NEW SSSTrRS HAVETHCM AND IF YOU ALL WANT THEM COM2 AN0 SkHENADE THCS. , RSVP love, J. L, N. M. M Freshrrun malm: Have the Q-i!iis you want but am a sophomore. HSVP If inieiwisd. Nancy MDS3. The walnut stain cant last forever, the mud has faded from my shos, and the corvairs will, as the licorice d! d. some day return to the earth from which they came, but my memories of days with you will last forever) DJ23 How do you cure a Lobster It Lowen brau hangover? with ATO purple passion. Hy Red Jacket hite Shorts We fit your description of brunette and tan jacket. But darn, left at 8:10. Could you be wrong? R.V.P. Wondering Hey Rotanda Sister) Hope you had a good one) Love, Arethra Torn Congratulations Saldbar Goddess. So happy you got the job you wanted. Deb Harper 8, Thanks for the movies last Wednesday! We had fun! Smith 4 Crockett' HAPPY HOUR! Monday thru Friday 4-7 pm i Price Drinks Nightly Special MONDAY: ESQ SCREEN SPORTS $1 Bear 2SI Hot Dogs TUESDAY: DANCE TO CRAIQ ESTUD1LLO And Top 40 Hits WEDNESDAY: SINGLES NIGHT Special Late Night Happy Hour THURSDAY: DANCE TO CRAIG ESTUDILLO And Top 43 Hits FRIDAY: DANCING NIGHTLY 9-1 em. wAPPv-Hnnn.i 33rd & Pioneers ' : 408-5950. s I ( V. ; J "rt y'J'J7 t HAIRSTYLING FOR MEN AND V.Cr.CN - i , - a v ' . An i i it Aiiy Hdrctyllno Performed d U ,w' ' " m p iv r"" r V" ' it""" " ' Cm 'U Ijf 1 ar Park SHOPi experts irj psnA&irjT ; IVAVir.'G AfD TK2 fJATUHAL CURL LGCX 1219 Q STREET, GLASS MENAGERIE Cf far eaei cji Mcadsy, - Tutt-sy or VVjxiiy prcftrsbly. :' SSWORD PUZZL 1 Mix up, G.I. styla ' gf.Isrganser . 13 Source cf a . isarectlc lSWifscfZc.'JS IS Ori;:'r.! person 17"Andthreby . 13 Descended t3Ch:thDv's "Th: . SI Pain in the neck 51 Altaian product ZH Swansea veticla . 43 River inEpsin 4-1 Scvist mcunts-in: . rare 43 Arc:r . 47TCtim O Trril 3II.D.c:rL-3 C5 Carry's r: ' ClGrclacirc'.v-'a C2f:ts Ci.".:;relrs.'ii3 C 3 t.::::,V2 nGivsfur.d3 C!':t:."'3 - f r iririy . 1 Persian rclsr--, 2Rscpcr.sst3th2 LitUa Itei lien 3 ia Calico," 1S4S SCT3 . 4 Milter's "After .the":, . S Int. acrcr.ym Pottery . , frssier.t -7 Drawl , 8Lsx!-..2crcr.l -SArrcrd32cn aturksy'sdin ISUly . 11 Greek theater 12 Capital ci Crete 13Cc!l2Ct 21 Er.tice 12 Cer:'ire ISEetsycr D!ar,a LI :j rtiicn . nwiidssat . 23 Tesris terra 23 EUiptical . 23 Glen ' ,27EarJ-Sadr's land - -23 ilzzzt ' 41 AIOK.I ... .' 43Irjai.nTurky OO Er.plrt f.VM&'--T.a 21 1!rYcrk 23IYc;::"::-ja El Cvictj 21 Lack ' 23 FiUwiicarso r !'!- CT C3Sv.-.:rv:s 1 j2 J 4 - ) II" " "" """ "" 'mansgaajBas bbbjw MM HMHs -44- Till smmm oaaawi flaaaaaw omh wbh ; 'inw laaaMwa mmm ,1 .i iV , ' I' I ; i A ) . A I 1 i Tl l" "I I I UlU II 1 I ! ill 'UJ 1 I I fl Mil ,1 ' i.rwclri to