The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 14, 1983, Page Page 12, Image 12
Pago 12 Dally Nsbraskan Friday, October 14,1 C03 .1 MP A. ft ii i ) O ' o O o o . o I). a o o o o (I o n O o o o ti i ci O ti o i O n o II t IMMIGRATION LAWYER STANLEY A KREGER 478 Aquita Court Cidg. 16th & Howard Strtttt Omaha, Ntbrtska 3102 (432) 343-22-3 Mambar, American Immigration Lawytrs Association Roziers . . . Ccntinscd frcn PcgtJ 11 "I had always planned to come bsck to school," he said. "So after I saved up, I decided to come Join Mike and Guy here. WeVe always been close and it's great to be here with them." According to Dill, the Rozier brothers made quite a mark at Wilson High School as far as athletics were con cerned. Three older brothers, Glenn, Tony and Joe proceeded them through the school with Glenn and Tony earning scholarships to a com munity college after graduation. "When we lived in Camden, we were all treated like Hike is here," Bill said. "Most people knew who we were." The Roziers began their sporting careers at a young ege, picking up on different sports through their older brothers and watching the pros on television, he said. "We started playing sports when we were lit tle," Mike said. "We played everything from bacbdl to foctbsll to bas ketbdl It helped us to keep off the streets and out of trouble." Though each Rozier brother hzs hb own rea son for ending up In Ne braska, It's no coin cidence that it hap pened, they Bzy. "I was sort of homesick my first year (at Coffey vffie), but once Guy came out here, too, it made a difference," Mike said. "Having BUI and Guy down here Ls also an ad vantage because we dent have to worry about find ing a roommate. We know each others habits cr.d v,'s dent havs to g:t ussd to living with a stranger." All three agreed that IMr.g In Nebraska took some adjusting from the New Jersey lifectyte. "Everything here closes at 1 a.m. and on Sundays," Guy said. "Sometimes," Mike added. "I think all of Lin coln's nightlife b set up for the alumni or the senior citizens." But, Mike Roller will teavs hb mark on Ne braska. And, if nothing tits. Camden athletes will know a lot about the state by the time Guy and Bill graduate as well Before, no one In New Jersey knew much about Nebraska football " Bill said. "But now that Mike b cut here, everyone b listening and vatchlng for Nebraska." u 1324 P Street 474-4975 STORE HOURS Mon.-Sat. 10-5:30 Thurs. 10-9 Sun. 12-5 1 Buskers wi 1 slap Tigers' paws First, for the most Important prediction of the week Baltimore in seven games. Jim Palmer comes out of the bullpen to males the game-saving tackle and throws a touchdown pas3, too. Now on to college football the sport of Dukes. 4 irsjfisjii (Qrpiko 41(0) ' . Orlr f Goodn JWCE IKS D!3 im Why not stop to est with us'.,".' on your game trip SOUTH! We serve aH meals COMPLETE MENU. Well reserve private room for groups. OffHiwayK99 lBlk South , r 1 Elk. West of squire' in Frankfort DAVIS WESTSDE RESTAURANT FRANKFORT, KANSAS 913-2924359 Nebraska at llbsoarL The Tigers showed they can score last week, even if it was only against Colorado. After some early season problems, they appear to have come around, which can only be bad news for the Huskers. We found out last week that the Huskers are, after all mere mortals. Irving Fryar really isn't Mercury and Turner Gill snt Zeus and Mike Rozier isWt Hercules. As gods, they're not so hot But they're still good football players and one game cant erase that that You can count on three things in life, dear readers death, taxes and Missouri being fired up for Nebraska. But the Huskers have had their scare cf the month (Halloween notwithstanding) and they should be ready: IfetxssZsi 23, Hbsssxi 10. a consistent offensive threat If they can get a few points on the board early, they have a good chance of upsetting the Horns. Otherwise it could be a long afternoon for the Texans. Fortunately for Arkansas, they have, in Lou Holtz, one of the best coaches In the world at getting hb team ready for a big game. You can be sure that the (Razorbacks wont be surprised by any tricks, and it's just possible they might come up with a few of their own. Mostly because of Lou Holtz, 111 take the Hogs over the Horn3 in an upset Arkansas 21, Texas 21. Oklahoma at Oldaherra Ctate. The Cowboys are to be commended for their play last week against the Huskers. Sure, Nebraska didnt play as well as they could have, but Oklahoma State had a lot to do viththat . Their problem this week will be duplicating that effort It's always a problem to be sky high two weeks in a row, as Ohio State found out a few weeks ago against Iowa after defeating Oklahoma the week before. . ' .' !''.-.V f-':'" ? The Sooners, on the ether hand, shouldnt have any trouble getting ready for thb game, They lost last week and that's always a good way cf gating motivated. And Duprce b gone, at least for the week A -harpyfactb-!! . tz an, pl": . ha "ryjen : thf d; 1. mi ....3 v . ... ,,a i-J AW. - . Texas at Arkansas. The Longhorns proved their mettle last week against Oklahoma, as they com pletely shut off the Sooners rushing attack and so discouraged Marcus Dupree that he ran away from school or (Barry Switzer, depending on your point of view). .'-V-"V : The Texas cflense, although good, b not on the same level as the defensive unit They might very well have trouble moving the ball on the IIcg3. For Arkansas, the key to the game will be mounting Clio Ctata at Illlnaia. Remember when Clio State played Biinob and I said the winner of the game would go on to the Rose Bowl? and then I went ahead and picked Ohio State!! (Ha, ha) Well I take all of that back. Illinois' upset of Iowa a couple cf weeks ago has thrown the Big 10 race up for grab3. That Trudeau you see at quarterback for the Fighting Illinl isnt the prime minister of Canada. Jack Trudeau can go to both his left and right - The biggest asset Illinois has, however, is their defense. Any unit that can shut out the Hawkeyes has to be pretty good. Still the Buckeyes appear to be too strong for Illinois: Go Cias 7, Er-Ls 17. fn Ibo Dn&rNchrnsknn todzv. Kmim Bracms a p!arma doner! $ 1 0 b paid fcr cash dsnatisn and you may donats every 72 hoars. Ycu can cam up to $ 1 CO a cacntli! "New defers mil receive en cdditisnal $2 tvith thb ad fcr . their Clrtt dcnatlca. , : -."'r-',' ' PLUS every tir.s ycu donats durinj thz centast paricd, starao raIs.."Yci:r clianaci cf vrinnir Inrraaia x&th cash K-tawiitw! mJ L ji VtU&AM Start tzlzyl XI e'U put trails in your ears and money in your f v Open Monday-Saturday C:CD a.rn.-G:C0 p.m. o ii o o ) o o o o (I o o o o 0 o o o o l tl o . ) .i i 1 i M l o o o -o . o o u TGOGES r FM'IOS FOOTBALL MANIA NO. 1 Tha nrv ircin-snt cf Stooges 'invitss you this Saturday to wstoh ths thbr. vs. Hb. Footbs!! gama cn on of cur 11 T.Vs including 3 fc!j scresm. In addition to cur Pip Osnd we wi!l have representatives from KFRX Fm 103 giving out goodies & free drinks, food by Tommy's Deli, nd a replsy, of the "Game cf tha Century", before end after the Missouri pme. fO COVER-NO MINIMUM . " . , OPEN AT 1 P.M ' KICKOFF AT 2:30 ' Watch the geme where the crowd will be: AVE ROCK LINCOLN '''' '.' .. : ' V i -Ji't '" 111 WHERE PEOPLE IJEET. kl CI P Ota