The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 13, 1983, Page Page 6, Image 6
"4 ' - s. .1 I M - i . u t 4 r ! I 1 i i i : i r i II!crc;!:cr-5 ctr:!.i error t!:3 C-e? r:rr 13 Ci2 ct-r - 1 ! I s I h c I1 1 1 C : ""Tw , V 3 n C" Tkiird V(rdd's oihlmlf: scenes behind &aa sound- "Livs in concert" . , . bands atresia serosa the country, putting oa (Ittsr in performances that keep fans gcre3rJr4 through the niht Cound3 cliinorous, but ca the road h not es easy as it secrns for bands or road crews. Few fans know thg lsrthy process that brings a show to Lincoln, sets up the required eqpnsnt and makes the wheb thin Charles him i3 reduction suoervi Tir liura ona, a jspsccn ree . ctsphu Cone's cfTccta, erT ces, or check ca what mi'ht have been wrcr.3 ths day before" he said. Te tvw ri.i Th5 T7a-' 1 (3 CrJl -&3 CaCCf1C3 CI) 2iC3 - 1 n'"4X3j t-.3jj tveO frJrS , Ctuari t.zl "Zzlzzz they ;t there, 111 do an in.tll check to make sure every thirds a! dht".;.- ; the keyboard system, guitarist concert set-up werk Tith thrcs ether peep!3, he cvcrrccs the technical end ef concerts. ' . , 'Third 7orld actually has a permanent crew that works with them d. "7e all live Llrxcks was the Erst concert top cn Third Vcrli's new tour in the United tcck a p!r3 to Oiszhay then drova to Iinccln. T2 jroup reeled Wcdr-dry rr.d rrpesred Dirt C&zzp far a - Y .... V.J Jfe 4 4. ' . 7hea they come, all thr have to do ' i is turn on their transmitted walk cn ' trd i wwtaiwrt bd done the preliminary ch Shim said the pace picks up when the ehow is ctr. : , "After the ilisu, it's yzzl 'cn yaur . KUw tKl JtJ ' eaid. "TI;cn the e-ipmcr.t b cn to the - T"-. V -i . v ; w ; r f r"- f fl1 ( : " f f -. CSwf ' " f- - tOSt '"? jTrj p? -s 5' y. "ft 'S rf? 'Wfc wWf-rVl- 3 -"f " - Fcr c.3 U'3r,:t t ck: crt t!.:r. and fcunwis. U. i i . - - J