Tlmzdty, October 13, t::3 mem If- list eS!V!te OiilGM! (iiirr i r A ' 'Hi HeehLi3 acrcsp ccr.-:.:?.: rts'-ta to t CCctilt Li a v;cr!:ehepY.eie3 d:y la tha Netrteha Ur.lcn. -' v- v is . ,. , .j i," y j, ,1 peychclect, titrteted thsut 0 UTJL cr.t tr.eer;e3 cr.d tpper.iier.3 r to th? ;.:.L.-.r,;;-rr.rr.t cf dUTercRces In -. i 3 (h' into Ci'OUpS . r.d a ceitcia ccstrovcisiel J to theia fcy Cea-' ; shcra, Th3 r-;:. cf the creiir-T, she s-J, ves to cjti ;-.-3 tt cr.3 cr--:r. rus r ' b-t'thr. i li vtr- -h-rs err :eu 1 t crs, wLo v,-Hl be tl:lc to ti!:2 v h-t tl-. .'7 12.57 ans. S-rpIsisss pcrssai re- ifcr JL.fcl a.- toVnOl 1 ti tha Ui:L Cchcci cliKir. tzl$ she i:r ei ths fc'crlhcp o s feci to t cccma Thb workshop wi3 fcs useful t t-uht her to ba a rrcra cctive iltcncr in th2 fro 1 Cohere ss!d the isror t-pes cf dif ferences ia a croup dscb!sa-ir.sJirj procea lavth-td vdaes, facts methods Uvtivi A-J I v-JI JUi a &fe.r,t ADAPT i a pre cernpoccJ cf4D r.t!cct fr.-.:!-en 'i.-ho er.rcll m cr.3 cf t!-ri2 ADAPT cour:::i e.1 U!"L. Ihe ADAPT coarses hdp tI.-2 ttucrnts to 1 : tm oid thL;k raora ccnttraetl Jy. - ,s 7 i Daily n 111 rPOD'JCTION MANAGcR AOVtftTlSiNo MA?JAGCH a?,s:stnt ADVERTJSiNQ MAJAGcR MANAS! NO COiTOa EDITOR ASSCCiATE NEWS EDITORS LAYOUT E0IT03 VsRE EDITOR N'CHTNEV3CCMT0R ' A.f '..;SrA.'T NIGHT 3'rblTOR - ENTEaiA."" "4 f i OITOR - S-PC iTS f DiTOS DOCTOR PHOTO CKliF ASGlSTANT PHOTO CHiUF , . PUCUCATIONS frDA.3 CtJ ' .. mON PKOf"E;0 L AC iVJJK EDITOR UfTI J ?! f -,i;.:a , h MIL i r- t r 1 f- I v XX."AJ.KW.'ii--N.V-VVV.ii.W VVWV V VVVVVVVVWUVVX s T. Da;! f;rt?VM (USPS 144C3) is rutl;;he1 ty UNL Pxit!ictions Ccard 4on;y t-rsi.-1 Friday in fsa fs.i and sprtnj sams;:3fB end Titsjis and Ffidrys ki ttie ; siflnm xseoro, astern fihiriRj vscs-.ions. -- fiittsm ere CJicoyrt-sd to submit story fef'Sss snd comfr, :ts on tf Daily ?4cbrssfcan by pf.5r.lsi 42 -.IC, 3 fectan s.m. and 5 : p.m. tjr.7 fires.; Tri .-y. Tha f'j.b5c io fcs rrs t Putiicctions Coard. For ir,:"5rr..;a, cs.:i tary Cenlj, 472-C215. C: y Kz'r.TTj.n. f ." -rtuk Union i4, to a o o o y v i 1 I I. y 1 i (Lil w - Restaurant & Dessert House . (Cclunibia, Miccomri Ferula Elisppiiig Ceafsr-Stedium BItc ' 2 Llin.. Wcct cf Fcstball Stadioo - V