The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 13, 1983, health and fitness '83', Page Page 3, Image 19

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    H:Uh & Fitnc:3
PCC3 3
1 l i
KU'A hi if
Thursday, October 13, 1C33
Oversized bellies fmd
Relief from tight jeans
Diets fire 12:3 bl!y-buUen3...evcrytody has one.
"1 , ni?0Urf ntxp 13 " ei! its way beyond the
cr..:::j ci !:t ycar'a KSp jeans, you ere probably
. . V? A3 to be the motto of the lOCOs, ar.d
ccvrral individuals and businesses offer Lincoln res-h-cr.ts
advice on haw to shed those extra pounds
'" J2 itary consultants offer low calorls products
ccnccnr;:tcd nutrients which tradi
tions! fire. Other places encourr 2 low cs.!c-ri2
prcriion cf old-fishloned Aracricsn meab.
Jns New Doctor's Di:t end the Carr.brid-s Diet food rer.hccrncnt products. Donna Coilura,
WCO-LL3 distributor, said she supports the Doctor's
Diet whila :!rrtyn LsT.ocque, a CsdL'crnia bsed
spokesperson for the Carabrid-3 Diet p!sn, said thb
prenrara was highly effective for quick weight loss.
Both women said their products were resssxehed by
gpecits and tie complete meds that contain til
recommended amounts cf vitamins, minerals, pro
tein, carbohydrates, fcts and f.bers. LaRocque sdd
the Cambridge plan also contains all trace elements
and electrocitcs recommended by the. National
Academy of Science. While the Cambridge plan
psxks the contents of its products into 330 calories
a day, the Doctor's Diet has plans for diets of 800
calories or lower.
Coilura said a person must have 800 calories a
day and that the Doctor's Diet which was Intro
duced by Dr..Arthur Furst, Ph.D., and Dr. Kenneth
Hirsch, H.D., and pathologist, recommends this. She
said dieters follow the plan for two weeks and can
lose 10 to 14 pounds during this time "naturally and
Coilura said the Doctor's Diet is "one of the safest
diet plans today" and that many people are able to
live with the diet the rest of their lives.
Cc!lura said 42 meals, enough for two weehs, cost
$43 and that distributors pay about $ 10 less. Availa
ble products are chocolate or vanilla drink mixes,
fruit bars and chicken or beef soup.
The Cambridge Diet offers a wider variety cf pro
ducts. A 21 -meal can of dutch chocolate, french
vanilla pr strawberry drink mix costs $ 17.50. Peanut
butter or chocolate bars cost $19.80 for a box of 12,
and freeze dried meals cost $2.75 a piece. Dinners
are chili mac, barley and vegetable stew and Spanish
rice. Cambridge also sells chicken, beef and tansy
tomato soup and dutch chocolate dessert. LaUccque
said all meab are low in sodium and fat
LaRocque said the Cambridge plan can be the sole
source of nutrition for four consecutive weeks and
then dieters can go back to small amounts of normal
food for ten days and return to the regular plan. She
said some people have the self discipline to do it and
others supplement the regular plan with a small
meal She said either way is acceptable. On this diet,
16-22 pounds can be lost in 4 weeks.
LaRocque called the Cambridge Diet the most
popular diet to help Americans diet" She said
between May 1CC0 and November 1832, 5 million
people had been on the plan. :
Although the diet may be popular, Kathleen Lehr,
dietician at the University Health Center, said she
"wouldn't recommend a diet that is that extensive
and that it should only be done under a physician's
monitoring. ' . !;, . : -
Lehr said the Ca
carDonyGratcs ana calories. She said dehydration is
one of the darters cf a Ir-carbohvdrate dirt sai
that all nutrients needed crent present-in these
'types of plana" ;
',, Lehr ssid she docsnt put criyone on a fad diet but
instead uses an exchar.3 rjz'.::T that includes var
ious amounts cf fooi""frcn the four basic food
groups. She said the need for natnents is the same
whether a rerr.on wants to maintain cr losa we "ht.
co it's a cha!'er.2 to Ci these nutrients into a zz.izZzr
amount cf calories. " . " ; ; ' - v ;
; i t
-1 ( f ; :
w4 H
Vhcri you see Encore's new Fall T-Shirt selection, it'll be hard to decide
what to buy. We've got hooded T-Shirts, Long-Sleeved T-Shirts and a big
line of satin Jackets.
if !t( 4v-f LONG-SIEEVE T-SSOTS .. 3 nsiv co!ors"
lw - In G cobra SATIN JACKETS
h 4 colors
Ask about how to win a gift-certificate toward a free pizza with a minimum order.
Call Now For One Of Your Campus Representatives,
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