The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 13, 1983, health and fitness '83', Page Page 2, Image 18
1 Thursday, October 13, 1CC3 Health & Fitness Pago 2 Most-sizwteMs covzretl by 0 tre't f I i 1 I 4 I ' I i 4 1 O ' i I v 1 i, 'j ' - 4 i f-. i. 1 I : i e 4 1 ; 1 " t t 1 r::::i!3T3 a ft :r:L::QL ::::;: t o ( I II t I I t is ( I .r- r- - Vtx in r- r-j . 1 S. J J it I -i f 1 -J fin:( r " " .,,,") Shirts from T Shirts . Getting in Ehcpe Never Looked Better! Centrum 474-4140 Zi pretty ycu'i! v.-nt to wzzr t'.:rn everyday. ;r; :ct fcr excrei:?, d;nc3 cr cn ths run n fl t i o i o 1 . i t i t I 1 J ' 1 J ' ' ' Although most students are Li ths prune cf their lives cr.d trc o heelthy n3 they ever will be, a slniTicent number of then have EInc-ts sin J . need hedlh Insurance scii Clcvs E'.oni, University Health Center tor. Virlsne CcfTcy, an r ":nt t Fcrrth Ir.surence Az', ZZZ il ICth C. r - ! I ' , .-..l -1 fy A tea v.I.cthtr they ere irr;i o th-ir percr.ts pclleies fctrrs fcujtr. fceellh dcr.tJ ere covered If they ere tlr iinicr 3 cx3 cf c 2 nd .vtc 2 Cc.T:y eeid her certper.y Ir-'rea very fevy etudcr.ts tceaue ir.cit ere covered on their perents pellelta. Thcee who ere net covered ir;;:r"yLuy insurance through UUL's Ctudent Group Ucelth Ir.curenee Pelley clcred by Eeyetene Insurenee Cerr.pery, el.2 . . Corspenies c!Terir.3 lriiv!iuel pler cennet ccrr.pete vrlth the prices cf the Keystcne f!::,n fceee"ce li clers crorp X Jo 0 LsrjMt'-wT tNaitli 'sl bentts to cover U.:ir neeij er.d pe elbiy ct tetter ccvercs then a crcup t-Hl fflWftw Tw-. fT, vc3 devxleped tyUIIC teerd r.ereeers frO rf-? jt. ITJT.. Dion seid bout 2lCC3xf.UZL's 25,000 students, cr 0 to 10 percent, purchesed tha peliey l:.:t jxer. Deceuee about CO percent cf UIX " pellcies, the plea reeeta tie r. cf heve hee!th in:urence cr (!a net heu plena vvhieh cover children, I-ora e?!4. "A let mere etudents c::':.t to buy tnd prcbebty va buy the Heltons plen this yter," X-Ien seid. The phn hej in exL'.tcr.cs fer a yeer, end it he3 been pu -- Deceuee the Flen h a f roup plen, the ceet b ZICO a yeer. Diem cethneted thet en indiriiuei pien with cei-eperetle benef-ts wcuid ceet tCCO toJUOaycrx. Lr-heitt eeld the He;:. '.one pvin p-yj 1C3 percent cf the chej--i for U : -t:'.:;.-t et the heelth center, enclud ir.j rr.edieetl:n, pherreeey tnd dented tr; il:r.:r,t (urd:c3 it b ceuedby ccci Crt). H:e pel'ey el:) tr; c-te! d 2 the hee!th c.:-t.r ty r 3 CO p rrcer.t cf tr, e Lie: ; J,l J ci expenses e 1:2, cr.a luu titer percent cf the e::cr.r.3 eteve C2,C0D to s mn3Lmumi ,c i)vvj ' Lmhcretceid cUcr.d:rrredasteor preduete UICL ctuder.t3 v. ho pey stu dent fees ere civ: L! i t o b ::y ti.e policy. Their dependents tlea cn t e covered under the plen, but th:y must ba treeted la the corsmurdty nedicsl eer iec3, ret e,t the h: c-:r.'::r. . such cj a eerrd-pri..:2 1.erpiteJ room end boerd, phyeieierjs' f;:e, druci and ea, cress- pal 4 ree ire, X-rep, r.r.bu! f:;e, certs, use cf whee!eheir3 cr crutches, nodded coverr'2 b prodded fer meternity, Until leet yeer, Ilutuel cf Orneha cfTered th2 croup policy for m.T Com eeid the heillh center besrd 'switched ccrepenies to cfTer a more tt Ilutuel cfCir.ehn, ceid her ccrepeny ctil hend!:.s thoueeneb cf student pel- I ) $ t i ! I s 4 i i . o . I i I I o I St 4 ) - ( 1 u 1 1 I J 1 1 J ) i- I f (. t 1 I i i ! 4 t i ( ) 4 i ) i ) I i ( i i i ! ' ! i . ( t I t Z3 1 7 f - I ( j1- 1 r- ..r... .. lJ -- uv - ' r p n M h J v J J V J 'v, . -y i J il !i I Vf 1 ,' ( i . Fv j p t a nt. - r A r 1 r j c: ... v - Mr " - t o ji o it a o o o 45 O o o 0 . o o t fl (I o fl o .11 tl tl II' o fl o f I fi o (1 (I (I o o fl o l o o o (I o o !l ii i) it o o II ! 4 tl (I il j fl !l o II I I (.1 1 s I ! I s 1 t i ( ' i b!- . ... .1, . . - . W , . , e k ... - ' - ' . . . 4 t , (i t i . V i. - - - w 9 am W w w w W "t