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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1983)
Pr:o13 b3crei:s sweat it out Co;; m V i:Tc.Ur..T;-clr.;l T " lMVi UUWVvl I J wwJ r thtt Mi The Ccciiia kat a run-ctohs-csiU i;iiJ- Wv-.tcrn t m d. The i:ar.f:.M City quartet b mere far playing "s'.vc!y roc fcfhss a! i. 11 , -2 n re- 'j at 1 jnrcr?.?!r.i . to te seen. The oroupVO play ;tur d::y evcnlr..i in Centennial Itoom at the Nebraska Union. Harper-Cchramm-Crr.ith cavcmincnt b sponsoring the" The Secrets are four guys intent on ivir,3 the audience a pod toe. Dah lor said the croup's average cf ZZO dat3 a year keeps them quite busy. The croup plays many colle- cities 'during their busy year, end has ap peared in Lincoln before. . . Dahlor attributed the group's road succc:.3 to tha fact that the land plays rausis that b timeless and not trendy. Although tha band beasts a- show of tcira includes music by Hitch Kyder, Crccdcnce Clcoxritcr Revival, Graham Paxlxr and Ehii CcsttZo. Vccat. Erent Head cited acts such o CC2 and the ' Byrds as influential for the croup. The Secrets' live have dsiainatcd their time in the past few years, but raakto j" , records and videos has claimed part of "the band's toe lately. ' -. The Secrets have released their first LP, and so far sales have been quite, fas J, Dahler said. The. album "titled Sczrcts was released cn a British label in the U.S., Canada, Australia, France, Belgium and Holland. Although the band has no exact figures cn the album's soles, they ore very pleased with its activity. Dahlor said that for some reason, the album has sold more copies in North Carolina than in the . group's haar.e state cf Missouri. The C :.ercts are just this wcekvrrcp pir.,i up taping for a video they've been 'Hare-owir.g-. .7 C:tinredrai.rae 11... To make a br.n stsry cYVJ. fuHI Iff it rv f rA1f?t by nest Tuesday, hell send the pic tures to the Daily Nebraskan. And thcyll print anything. r. i Cer.t!r.v..lL:':U-:?10 "U;t:...n b bcara 1 c a: 2 th? words are r ft.- j, v- . , . . thanks to singerkey- bcardist Lyn Dyrd. The two other members of the ccup, Nic and Cliv;r North do adequate, but not great jobs on their instruments. The broth ers axe defln itely not very Cctod singers. The Europeans can haw thb group baclc It's the least we can do. f nt'.s ccrt;sy Ci;. llzzzttt TLe C v.Tiidr. on for about three weeks, Dshlor sold. With only two or so more days kit of actual shooting the whole piece should be ready by the end of the month.'. -K ' " Dahlor said that the band members have enjoyed the writing and produc tion theySe done for the video. The work will..; be the visual part. of the' band's new single "UniTorm." : With three singes and an album on the market, the Secrets may find a lot more variety in the 250 dates they play during the year. Perhaps only time and MTV will tell In the meantime The Secrets will be concentrating on their shows one by one.' UNL music fans will st to know The Secrets at the show thcyll be doing Saturday niht in the Union. Sweaty rock wiil never be the same. i L TONIGHT 85 Lonnnsck 9:00 p.m. to Close S Live entertainment Una 'weekend Luke Stevenson Friday end Saturday Oct. 14 and 15 . ' ' ' " NO COVER CHARGE. Lunch &. Lounse 476-1020 - Love, Chris.. :. , . ? .v . r i ; The theme for non-contest number seven is to come up with a new occu- -pitisn far fcrraer Interior Secretary Watt. Send your entries to Arts -& Entertainment Editor, Nebraska Union 34, Lincoln, Neb., 6S5S3. The dear.e b Oct 21. WW r-j i is "We're almost through bur first rT' wwv wj tV- Ji 4mjt,4 jfj( - ' uCcrii:rin3 the cnius cf the " either, . Fn csrprld it's net on its - , &t roct . Iccl toc4-tcrcs. XlCj cot " .Wclseh said he plans to create s'. l&l.tCXlCwl C -r3 cf JvFC-'.S tit . sais!,i'3"a man n jirovcr the J7catfa!l3 "' cf the Cat: e Liver in a boxrcL". , - ' clseh said the calendar has tv.o unique f: stares. Virst cf all, no matter how bad you feel, you can look at the calendar and see somebody who had something worse happen to them. Secondly, if you're stuck for an idea far a party, you can look at it and ccme up . with a reason." ;" -:' r ' ' L. ' i ' .k v ! 7-'; "sv. ) ;i Has Purchasing jewelry Got You Puzzled? ALL DIAMONDS ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL Many so-called "sale diamonds" are - merely diamonds of much lower quality. ' When shopping, ask. to see the diamond under magnif ication in a ten power binocular microscope, such as Sartor Hamann's Diamondscope. ' , COMPARISON-WILL SHOW YOU WHY THE STATE'S BEST VALUES IN FINE DIAMONDS HAVE COME FROM SARTOR HAMANN FOR ALMOST 80 YEARS. Sartor Hamann nas tne pieces. h I--'' tfi.v i&(4r 76 . dallt xlr-3 to Icxt us tl rrtct ter of fact, the ICC 4 Good Life Calendar says that CD years a.;: 3 today . cf a better reason far a party?-'. ' ' ' i imim mill iiwwiiiiniiiiiiliniiiii nni imnTli iim nmiiiT'Trw Mir mwnw X The Place For Bin Red Fans io M2ct P afore And After The Game! 7 ' w- y . . - , i v -1 . ' i -' H 7 7 (-) . ; V . v ,- I - - V .... : . ' . , -. . " h;l:,, x.-5 Mr-:-. - 11) .t ' 10 Carat and Precious Flalinurn Blamcnd En3tnant flings" . 13 CAHAT 14 CARAT' 13 CARAT 3 CAflAT 12 CAHAT 24 CAHAT 1 CARAT r&TJtar C413X3 C311C3 $17C3.C3. $1C3.C3 0 rC'3 ((--s4 113 CAPIAT 213X3 13 CAHAT tIT3X3 t1X , J.'j CA 14 CAHAT aX3 CC:XC3 . 13 CAFSAT $473X3 - tC33 a3 cahat c:n.C3 ' jr:3X3 12 cat, at $t:;i.c3 ::;3X3 1 CAHAT tl-:"X3 si;;3X3 V - 133 E-t Crcn'.vr.y In Downtown Columbia" J U.'iUCUALLY GOOD VALUES, :p;cicl p'jrch;::s frcn c:tctcs, brc!;-rs end cutters crJ era set in our cv.n f,hcp. Ch?c:-3 frcm 14K yc!!cv t.r