The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 12, 1983, Page Page 6, Image 6

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    Wednesday, October 12, 1G33
Sime's firsiwomcmvei stresses ' cicddemics
Daily f.' i;rr:!c::n
t '
By Linda Lickhus
Future veterinarians must be willing to do aca
demic course work and devote time to their careers,
said Dr. Ordclla Geislcr, Nebraska's first woman
Geislcr retired recently after a 36-year career in
The former owner of Geislcr Animal Hospital in
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Lincoln, she said her work as a veterinarian always
has been gratifying. She said each day brought
something intriguing.
Geicler grew up in the Ilcbrcn area, and attended
high school there. She came to Lincoln in 1933 to
work and attend UNL where she studied dietetics as
a part-time student. At that time, she worked as a
bookkeeper at Lincoln's Ackerman Animal Hospital,
3201 S. 10th St.
She said her interest in veterinary science grew
through her work in a hospital and because she
liked science and medicine as well as animals.
Geisler said as her interest in veterinary medicine
grew, she changed her major from dietetics to vete
rinary medicine. She applied to the University of
Iowa's veterinary medicine program, but "Iowa
didnt even want to see a transcript"
She next applied at Kansas State University, and
in 1944, was accepted into the veterinary medicine
program there.
- Police
Rep or i
The following incidents were reported to the UNL
police between 9 am. and 10 p.m. Monday.
9:18 am. Parking permit reported lost or stolen
near Administration Building.
11:32 a.m. Fire alarm reported sounding at
Love Library, apparently a malfunction. No fire was
found. -
1:59 p.m. License plate reported lost or stolen
from a car in Parking Area 3 near Harper-Schramm-Smith
residence hall complex.
2:04 p.m. Fire alarm reported sounding at the
Bob Devaney Sports Center. Welding near the alarm
is believed to have set it off.
4:41 p.m. Shoulder bag reported lost or stolen
in Andrews Hall. ,
7:06 p.m. Trash can reported on fire on the
third floor of Nebraska HalL It was reportedly put
out by the person who called the police. The fire was
apparently started by a lit cigarette.
8:30 p.m. Loud stereo disturbance reported in
the vicinity of S Street between 16th and 17th,
streets. ,
8:45 p.m. Fire alarm reported sounding at Uni
versity Terrace. No fire was found.
9:55 p.m. Disturbance reported outside
Nebraska Union. Police reported contacting and
warning a person for trespassing.
4- .jtg '1L : I
Another reason why, in
the Air National Guard,
the sky isn't the limit.
We're looking for people who want
to specialize in Inventory Management,
Material Facilities, or have previous
military experience in this important
As a supply specialist in ths Air
Guard, you'll receive good pay, excellent
training, a retirement plan, low-cost
life insurance, and 75 free tuition to
UNL. All for your part-time work
: in the Air Guard. :. 'A ,
If you're ready to learn en important
skill, csrn an exccHsnt part-tima inscme,
and help protest your country, stat3
and home, call ycur Air Guard
rcsruitar tcday.
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IVe Cucsd America's
f ft
Geislcr graduated with a bachelor of science
decree and a doctor of veterinary science decree in
1947. She was Just one month short of her 30th
birthday when she completed her schooling.
Geisler returned to Lincoln to work as a veterinar
ian at the Ackerman Animal Hospital after her
She said as a woman veterinarian, she expe
rienced no major problems or prejudice from peo
ple. She said she remembers one incident involving
an elderly lady who wanted a veterinarian to make a
house call to see her sick dog. Geisler said she regu
arly made house calh years ago, so she went to the
woman's home.
However, when she introduced herself as a vete
rinarian, the old lady slammed the door in her face,
saying she wanted a male veterinarian.
She said she worked at the Ackerman Animal
Hospital until 1D73, then bought the hospital and
changed it to the Geisler Animal HospitaL
When she retired, she sold the hospital to Rick
Sitzman, a veterinarian from McCook :
Geislcr said that since her graduation in 1947,
there have been many changes in the medicines,
vaccines and diets available which have "made a lot
of difference in the health of the small animals." She
said the changes now allow veterinarians to prevent
many problems.
- v
Zi&il phctd by Dsn Kuhns
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