The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 07, 1983, Page Page 8, Image 8
Daily Hcbrczkcn 3. o "1 -3 m O y f ' f V ' W a S v... f. - 't t Ti-2.To soma it b ths reality of another birthday. :d to ethers it 13 what ticks away on a fcctbzll c rtt card. As a society, vs no longer ccn;id:r cur I vn a crop harvested by Father Tin?, but we viev ircclvca ci a very real hard part of cur own future, -.1 Hlut U , prcicaror cf forest resources at th2 Don't VACo Glinro A Oldo. Call 471-POOL Lee, who has an exter.dvs t:.c! reur.d in ccdcl cry o we'd as in fort-try, delivered a lecture colled "Natural H; source Conservation and the Creation cf the Future" Wednesday at ths East Ur.ien. Ccrervatien h:.:: itu.'.rf ifrcri an impoverished I.I&n'a poit outbeken tine r03 that cf an ur.baa.t abla fee, Lee cold. That concept woj L.-.-.cJ cn tea rhythras and charged Lttle until the Indus- tr?l pTE-f ! then, vcctcrn frcr.t'ir hu been ccr.-.-tred, and man prcbably net ccler.e epace, Lee eaid. The only frontier v;c have lei is tLT.e," he said. "It jb now cur cheieo what happens in the future, we create a future when we chseee what it will be and then cet a path " Society is mors than the ,,e cf iti d3," o economists c:.y. It Livelves' the fi:ei;:on- 4, - r-'"-- - aw. - iAa - 'Urt ff a lot cf small c!eci;!er.e " Lee erl i D:iL?.lr cd into ftorm severs and trcatl IrT.s with tlielies, Lili'vbe, you undo thaee prcb!:ra3 with a :rl:s cf Come cone en'; ;L:ts have rrcr.a:ed that a central state wcv.!J r :.l.e ci:r resource ' problems, but Lee said eueh a ?:n won't neces sorily make people change the!- ways. i. LJ. C o nvith cur freedom ccraes ta protect cur resources," Lee said. ,: ' i.!:cair.2 cf the ccr.tlr.ed cleat tfrraad deeielen-nalir- bedlee, Ceeretary cf Ir.tciior Jarats Watt has been intrreetual, Lee rail Lee said John Crowd, taaletar.ttearctary cf nat ural rceourco3 end cr.-.J-cr.-:r.t ti tl.e Depaitraer.t cf -:l:u:: re, his been very tractive. Crcv.e'J has shale J the direction cf the fereeteervlee away freni ccr.eervatien cf many dLTerer.t reerarccs, and con centrated betea d cn tia.t ;r prcduction. -' 'Lee CI :-e: ::d t;r,.l.:r prcJaetlen and the "ous tained yizir ccneept earlier V.'edr.eedry. To a forceter, suetabed y. M rr.eans tehcdullr. a fcrcet horeet eo the number cf trees cut clots not exceed the number crown, Lee coll Eecnomiets r!,7:;:s havi been cr 11 leal cf the cur tained yield coneept beeaare they thbh crythbj With money vaa e is wo. ed if n vt f w.y d, he z ...d. In 1910, he raid, le::;,:r cperetlens applied the t.r.t.A v-'-M r-"""-t ti " """ th' 1 ' -f mrrhet. Lee is the l:et cf tour natural rceource cehelars w ho were brcv tto by the Department cf Fcreetry, Fieheries and . .1 .lire. The z : z les was Cnancedbya grant frcn the Fund. Le e cc:;eluel : d his ttay with a lecture today at 10. nrx In 1 raturd Ceesurecs Hall Ce wa tell: about the reZeycfmulti-rceourceraanrceraent ' n o n ?m on 0 0 U KJ K.J u u L k 'v,.- M y U r i n U ! K- r1"-;v; f A it! ' v ZZ9 High Traction rubber stays flexible at low "temp. Two steel belts resist all 1 P21$7:?.15 kinds of road hazards 100's biting edges in tread pulls through all types of weather. i F.E.T. 1.53-2X3 Pi?37:?,14 - pe:37er?i4 P2C37S31S P2257SS15 P2es7tris Reg. GALE C3.2S $37 CSX3 S03 76.13 SC 3 Wsi s72 65.73' . 7C 3X3 S77 S5.23 $C2 "7 ! I J U" 4.T 4 . I t I ; n:::mt3 c:.:3 n:s:eis j:.:3 mifZZTM 57.13 I ' V'--.. - 4 S 1 1 v y - 11 f A IE v w stoi w m a ?':::?;:.: i re:5?:is; r:i?r.:3 Fe:s?; ... Hiway Trsction 10- 15L!(4)K'.VL C3 11- 15Lt(6)FWVL 74 7.53-18 (S) C3 ,C4 8.75-1 S.S (8) C2 T1 9.53-16.5(8) 71. 73 . y r.', 3 AH Prie Phi F.E.T. 3 S4-4.43 ; . . J Writ " - , ...... j Tra;inn;e2. Positive- J ' Traction ' j Tread desvjn Two sterilizer ' .. - t-v::3 for ' strength end handling tin i'. C7.:3 v.' w my $- r-n . ,73X3 ' . 74.73 , .'" . . 77.73 V . 2U3 - . rtuF.C.T. 1.S1.2.C3 ! 4 W k . . A7C-13 pe'ytl's C7C-14pe'.f F73.14F;!t'i " --non install shoes front or Install new front pads rear ... rebuilt wheel cyl turn drums install new hold down spring adjust bleed sys'em semi-metallic $15 . extra . turn 2 rotors " repak front bearings inspect calipers , . , check brake fluid -' level nfe ft 3 mmx&iL No ol Co! ol instoitoiion Totoi " on Dens cnorf cosf $' " 115 3 - $12 - . tO ; " 121 3 - SIS tor one Sty r- 1.7 r.:i!:;:7C::l:3 ' -. B few m W0 cd JI lawJt u.JI Vj i o Geed Traeilcn. V : - o Good Tread. Wear ; ' o Economy Pries. . . Two Steel Celts ' ' - iSlirpp- ?jp . 1 S24 or all 4 . I 'T C 13 Belts drive some of your en- 1 T..w3 gme's power to run r g ' water pump, coolinq fan. al- , ternator. power steering unit wen t.a o. and emission control pump I ijpwe if ira-i; tet pump We recommend vou replace I pus ch 'usi Ihom ouu in nnn I P" . coolant (M. ... (1 LIZ) 6 a:.:? f olid State 6 or 12 Volt System C-ll:3 12 Ft 10 Ga Copper Tangle Proof 3"..l . Maintenance Free vj L . C3 f "cr..h (High cranking output m the coldest weather The "Kaintsirrct!" ISaintercnce Frt Ctory. e Removacic top strip allows ttie addition ot waler Ltafl Calcium plats produce 6ra,e' cran,n9 ft'f9e than conventional Lead Antimony plates Low resistance mtefcell connectors enhance current (low to mcrease cranking power r U omq up to 1 naiioni : " ' ..... 33EZ-"--aiMC,rtJSC3t- I I. If t ' t T F 1 t I i J t r... .c 1 1 ,J ec-y to use Acc'm-o F Pocket prtjctor case tl' m s w . . f forrntj'-; for er; nc; v .. 1 i , (:;ctronic tgnifson) Install Res-jtor plugs A-"-'ist idle speed - Test C . 1 Cf -r-'Sing system inspect f:-or.J:.- "-r co. pev Vaivs. wC,...., r. fcitw and. Cl.1t Jl t;":'r (All totmeZV: z"?-m t$ swwe). U;'.t y.8. cm r4 l;;1t toe' T;.t K 4 - . "? " '" r J v. l . 6 4