The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 07, 1983, Page Page 14, Image 14
Friday, October 7, ic:i Peg o 14 Dally N:brc!n COra'USID about U,;va3y KejuUiuris & Eatsrj,? Lrt us ht tp ... o ,v o mill 4723i33 n a c .- . rr7 . ; , il yfojl 3I1E GET INTO PHOTOPRO CESSING YOUR FUTURE COULD BE LOOKING UP. As en Air Guard photo processor you'll receive flood pay, excellent traintn-j, a retir ement plan end 75 free tuition to U?JL. If you're ready to earn en excellent pert time income while you help protect your country, state end home town, cell your Air National Guard recruiter today. We Guard -if. A JACK ROLLINS . CHAFsLES K JOTFE s WOODY ALLEN MIA FARROW lata CwLwOvfier SUSAN E MORSE SANTO LOQUASTO MELBOURNE GORDON WILLS tnKUbac Producer Proouceobr CHARLES KJOFFE ROZERT GREENHUT WnranjrdDtreciedbii r WOODY ALLEN .6.""""l cnf s WMOt 85108 w F 475-4910 America's Shies. 1 Pare Geld GENE SIIALIT, Today, NEC-TV JACK KROLL, Newsweek VINCENT CAN3Y, The New York Times RICHARD SCHICKEL, Time Bfcfto REX REED JUDITH ci:t, V. CZ-TV J U7y! MX i I f2 50 minimum charge per day on com mercial sjs. Ten words tnc..wsl tJ CO minimum charps pr clay on Indi vidual student ndf student rjsnua Hon ads. Students must pty for tht id at th time n it r-!'"i. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID AOS. Pionett eompofint csr audio rea- onabl. 475-25$9.EvenlnQS or Weekends. Movie Pastors: tJ Eej! Apia.. J. No. issh. :C3 Bang A Olufson Cjocord src-0 cassaita icor-!r, axcciianl condition, a liar 6 p.m. Acoustic Electric Applauta Guitar, Eraal condition. $130.00 or baal ofiar. ail Jon. Calcutatora 1-HP-21 Hewlett Packard Compita witn chargar. 1-Novua DC 620. Complata with AC Cf?sf car adapttr. Call 477-?3a. FOR SALE: Fama'a Siudant Sn Tichm. Call: 475-C371 bsnratn 6:00 11:00 p.m. " OVERSEAS JOSS -' Summtrf r Round ' ' Europa. S. Amr., Austraiia. Asia. Alt Fluids. 2Jt montMy. Srhtsaa Ing. Fnt Info. Writ tJC. Gax Si2-N-1, Corona 01 Mat. CA S2623. COLLEGE SWEATSHIRTSI Harvard (gray) Yaf (white) Prin ceton (navy) Dartmouth (kally) North Carolina (rL blue) (JSC (white) Other. S12.S0 each postpaid. S-M-L-XL. Sand check to LMa Box 317, Brook haven. MS a:?01. COO order call 1-601-35-1085. Unfurnished. 1740 Harwood. Large 1 bdrm. Just remodeled. $215 plus util. No Pets. 423-1427 or 47433. BROWN PALACE FIREPLACES. ROOMS. HALLWAYS. CLOSETS. AND FIVE STAR MEALS. WHOLLY OWNED AND OPLRATED BY STUDENTS. 1800 B Street 47-25S3 GOODLlFE COACHC3 15 passenger van 28 passenger mini coach 47 passenger motor coach. 423-2500 ? i ? GERMAN TUTOR Need someone familiar with the Grad uate, School Foreign Language Testing Program. Call anytime. 477-3375. Little Bo's Is now taking Applications for fun A part time waitresses and bartenders. Apply in person. 27th & Cornhusker SALES . Northwestern Mutual Life has an oppor tunity available ottering comprehensive education, training and support, plus independence end unlimited income potential for the right man or woman. To find out if this may be the career for you, caii Jodi. 475-6043. Rent anything Color TVs. stereos, furniture, mim refrloeratora, appliance video recorders, aurtk beds, even an apartment full of furniture. Call 474.3444 ACE fCWT-TO-OWN n i-ClQO PRESENTS,. ii(VVi . &( r - 'rx 'M l- v.... ...... ,j -V'w... -v x - -'vLPl I hwp Thf re e.r t.:3 r v.::a t'.t.s pcJ--i o campua. I rd a Hm caod popia to Sac a, dtstnbu. t SXlf CtsEV fOf Itnervitsr, ea:l tai-OiT. Position lnvois martlng a?j sa'iing Qutsuy ski nd t- ti' s on ctmaisa. t. ir Ciif l.-i jr Want 8 sTt-l (iff)lsi!on ttcksi to either tte loa State or Kansas (am. Call Lucy,47-iai4. Two O A. football Wckt for Colorado Cam. Call Jon at 472-847. tit. Pnd tootling tor xp. aaxaphonltt with talent 479-9043. Wanted ASAP: rton-amoSdng ma!. Lo cation: 1625 E. Phon. 474-C3. SAE Lin: Sister Reminden Com over lo the hous and pf!er anca your litti brother Monday th rough Wednesday. Hey Shelly. Your car sure is psttlng dirty. You bet ter bring M to th Delt LM' Si Car Wash this Saturday. Jan Th Anchor will Spltah at Mabel Lee THf KAPPA SUGJ will winl Come and see. Love, your D.Q. Coaches Debt and Kelly Jo g i - t Member meat at th CHy Union perk ing tot at 5:00 for retreat Bring on doiisr, munchi, enthusiasm, end idel We need H possible driver. DELTA GAMMA ANCHOR SPLASH This Saturday. 9:00 12:00 a.m. at Mabel Lee. Be there, Aloha! Health Seminar at Union Collect Health Complex 51st Bancroft The 8 'Lawa' of Nature tor More Abundant Living." Time: 7:30 9:30 p.m. 5 Monday evenings 1 starting Oct. 10 Cost $5.00 for cooking samples and handouts Call 433-2331 (Union College), JExt 300 to pre-regisier. ATTENTION LADIES OF UNL: Phi Kappa Psi announces Little Sister Rush Oct. 11,12. and 13. Sign up sheets posted in all dorms and sorority houses. Last day to aign up will be Friday, Oct. 7. So hurry! Bring in your ccl!93 I D. and pnt a $1 off eny retsular priced album or cessets $3.83 and abov. . r fy : , Tht';:;i::":T Sumng John vvsyrt ThuiiJsy.V: 8; FridJiy, 1CT Union 'Unim UPC American film TOTAL WORKOUT Not w an aerobics c!frl for mor Irtfo., C(.n 474-449or47a-S2&3. Watch far Art Lfidlng Library next wwsl Chfp rental for framed art print. Thursday and Friday. ATTENTION All ft vAA Representative Meeting on Monday. October 10 at 7:00 p.m. In Room lis. Union, to discus iegitiiiUv assembly. Picas attend. Hey Shelly. Your car sure l netting dirty. You bet ter bring it to the Delt Lit' Sis Car Wash this Saturday. Jan upc rGRttsi nt j tr.n:r "Clrr'e Of Dc(t" f.i.ntl in Beirut telling me story of three individuals whose tivi Lscprr.e Iritartwined in interne ttonal Intrlsue. Presented at Sheldon at 3, 7, and p.m. on Sunday; 7 and 9 p.m. on Monday. CCLUSCS RIPUSUCAKi " ieting Tuesoy, Oct. 11, . " at 5.30 in the City Union. Cw? Douf teraater wnl be the guest speaker. Bring questions and new member. Kappa' th Key, let H shine! TtTTTOTCXATHOM LAM3DA CHI ALPHA GAMMA PHI tETA Tetertotsrathon starts at Midnight to nif)ht at Broyhill Fountain. Preceeds from 163 strslght hours of teetering and toter ing will go to th United Way. phi r.:u ozu rcnATio:j Parking Advisory Committe will meet Oct. 10 at 3:C0 p.m. UNL Polic 1135N. 17ui Today is Miguel Ruil Aviles' Birthday. If you see him, glv him hug or a kiss. NTSA meeting Friday, 11:30 to 1:00. room posted. Speeken Marge Thomsaen from the Better Business Bureau. ' Rise above the net and Homecoming 83... Just for the fun of it! d!a:.:oi:d3 Best prices, large selection. Compare and Save! ELDER JEWELRY 31110 Street . HomecwitiMj Tstant SJtow 11 WATCH FOR IT8 WOODY wishing you a ,; happy c:nTiDAYi:! With love, Daisy UPC Foreign Fi!m Commttta Prsnts: Circle of DscaSt dir Voiker Sch!sndorfl etofw 9: M p.m., 7:W3 p.m.. 8:00 p.m. October 10: 7:C3 and 9:00 p.m. Shown at Sheldon Art Gallery. Student Admission -$2.&J; General $3. H 10 Km Run laumFiun ISKmKun All UnlvtrsSty Mamecemlnf Commu te, In eooperssion with ASUi-4 end Diet ton, prtcenis ti third annual 10 Kiiem m Hcon Sundw. Octobr 18 at th hzi. it Union, i , on at 1:00; race starts at 1,03. 3 Hg(strUon fee. Prties wardtd. - SAM' and Lilt! Slttart, Ice cream social Sunday Msht at f :0a. Ditcover your t Broittet rta LIRI Ss ter. I cant waaiil HOMECOMING PARADE PARTICIPANTS Just For The Fun Of It .. . There will be one last rotating for everyore to review all Information and rules for the parsd. If you are making float you must attend. The meeting w 1 be Tu3y. Oct. 11. at 4:30 p.m. In the Student Union. Any Ques tions, plsas CH CAP Otlic: 472-241.4. WOnCHiPAT VVZCLEY HCUC2 UMHE) 9:30 .m. Srvc Of Word and fcresS 10.50 a m. Fellowship Tim 11D0 .m. Sarvic for . The Lord's Dsy Drama Prenttion "The Gut Who Took Over" 8:30-7:00 p.m. Supper With Suttstanc (Commonpiacc) Donl wash your car yM Delt Tau Delta Litti Sister are holding car wash at the house this Saturday, Oct. 8. Only $2.03 and lots of filrisf Se you then) LADIES Th Lincoln "Miss America Preli minary Scholarship Pageant" is com ing! There will be an informational meeting Wednesday, Oct. .12 Ne braska Union, room will be posted. Cant make ft? Call Melissa 8474 8443 or Deb D.. 474-6003 after 5.00. STRESS REDUCTION WORKSHOP University HsaJth Center Tuesday. 3:00 8:00 p.m. October 11 November 15 $10 fee For Questions or Rfstrttion Caii 472-51.5 UTEn:iATior:AL STUD3ITS Organization's meeting on Sunday, Oct. 9 at 2:00 p.m. in the City Union. Eioctlon of new officers will be major agenda. Plan on being there. NEW Fingernail Etchings free offer The Gallsry 484-0314 620 N. 48th PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE By MA Term Paper Thetins Dissertation 4SS-0783 . Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT is a confiden tial helping hand. 4S3-2C39. RESUMES - For dynamic, thorough rewum. call th pros. Serving U.-.L Seniors for stven years. COSTELLO 8 ASSOCIATES 475-9777 Tcr.'r'.t: C: '-?: