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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1983)
.1 ... Daily' Tuccday, October 4, 1CC3 r c . ' . t .J 1 in;- V. ...... t. EyTcddIl.Tyata.a . - The Lincoln recording busincas is alive and well, End may be even picking up a bit with the recent " release of a number of albums and EPs. ' Working on a much smaller scale than nationally : known artists, Lincoln musicians hisve produced their own records for years. However, it hss been just in the past two year3 that the discs have begun to make an impact on the record-buying public. Area record stores are stocking mere locally pro duced alburns, as well as singles and extended-play singles. In addition, the records are finding their way into the hand3 cf more and more cf Lincoln's music fans. Which record labels are producing material for the Lincoln market? Host groups who decide to record do so with their own original label to avoid legal and financial problems. Others seek out the experience and leadership of an established label Although established record companies are few in Lincoln, one that did fare well was Candy Apple records. Candy Apple recently discontinued its opera tions. The label was a four-year project for Jim Lud wig of Lincoln. Ludwig, who has had a hand in numerous recordings here, produced four albums and one single with Candy Apple. Magic Slim and the Teardrops, the Heartmurmurs, Sour Hash and John Walker all released material on the label Although Candy Apple is not currently operating, Ludwig said he plans to keep working in the Lincoln music business by getting involved with Lincoln's newest label, Blue Dog Records. Blue Dog soon will release its first album, a set fry Magic Slim and the Teardrops. The label i3 a joint Cbarlie Eartca 'raieaead trr3 ; . .' itw, : .- v...-. Cfccxt btvceri I..!acc . .; ... .. . L.,.xy E..wr, C.! Hears end Phil Hammer. Ilaranarwas an err 'r. ear tr.J pre seme '2 record presets. Eaehmer la owner cfThs Zoo C ;.r. Clue De J plans a number cf releases fa atur- . Another Lincoln label in Lir.cchi he 1 juat r -3 many plans for its faturs. Sound Id ea3 is a lab ; 1 head e i by I - xC-c i ... c ri'f 3 c if 13 2 3 1 ncij 11 3 C-.-- i -. 113 . hej rclaaacd tvo EP3 by tha Cdc on th3 lebel The . second EP, vhich featured five crijaal sonp, v;as . rc!r-ead & few v,cc!3 cz - ' Ilerrli a!; o I !:;r.3 to v;cil; v.ith Liaccln'j C.:;.!r-ol ' Another capitol city label i:3 tb3 eeurco cf recorded material frcm cna cftb5 hsttcet Eva acts ': created as a special lal el Ly raid far Carlio Eaitcn and the Cutouts. Durtca bees a record hietoryeftwo . tL3fed thread . cf th3 Crst LP have tapped 2,C00 ccr't3, and the . second has cold 1,CC3 n far. The ciaas havo said , cbout 1,000 each, Burtcn caii.'- - LwvC3 put tc. -.tJicr n .zt to rccc-C3 tl cir cth .4fp4 r-'ir t"T3i tmc,,I,j4t r .,""3 ' -hT, mh,-! ?-r..t cep Heal Gar.3 l il Jal;n 7ae!;er r;e;!aj vdtli his " their cwn label, Burning Each. Meview Feeble minds breed feeble reviews. Case in point: The record review titled "Heart's Tcasionwcries' product of ambiguity," (Da2y Iabraean, Cept 30)..-, " First o let me clanTy csrae impor tant points: 1. 1 haven't heard the new Heart album; 2. I'm not a notorious Heart fan; 3. I am considerably cf fended by this review. 4. Pc-Ints c;io .and two should show Pn net ctian ing the reviewer's raae'eal taats far : be it from me to do so. Fra cnly ques tioning his ability to think clearly and without 'prejudice. The review starts cut bysar-TiTo sisters from Seattle decids they can do it just as good as any ether reader ..." llistales number one. .'' - Excusa me for my ignorance, but what exactly Is the mieta!:3 in 'two sietcrs deciding to ne!:c music tcethtr? Is the reviewer saylr.g it would b3 dlTer ent if tvo brothers decided to j "itT Doss he have soractLj v :l L males in rock 'n rc!I? 1 v:cz" J e .rnra. Then again, majba t.3 jae: c. : r.:r r.:3' members of the sara? farl" trcelaaa together, lliatake number two". . . TI:a bread on the search for a big hit album. no raer.tiaei cf L Cv.i cr i;a . zine. lie thinles they were by ecme other band, no doubt. Gloria Hyitcn . Liberal Arts Heath albur.i ?106 raO '' Then I saw that the Bal" llebraa- wri revieiag a Tclll'g Here 3 mietake in" a band searching far a hit album escapes me. Should bands try to produce flops? Yhat an intarcating concept. When the reviewer compares Heart to QuarterCaah and Jada3 Priaet t?. comers cn the rock scene. 7a mal:aii Tr j , v - j down to as I read t2 The a-athcr refers to tb.3 Tetla..:;; Ilea '..izz "raw v.'avo'" which h rn ur.l a i::vel!3 rt. .:.:. eat. They wrl;3 cz7- f- 9 '- - " ...... (Viwl4 w i!. 'lk a f. y lrt .r-1 l:3 Dura i llur: i. It is a! 3 ualtr-'t;- t! fl-fwf r - it ,'tBrtTi . U&Miikw v. w v. .4 , i. Iaie;l. :Jraa::ecit!;il-f llerrla'azes. I bell;v3 this new e . b a ead, atrea cr.a, but I cant caa he;; Si can b3 '" HaiDareeei: ' faeelrean -' " f wfw. " . 'y--? f 9s"ns m " " " IT ? -.- V - ..- w t - froMb'lr .e 4 - - " WW'- .1- if -1 vvf v . . . -S' X"v-7f 1 z 71' ; 2:frr3 f;;!!i i C: ? r"- arc . . A vv-v Ji , . . i,.,,, jj,.. - , . . . - Yu!;s o f i. - ;. ! i.' ' . lot : CcuTTo 4r . . ,fU ; A'vj Leor t' I i - , ' , -VvyalaiL. , . it.. rr r,. -. , f . 7 i.. . j . . y t i J 1 j i. C "- r- -r T '-' -r" -r- i C:?- k . . . . w ' 11.3 bind. 'has brearaa werld-rc- Ir.a"a:aJ fer i:i r:' 3 cr-.i Ta:!r ?- -- - ' - ' t .rf , - - A - -- - -im ' Li : ::::!::: t3 t:.:lr a?a:3 rt r - - ; ' - - - - - - r - r r - ' v. ' v - .