Tuzztiz, October 4, 1033 Pcna2 Dally Ncbrcsksn i - l . Gsl PAD . . lip f 11 I X To relent air m I uwcom S. xw IJr.::.:r.l rr.J in:cr;;:.:ic::d news 2. To ciudy i 3. To rcd, AND . I 4. To conda phcmn! ' Vv, " nes ) 1 viiJlt' tO ii .t: ii 4 i' t i i i I F i $20 A WEEK for rcr.iar &rcre! I ..'"AKDC3Ep:TJSES NEW DONORS tm toed forts cara! LINCOLN PLASMA 2021 0 St. j S1 - M I CI m i N it . I iUlirts limf (5 PHOTOPRO CESS5NG ; , Anotlisr rcaoon ivhy, in tlis Air National Guard, . the sky isn't tlis limit. We're looking for people who want to specialize in photoprocessing or who have previous military experience in this vital area. " "As", a Air.;.' Guard . Specialist , in photo proeeeeins you'll play a key re! 3 in printing, editing - and ' process" photo graphic materials.'1 And ycu'il receive good pay, excellent training, a .retire-': meat - plan,. low, co:t .'. life -; insurance -and -75' free tuition ; at UKL. All for" your part-time work in the Air Guard. . . , . . . If you're ready to learn an important skill, earn an excellent part-t and help protect ycur country, etsta and heme town, ' call your Air Guard recruiter today. . . ' " : ' 475-4910 'Carry rJIuIIfcan V, ,M tr3 support of Vxo . f.'.Lf'ika Arts Council Curi-y, Oct 8 tl tp?a . , PcillcrcJ "Chamber-' With tha support cf tfta Nebraska Arts Council Sundry, Oct 1 S et f pa Paiilard tickets on saJa only to UNL Students October 3-9. On sat a to others beginning October 10. flPI PAR . tst CZlct (11-8, fcbrMTr!) USUmleCttg. 1t2i & ft 472-0373 - ... -.. . 3 x ' li.j Sl-j Cctr-3 EAST 1 ft) fc31, v 7 " ftit (l.ltlUJ-L MfHY IIAH CENTER iltlEGUTOUlCE I) rry;Our-Lundt3on Spscialt R.asdjv- Chicken Eisket with Ear " f -' I and Fries'. . . . 395 i TcKjy- Pork Chop with Salad Bar'., ": ssd Potato i ......... . 335 V.'dLtisisy- Breaded Sis? ' uith Tor:ed EzLzi zrA Potato. : . . . : . . . . 3.95 " Car and rcttto ...'........ .455 ! , iay-CQ fte;k KitirithSahd Ear : ' - : nd Fries . . . ." 395 - ri!.?.v- Fih snd Chips 1lh Tc;:ci : . Silad . .....,., 3. CO' f;triiy-C3aPrr-srandalb.of ' " : t::i . .v.v. . . .3.60 I!'" ' r:?K'....i t: ; " ' ' ' ; I ! ' f ' j , , WAc:a:;aTo:i-r.-:J::.tr.: a!.r3L-.de- o well 3 n;illar.d ar.d L. .. :: fa 1 revember Ccr7caa;VlJtaKau:a!xc L said Monday. Ha said r.:r':':n v;r..!ii.'.;t Japan End Couth Ilcrca r.ast ncr.th, zlll.zv: dates mJ.'it hsve to fc3 rearrar.ad. Ksaan haj been under i.e:-y prteaure in Conrccs and ether ;.ir.:t;:r3 r.c t to 3 to the Philippine becaucs cf the caaaaalr. atiaa of Phi- Manila in August -. . - Spes!:c3 said the president raad 2 th3 decision because he though he shsuld raraiin in Wash ington during a crucial pcilc J of ccrrcssional debates. In Manila, a senior foreign minbttr said the 3vcrnrr.ent was dlaappcintcA . "Tliis i3 caraethin cf a shock," ths official said, bccaus3 whatever ths rcaesns are for pcetponlr. the l:it, it v.Zl be interpreted in soma Quarters C3 a Ices of confidence in the country." ' : !eas8-fir marred EZir.UT. Tank cr crtCery shells and rut suburbs o tha may fought leiit r-r.men ti the vcrat lslatian cf the vcek-cld ccaae- D-e, rcaiients repcrted. The Chtir.3 did not cITect the dGv.Ttor,n area and ended at ntht faib The Eaudi-raediatsd ceaas-Cre, which a week co ended a month of fighting in Eairut and the mountains, held in ether parta cf Eei- Porpofcsi find bo'dy..-: - COROLLA, 1I.C. Authorities ha,a credited a school cf porpaleea with Cr.d!Ir.th2 fcclycfa 1 7-T--"1 KVI T'-",-Mf gT7imraia3 cU a lcne!y ctrctch cf ceeen te::eh. tOCJTCXi.feC C--IT'lt"v3 .,.r v-,j in toward tha teach, rcreca Werners t L'rjrry been teewn to help pecpla in troutls. : Arizona-s!d33.clt TUCCON, Aria. Tha death tell re. -3 to 10 Monday and thsorandj cf hcracj rr.J t:r,s cf thousands' cf teres cf faxrriar.d regained Gooded after mors rain four to t':;.:.t nehe3 fell on Arizona this weekend than ueaaily falls in a year. Alter flv2 cey3 cf rein, tha fides cleared Monday, enabling pecpla o caias areas . who had e;;er.t n:S-ta in c r.i e r : a ry r ! . : ! : rs to Dsn cieaxlzi ar;ay tha th:ek rairJ L ,..1 their r.craca. I'o cL.ai::! cetiaaa,to cf t?.2 c - been riven, but tata L"tl:erl: ' ? c.. 1 tl fCaro would ba cbo'."2 C1C3 i:lZ::i. ' tat2 cfcr'.rr.'rr.ryfa z:t::1' -m -dT, met rlliiTIrrei rli:,"" . dleaues federal ced far C : ? J IIL:.. . ,::;as Clnal t. .1 V ., . A L J "7ii CM i. ; -T -.- - ' ' f v. ..uiOJ .r".'"" " "i - . .-.M.?. w.p.. cuztrr.ers et:.:i ree t ': t" t'-"en la ic:.l rr.d era t! e L" cv:r, t!an!j Tar.cr.bs;::- r 1 , 4. , T--j.-.f- ---- . , crrlCcrar.-a-lr" : tl.eet Jan. 1. . - - . cl r-cfT;c:. tha I:r"-J" ' j ...... ierr. :-r:ia .. rf to -:"-.ny - - Itr! 2 " ; to - rrd ' rl ? - '- een cf c r" , 1 -liv. 2 c