The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 03, 1983, Page Page 11, Image 11
! Monday, Octcb:r 3, 1CC3 Dzlly Nebrcckan Pen 3 11 4 WVU erou r. d a t h : : r. 2 c r a : :. c :y. "I ';:t A Love Story" Ij cr-.' :r: i rrc"- J teth. First the theme: It h ccr,c;rr.: J v, 1th porno graphy r-r.J 3 r---s ejects cn- are th s ra o - i v.:-. ;rablev!c iims. In vio lent, herd cere r-rcr-rrihy they ere t; . .. i . . i ' - - In c : re r orr.e. rep by ths abuse Is leOS,l C-T. J E.0 C.3, tut nevcrth;! j f I::ro Li cl;:ctir. cation u well cs C : ;;rr :. 1: n, Ar. i porno par by b; i. to r;rceer.t woman ts the Other," all women become victimized. The meet dietuibir.; bar "2 h a cover a woman b::5r,;l rut thrco; !t a r. & - WW Vs.-4 l.:iVi;UivJ alter Iho CIn, it was no c recent that ths worn an in tb era; dor was put in head l.r camera pons the audience cf wcil drceeed men, it becomes ch-rr th.i pcrnc;rcphy appeals net cniy to the drc-icf our society, ALmv with ths tiircctcr.Traceytdla to ccii'i-nvcd fcrnhLts such o usan GrLTen, Ktte tlil!ct and Hcbb Morn. he frequents ncl3 theaters, t oclxt crca and crcd :z. In a tocth h2 vic;vs a video cIcd Toat The Clteh". An,cr vi-v.lns ths Cm she embraces Kkia who tcilj h:r sho Ij ptrt cf tha prcblsn (nt thli pcint Traccy i? stO a stripper). Later, Trocey stands up on a To the dircctcr'j credit, porno- patriarch:! An ir"::rtzr.t figure in t!. Lira b CnzzT.zni ill, cut cf Hustler's i::;iln3 fcirols phctcrsp hcrs. Kleb c!;:.3 net rr;!r3 ths epportunity to Clni a hectils nd3 audience res ponding to a rn-rch L frcnt cf a pcrno thc:!:r. Dut :.3 f.!..3 c'ra net ignore men vho lis tlttiit, to tren:-eend the violent trc . zi c f mr.ehlrrn.0. The story il:; olf f jcuses cn Linda Lee Trscey, a stripper. At an iTM1l t- ---"' f -? .w.vl r1' 5 ren's Hcrpltei, Illein zzlzd Trcey to join her "cn cn cdjTooy thresh the world cf prrrrrrephy". Trccy con curs and t!r. 3 zl:2 treer.03 the direc tor's cf; -crrd prctr'onLt VT.en v.a LroS ere ireecy, she is cri-' an arii-pcm re.!! 7. Ceverd cf them whet e!.2 CU frr a Next T73 xrrch Irreey cs she peeb off her L'.t!2 f'rl r ::A (! ttre!! rr.d -mctepheriee: 7) to tl cf llry " juw-pox ana c:.:xcurC3 cn the fcejra ful nature of pcrnecrephy. FinaSy she poses for Handr.!l in crd:r to IzA the rtzt cfu i ,het it is b!;c to be treated as an cb ; :et. By the cr. J cf the Cz.i, Linda Lee Treeey has experienced feniiniot All cl thi3 und:rrr.bic3 the director's better sensibilities, Khetoric and right eousness become a substitute for lengthy inquiry. , In cr.e scene Kate I'Clet lements' ever the fete cf crctieL'm as she dia- phj-3 her crctie nt ie saj3, Te got was eroticism. ptfmcraphy and what we wanted t.lrtbcrltls? Cut who is to soy what is erotic and what is poracraphic? Pornography clten is a state cf mind, therefore cne person's erctic art nay be ancther Lie ether docuraentary fl!miaalcer3 from Canada, Klein was influenced by the pioneering ideas cf John Grierson who believed that the script should dictate the course that a documentary taes. uut ior such a complex issue as r.sra wo pornography, a free c tetter. ' ; ' In the end, "Net A Love C:ory" wO be remembered for maldnj a serious a:--tempt to understand an issue which has inspired mrry stands . " The fim will be sheT,-n cain at the 4 A .. . N M ' X f" $ ft " ' -" I 5 v 3 - i- . ' - - J f - -p,' f gAorf liKimteaWB!t , j ! . a . ... r-.-'; i- fMMk rifiu m y l' r ir--- r Hi j ' . .A' - y. .. ...... i V....' .':'.'- c. j w l! 'Sr J i k ai Wilde play a sellout at Kimball CeearVr'de'sTl.o Importance crrein Earnest" will be pre sented tonight at the !:.i.T.b"'ir.ccite.!Iirl The i' !;:y will be pcr fermed by Missouri Repertory Theatre. The performance is soli out However, a Kimball Box Or;ce spokesperson soil some tickets may be available if patrons who don't pian to use their tickets v, ;.:i return them to the bos crAee for arcTanl ;tt jfor interested in cettia; tickets is available reck 113. 1T a ill A ... S .: 4" J x P.ITOCTS SfiLOOII k ir k -fc it 1 dim uiiuimiy 11 cct. z - ca. i trr.j to ula a dfcr rra Sa Ir.:;3 C17, Cl ll-il! ";:.:.:r:2 E7 SJ. I;r.i's, ,.v4 iiww4 Ck..4 cwi rMUKiU rrrA:; rill t: tii cn Cl 8 21 13 T:u t: prnl tad. " 7?- - v ' f' j7ti HAIRSTYLING FOR MEN AND WOMEN v Any Hdrctylinn Performed by Jan or Jcrrcne. our hairstylists with' this coupon. " AfJY PEnr.liENT GUARANTEED BY APP05J4TI5ENT OR WALK IN C."3T good on Monday. Tuesday or Wednesday only. 1219.Q STREET, GLASS MENAGERIE Expirss Octs&sr 31, 1SS3 ocranTS m Fr.r,!Ar;ENT r r."AV.::aAr.D ths r:ATur.ALCunLLOCX I ' i ' I J . LJ j ' a J L ' U L n:nn An SiC n mm ,J W a- 4 rc!tice! c:2RS3 203's,a three credit hour course based on a newly re!e.::ed Public Broodaestlng scries, provides a full record of the Vlctnom conflict, examining tho impect of. the wzr cn Am orison soaiety. T):o telocourse pieces Vietnsm in a historical porepectiva which permits viewers to form their own conclusions about tho bssis for tha conflict, what was won and what wss lost, and by whom. Ir.strustar: Dr, Dovid P. Bepkin, UUL Deportment of Political Sol once . ' . " I i ! : Tuition: $1 15.50 ($40 nancj edit) C;:.;Jr!:: ;t Program 1 will be tdeao:t et 9 p.m. Tueedoy, Cat. 4, and Prc-ram 2 at 9 p.m. lVer!n;:dr, Cot. 5 cn tho f.'ETV r.:t:..v:::I;. rro-rcnr 3-13 will be t:I.:oo:t coah Turoday Cat '11 throtrli Doc 23. Eooh prc;r.:m is CO rr.rjt::. Thoro are r,o rtp:ats. .... - . i. - v.A C' p!:ano: Call '472-2175 er.d v: z your f.toorCcrd crVioa. !.i .... - ' W - . I . - If i : . , . . J V. . , I - . , f t ' f, . . - y . -S "2 r - - J tr?- - rr , .