The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 30, 1983, Page Page 7, Image 7
Pcna7 I. J I. I , :, ,1 ., I, , T.-V W t Nfc ikJ problenic, rr.b'inp 1 fiffn, 'J Dd!y fbbrndtcn r , Tf?b, 1 LyTc C . redd t Ths circuit thrt rave :ed crcpa this summer hat fob 1 to do the cbd: -cooaoa oy fuvcra e.aer p ths i::.:ea cy:r.s Lbturdey in southeast The bed Cd:V:.:byrc;erve:r3 at nsar-ner md v;c;:r tut area form for.;. 3 tic lower thin they have t::a for ;;ev:rd yeoro, edd Bbh Gereib, haiai tp ecidbt for ths Ibbroda Game tad Paris f ' V'e have rem 3 pretty decent numbers of ted around ths Cd: Va!by bJbs end a few wood ducks and malbrcb," Gerdb cdd. ' ' Hi added that ths reservoirs ere no more than a eoupb effect tdow normal level and that the lower level shouldn't afreet duck hunting Ibdebs ths ted Li th2 area, Gerdb expects the V;il tZZ H.CT2 medbm-decd duck? (nedwa'l land v. b :cn) in ths next week cr two, especially if ths c:ta cccbr. All T d: V: " :y re:; ervob3 rra cpen for v.ttcrfovl hur.ib;; cc:;, t Car. : etc: :, Tw la Lakes and a smdV ' pcebJ i ertbn tf Ibanched Gals Lake.- Branched Cd: d:;3 b c"-limb3 for Canadian pese. - : ; Cteddpt wO he required en dl Cdt Valby lakes Jc 3 G alb came cemmbdea waterfowl rpccialbt, edi ho expects a r.ear-ncrmd dud: opener for bed lakes, but cercd a peosimbtic forccrt for the fed- - Team trlls its way to the top erd i:dnv.'d:r Bosia ' laarchcs la south-central "In general, th- rrei li ertrtrr.dy dry and cozis ir."r; :::..3 havo r.a v;:. ter in then at t dthoyh whr.t in-.. '.2 v:t::r e:;L:.ti from irrbition run-clf ar.d "di L3 hdiir quits a few ducbV Gab'j sdl : imo ccr.r : !sa end tho U.G. Fbh and Vi- ir t -.".be ere terrab.-j up to pump water into vo cf t!. i lb Lr.vatcr B :. : In mareheo, hs sdd. deeded C15.C ?3 cfhddtat rbn funds fer rn -..j r:- br th- ziZty bl'l rrd V.-:;::; d.. 3 1.1.1 ccr.r.a to C 15,C0O, tho e-erdioa dcro.' Thr 3 rnrrehes lelr. pumped are: Prnbb Dcj - - ".-.urr.. j ncrt.eaet cf Y cc.xj Cmitli fe "oca, hard3Loc-aa, 12 miles touthsoot cf Clay Center, , ar.d 1 b.e.1.2 Leooa, threo miles south cf Clay Cen- TL : r are a fair number cf snov ceceo around the BeCel3 Bend Katbad WZdleb Belbc- Gab!j sd ' . T.3 anow and Hue pee? m'cratba should get well under way by next week," he said. " Ths game commission fa not issuing a public warning concerning endrin levels in waterfowl this year. Bndrin, a tode pesticids, was a precdn lssa ryearsc-o when h?h levels cf it were found in ' Gaw.s in I..catana , , I C ent want to say evcrythin 1 h fine (cencerrdag cadeLi)" Cab:- sdd. Tut ths edds cf ebtaldnj a duck above the EPA limits are very slim." " 'Ths Ublrpeedi rr.d debats team returned homo thb weekend aTter bs-' C"nnb3 its ee::on with strong show-' t'j at two tournaments in lova. At th 3 Iowa Ctats Unh-eadty Speech Tournament in Amao, Bcer Aden cf Cedtddu:,. a senior bferdcaetin mder, 'wen first place i: estempo 'rar.eaaj spedeb. Aden d.:o pb.ced Cdi L rrauaeb-a cpca!- end tbth -in iabrdd : :eh. Chib 7dbe3 cf ; rj... - .. f . . . ..j . . t . .4, i.J i.. V i. o...v.: ..wW V , ; . ..... if uw!.4.ei C'f C. ? bae;, . ...rl.: or--edi iad:r,pd-H '.t e.2 Ud...-d cflbrthera Ia;.ra : Bd d3 Tcurr.:-:r.t !a : :;;b; "3, : During the school year, the UNL team wbl compete h CO tournaments. TvTenty to CO schecb compete at each cf the iaitationd meets. , About 70 students males up ths UIL team. A nrcup cf 3 to CO students a to moot cf the tournaments v.hib cth-. ers may co to cniy a fe ;v meets each aid- ... . t--...3 . .r 4 cm La.. ce,. a "e..'.r, .. d to the semLlaal round cf thejurder dry iebn. Md.s-Overlap a . senior speech v- rh" .. . 7 J"di '-V. y a cd eeienco t:r': r beers Lfec!n. r.Ioced . . r f nr.;.,i ol.3l: : er c this year's team b very slrcr. Even r.:.-; tab year, hs s : ' 1 hs b -11 ;ve 3 t!:ey - A 4-r r t. .c. . .. . Kay h; 3 Leea at tL fer Co year3 Tivo cf there yeare, ITdL had natbnd , Ties UrdvarfiiJy cf IJebraalea will be heet cf th.s Deita C"jena Bho Nationd Speech Tournament in 'larch. The tournament, which b expected to attract about 1,CC3 student ccmpeti . tors from acrcas th.3 country, is ens cf If you saano'.vs heppan cr know it's ping to heparn cd! tai 3 Dv-.sly rbbrae.ccn s Newsline .472-2588 Help U5 cover you. ' W w W w 1 i 1 I ! 1 ! 1 1 .... jS - 4- t " - w 1 2ti end I !e. 5Bownovn 5 tlee'is sou lb cf carapus ' . . . . vv) 1.. j t,,. 11 cxn. 'Cl:cng in tha Bro!:cn Fhecs"' ' Dr. C. Rex Eevirs, preechlng U U Le3 The CI;u7 Football' Victory parties start at EIXHYPG.. Come in and take advantage of this weeks' L--:!LG.. J ..era - U.l 1 IJ nwrsr. I ii .. i -i J 3 ii t 1 j S 4 r4. 1 V i , V ! j li ' iff J 9 ' b . . A -V. -. . -ft. M 8 !! 1 1 C.i i....-:.ri;aa Lrr.ei Free in-c''kecofsu!!itor to discuss my eyes and contact lenses A thorough examindtion of eye function and eye h?!:h by my doctor - Individual selective fitting considering the following contact lenses that the doctors use: - Soft Lenses (ovef 3d.'.'.';ert !n$t,-r') So:t tcr.ves for Astigmatism Extended Wear fcft Lenses 5 types can be worn while sleeping) Tinted Soft Lenses - . Gas Permeabie (4 types) ' . Hard Lenses Ci focal Soft and Hard Lenses o Full time availability of doctor ai s!'f (r.'r L-nch hcvrs & Z. v. ;' ( ) Gose supervision cfa!lcoritr:t br! f.Uir"; I v Individual fvS.;! iKructic:. r. i c;. e anJ r " r j cf c: - Lrss t po Six weeks follow-up care wi;h s.e office tht ir'c!,. .'..s pi t. for: 1. Close cbseraion'of corn-5 snd ye he'.:i r : -itoreJ as rr c:! j 2. ler.s sUe' cr fining mo-! .'x&tion f indid H 3. foch fordrred lc."S r.i -.iium c! "rt len-r-s II b fe" :.': :p cere h, cf cc. ;e ;.:e!;ded irtt!;sc;!b;! be J At riofr. - cf !rs eve er, J of contact Lr.:cs as '. rr'.ecL12Ufr;rCcr.' ;:L j ; .' br Service 473-3.:D 1 q rrvn r I No Interest j! "20 men 3 i