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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1983)
PC" 3 15 Of "1 v0Li: bO control anzioiic fcinc nyCrcll :r-- J Ddfy Uztrc.zkzn Kibrer'.ia'j 3-21 vleisry rrd.r,t Ohlahcma last yesrv : r-c. ;. i . ? r.: - r.iur.i r.L : c J ircrn e : .1 e to cl:, cr.d t!.2 cutcc-.2 Thrift decked until IJebraeha (!:r;r:iv3 end Cectt inter cepted, a i- - -.d il t.j-m to the Ohlahoma 2-yerd I:-:. V... t'j v. h;a ths hr,3 tech ever. I!ur.drcJj r :urcd ths Held Li julllar.t cele bration. Itteehc everel mhratsa to clear ths flili and when cr.I r v;:..3 ne."y restored, ths 'hcra were ae.::ee:d a 15-yard penalty far conduct Instead cf tryir. 3 to cere, Cc aeh Tom When the 2 c!l J run cat, ths crc.vd r ln tech ccr.trtl. 71.: j r. c ths Held In drov: 3. In ths ensuing rr.eles, UI.'L Cherts Ir.fsrrf.sticn Director Don Cryar.t nr. J Chlahcrr.a Ccaeh Harry C.-.itrcr both v;ero hr.sehe d 1 3 ths crcund. In trashtiar.d T: 3 eras h ... .r, ts f 3 tare down bath sal posts. Fcrh: 73 ths veret C;a:ycffan tchavler occured earh:r Li ths c-rr.s, when KU Fclles Oriecr n:.rvhi Kirdsn v.t.3 etn:ch c;i ths beck cf ths head ly a frozen crzr.Z- thr.t r.ej thrown frcrn ths stands. Athletic Director Dab Bevar.ey said ths corns wo ths v.eret dl : Iry cf fen b ehavisr hs had ever scsn at If aw 1 f 9 " ' ThLi sctcon, ttcdiuzi security b v.cir4 a combina tion cf mvi methods sad enfercb eld resulations more diligently in order to prevent cf that Mr.d cf tshnlsr. Arzzz ths new methods b use cf video cmerc3 to tcsn ths stsnds. . .-. -"Die purpcss cf ths cdi.ierej b to record thoss Ctivlti:J tr.d itus,tior.3 where an cfHeer mr.ymzhs an rre:t"UIL Poles Chief Geil Gads ssid. "0re.nC3 haw been a prcllen ever eincs the E:j Erht elned ths Orcr.-3 Dowl centred. It (crcrcs throwing) b a prctlen wejuet hevs net teen this to Ths crer.e thrc--. ir ?y hzs been & prch'.eni for rev-' crd :zi3, but ve3 brought to ths forefront v.hen nirisn v;z: struck cn the heed et the Ilebresha Oklihoma l--t year. Geds seid the orcrs throwing b scniething that worries the police asecd to the geme. - v "I think they're concerned. They dent went to be the nest viethn." . . . ' Eecsurs cf ths bjuri3 he sufTered frcrn the throvm orcr.s, Ilbicn vcs forced to quit the pchee depsxtmcnt. IlirJcn scya he b not bitter about' IJebrnsIa foott zl f clta "I third: 1 rebreeica footbedl fejis are excellent " he ee!d. "I .c:hed there cn and off for the eet 25 yeejrs and I nerer hed any problems until bet year. It looks Illce the thin3 they're doir3 this yeer are resHy vvcrlun. But, when you get into the K3 Eiht sea son, peopls are gsinj to get more tied up in the gimea and you're going to haw some problems." "Our last gime at home probably wont decide the Liz Lint race this year, Devaney said. "So hopefully our fans won't be so keyed up. I dont see why even an idiot would thrown an range." M H 1 r - r - - C;::3 2 C:i I "-t a i: r. 3 r.?:i t;t!r:3 13 r::e-i. Cc 1 1n f: ; '? rround Cur v.- f I P' CI-- :1 h L! " - "-s'i ! " i t r ..i Cuiiiiii 11 ii 11 11 'V r 1 1221 OGi. 477-C337 Ee:t Pcrh r,!cr.i . 437-0710 FREE DELIVERY 4 Ssnehvlch mi.nlmun Larne ccc!:r3 and other bulled jscts are banned behavior of L?5;iynrSi::ti;?1' ,2 wfnn ??5M- the game," he said. "I think it's caused by the behav- sppwn ci an c.a regulation. Gads said the idrcf a relatively low numbprnfnnnl" primary purpces of the regulation b to rrevent rti"mciy low numDer oipeopie. nil iinmBn crevent coolers irom ciociang trie aisles and interfering with access to the seats, but it also has helped limit the amount-of alcohol brought into the stadium. - . If someone b found in possession cf alcoholic bevera-3 whils inside the stadium, the container carrying the alcohol b confiscated by police. "In all the reports IVe had so far, weYe had a drastic charts in ths number cf empty bctt!e3 left ' over and a smeller number cf disturbances in the stands Gr.e!s said' "; . While picked ;-ith the results cf the crachdown Ov 1 VJ- - t, Jr Jr Vaiwtu- itvwi wU carried crey. Farticu' irly if ths games are else s. There's r a way ws can Just sit bach on cur heeb: WeVs c-- to t3 re-fy." ThaCcrnh: 0klA.s..! afer bv2 Dv ey and G.3 1. -should Ireep ths nubvr cf dletarbar.cc3 ls".7. security n Claccifisd works! Phcc in L:2 I Men. ' .. 1 - "i tr r Hi , )fr ' 4 Ssndvvich minimun : m""m ft 1 . ' II II. I -V II II tia ' - c if , . Lounge Specials at Reuben's SUFEff MONDAYS SpeciaSs on pitchers of tier and hot . cf ass. Tues. . TACO TUESDAY Make your own tacos & . specially priced marsaritai. A; Wed. n. STEAMER NIGHTS Bucket of ' steamed clams. ' Fiichers cf beer. Thurs. SINGLES NIGHT r Special . ' price on champasne. Fri. t Sat. WEEKEND ENTERTAINMENT 8:30 12:30 Sept. 30-Oct. 1 I unesmith f; Oct. 7-8 f: f'.i: ' Dave Landis Gateway Shehij Center 57-25 51 - -Te den't treat ra-celled t j : 3 any ITerer.t than rr.y ether r-r?.ec. If ws are r.ct prc,tred to hand's rn cr rn crp!c:lv3 cituatlsn far every gr:;: re'd fcs d:ri!cct in cur duty." ....., . . Tei:::r crlJ dcrtta" lr.tcr.eiv3 security precau tions, ths ::t:llLz:i r.zt been tbls to step pecpls frcm f,i-f'""' f- " -i - .. f" " r r - " in is -w .J ".J Li k - --..i . Lji . f ...... 10 ..,.. y - -... -;'-; . . D iT "(TlTxi T..: W f A DM Ths FUTON . . . TlV t:;t::r.:J form cf beddirj in tlis OrjliT frr rv?r 4-?00 yssrs is now avill.ibla in t!.? Lzz'ly rolled end stored,, it's. ths 'iirJ alternative' for ths prst rcom.'cvsrn'J-.t trip, cr a sr"re Fofa. J J . .... ...J L FiVEZERO BIGGIES . 7 r i . ... i i C 7.:i :i i FIFTY 1 PC r see 1 r-"j . Cc O- "v Ti k . - . . J - 1 " " ' ) , . J fc. , .J. W r ' ' ... ., 9. .. . r i- M f ..') ......... - .i"' a. : ?..... : ... . . 3 'I ' . t:'. ' J' J- - -I ' x ---.;r - Drhhs cf all ldr.3s v,l ts r:n-:4.- v;-;'-. cr ;s cn l'.I v;:t::leds flus aC.!; r" vrit v. .1.1 c-;:r ret':. :I " ::rfer afr;j OiZTI! 12 r:t;r tr:et--.1 fer yeu;l.i c-:.r.:rs. f .... 'fl s 1 it 1 L - i 1 f i