The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 30, 1983, Page Page 13, Image 13
Friday, September CO, 1C33 Dally fiebrcckan Peg 3 13 r warn - FOO taixe a scenic canoe :2 t...r..: j cct ir.i!;cj L!j foil hcrr.2 in th v.'ccii c!j:v: the upper Idirrauri Kivcr. The c:dy v.: y to Lr.cvfereurc-b to sign upnovfor o3 cf the thrc2 caee trips beir.2 c-ered this cr.-;:tcr ly tk UNL E:crc:tiort Depextrnent. The r::ndiiio izlzv;z: Cct. 7-9 upper i:ir,ourl r.vM Cct. 21-o IioLrara Liver and Oct. 23-CO Da rnel Liver. . ,.' 'urpce cf the trips 13," " v.4 c Ui4 j, It.J ,4,11- Tk? re.rin eeii I dent v.-lU I ; hzmir ths correct techniques cf ccr.ccijpd tiro learn ths strokes necessary to go . Tk3 tret tr-r r!3 1 3 Cct. 7-9 end will cover a GO . t:Z2 t ire t c . 11; - II! rzz'-ii Liver, frcra Pert Kandall I The cost of the excursion b C 10. Included In this fee is food, all transportation ccet3 and any special equipment thr,t v.ill needed, such o, cances, Ik'e prcservers and ccmpir.3 equipment. Tito certified canoeing instructors, Tin McGrcth end Dryan VsnDcICrol, will take pert in the trip and v.ll advise on proper canoeing techniques. ; Tha usual number ofprjticipar.ts cn thee 3 tr:-?3 h around 1 2," said EbeL The limit cn the first trip b t OTk W .... The trips will feature the beautL'ul scenery ticr.3 ths rh-ers End idea they rr.cny dlTercnt fenrjj cf YildiiTe that make these cresj their heme, ncccrd- i liyo a recreation aepsrtment croc.' raprovad Gpilcero set for Tigers "I think the team senses the ir.ipcr- till tr.d 1th in the r.e,tiens tv,o re.rjor pc-3, tr- .3 to Ocur.... .e, I..o., Cetur d;y fer ;h"t thordd a cieee match fce.-n t2 Ca.-i'j'i si w t .ers &nd 'Kers.' "I T.'o::!.n,t curpriccd if Nebrseha T;cn,w Ileouri coach Miles English ' gzi I v.-sulia't bo E'jtrpried if llis co"ri urn. Cut I i?ould bo very sur prised if cither team vcn creily.' The Timers havs a balanced cfTense this year o eppesed to tlrr.vly an outside attach r.3 in the past English said his team has improved dcfenriixly. He , tie 3 neted home court cdvantce o ccr.till-uti.Tj to potential eucccesT . . . In rcular ceaaan p!;y last j-ear, Kebra:I:a defeated I 'ireouri in Lincoln but le:t to th? T:rs at Cclurabia. tone of this game," said Terry Pettit, Ilclrraha volleyball coach.'' Pettit said he thinks his team im proved in last weekend's Husker Invi tational, specifically against CaliTor nia. . "We're phyin pretty good volleyball riht ncv," Pettit cold. Pettit sold he believes Idiesouri is a strong team but the Huekers will go into the match prepared. English also praised the Corn huskers. "I feel they're a great team. They've proven that over and over," he said. . . - "I have always respected Terry Pet tit's program and the fine job he has done through the years" English said. "It i3 an honor to play Terry's team." LAWYER STANLEY A KREGEK 473 Aquila Court BMg.1' i6th & Howard Streets Omsha, Nebraska 68102 (402)346-2266 Member, American Immigration Lawyers Association r "Ctuder.ts that are interested in thee 2 canoe trips and take part b them are ones that are interested in seeking out new vays to do thing3 " Ebsl said. "They're interested in the outdoors and are ready to take edv&ntsge of opportunities " , All intereeted individuals should sin up and make a down payment at the Recreation Office before Oct. 3 for the first trip. 77. : RocW Rhythm z Ei-s of TiiEBEL-AMS $100, $3 Cover ' Mon,-Tu33, Oct. 34 From Austin, Tcxss THE JOHN EMERY BAND- Greet Rock-A-Ellty From oris of our Favorite. $2 Cover, 9-HX) - $1 Pitchsrs kom 700-9.00 ; t W to 1 v A V- v 1 - I i I 7 r ) i 1 i r . 1 f.TD.. Jrs I - '- V' " " " c ' I 1 J ' l-l"wii I 1 r .... , U.u. . . 1 - --.'--''; 7 t i r 77 r - - J rf J ,0 ; I I'-", J ( 1 rs- r -r v.. ' C f i 9 r t i 1 4 t - it r ,. 1 3 4 ' ' i. .1 t v