The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 30, 1983, Page Page 12, Image 12
Dcily Ncbrcskan Friday, September CO, 1CC3 ( - J j ! xi r. 0 n I j 7 '-ni V . i( II i I ( ( I 1 I O re!r.t3 r-r gir.-.j. Lait r-r tlx; 2 r j:re3 T.-ers; """" 1 ? They arent docrasdey. They dent even pretend to be ell that fenrsorae. But the foureorae that raa!;c3 -, up the Syracuse defensive line already has beja to ' make a name for itrclt Captain Dlaiee Yintcr, Tka Green, Jamie Klre.racl end Fcndock the Crar.rjemcn'a Tour-Vhecl Drive" have been one of the reckons Syra cuse's record is 3-1. - " "TheyVe made our defense the Erst four comes" senior linebacker Tcny Romano erdd, " and theyVe . carried the tzzzx Their nana has been more than deserved." Orange head coach Dick HacFherson aleo had woiof prabe for hi3 defensive line. "Were playing like hell," he said, "and that's all we can do." MacPherson still was wary of the challenge Nebraska's offense wiU offer hb defenders. "We are decent defensively," he said, "but we've got to keep working in order to stop Nebraska." MacPherson said there is no way to really stop the Huskers, but that the Orangemen can scratch and claw and force Nebraska to stop itself! Sophomore defensive tackle Tim Green agreed. "If we keep playing as hard as we have been play ing," he said, "we have a chance to slow Nebraska down. This week will be the ultimate challenge." Romano echoed the plans of past Nebraska op ponents in trying to keep Huskers down.' "We plan to play solid defense and not allow the big play," he said. "YouVe got to do that, or else Nebraska's speed can make it one of these 84-to-nothing games. Syracuse normally lines up in a three-man line, Huskers squeeze win put of Orangemen, 49-7 Is there any better time cf year than this far a epcrts fan? The baseball seaecn b reeahiTr its rexrt ;c-rltir4' part, pro cas!:etba!l er.d-Le:!:ey :wO. t3w r- 5 t" if c " C ' -- r i " really gearing up. LiTe b goad. tjrsxzzz t Natrar!: Per the-Oraroraeh cf Cyracuselife will be better sZzt they play Kezereeelea. It has to be. . Actually, the Orangemen dent have thai bad cf a record. In fact, at 3-1, they have the t e.:i record cf ': any Huel:er opponent. Of course, the tearas they've beaten Kent State, Northwestern and Hatters 1 dent exactly strike fear into one's heart Syracuse plays Pius X tonight. It will be their toughest garae this season. . As for Nebraska, well they just keep rolling along. Last week they proved only fumbles can stop them. (Cr.cs Turner Gill never throws' interceptier.3.) Nebraska routs another victim: Vztzzzlm CD, Lt ere: 37. ' r.Lit EZ1 Allen wasnt the only person to betting on the IrLh Izzt week. After hzl?. pllrd !"r Cv",iw!i''V? Tw'i'H i?--' r rf- - -1 I!lami when they raudi!:d thrc a 0-0 lacs. Tl::y thh year. ThcyVa v,xn tv.3 (!) r.e3 fci a row and, narror.Iy lest to l;iehfin Ctate in their So we have a team on the tills cczzt & terra cn ' the rise. Should we go with the team cf the i;:!rg tufTdo chip? No, let's stick with the.falterbg Irl:h: Crian Yczzg at UCLA: How do they da it? Her? do these folks cut at Provo, Utah, keep cn turning " The latect in the line h Str.3 Ycur, rvlri !i rc!;t:d b the water out there. It'j r rc ' : 1 r : UCLAehcvi'cdlr-:twe:ktn -c!:vc!:p into a C--d terra 1 ; . ; . tiW Iui .i i-... ..1 t. hve rcr.e prcl!':rn.3 to r;r:Ii c"t. r.;:li b tl:2 fzet the Cc:rr3 t.1"1 t'3 izz: r . .. . - - 1 T ' " Ccr-; ' "'rthe cr::t H the. Here rr.vk L.UC?, to cz: 3 r;e Z:i r "9 V 1 : t "V If but sometimes they use four dswn fcerica rr.d p!."y all four cf "the Drife." Co far this year, the Orare dzzzz j has a-swe-i Izzi than COO yards a gr rr.e te tal cHzizzs cr.d cn!y 10 ' "At tLzcj ti ll s : .ir v. 3 1.' .::Vt L :: J m t-- c i - c " f'Gri:nb a G-2, r - - t.:::.z.;..z CS tr.:::J2 f.xi Ii.::r;-;;..!, I J.Y. Hi ctrrt: J a f f : i ' "I xzzj rccrul:;. J by r f.r 1 I.::.:t:rn il;;;,"' Le Green reau Llj tack Saturday rary fc3 re.ars ' than hs can hzzCi. that IVe fcecd C3 fjr Li i.:y czrzzr he c;!X . ' they elected Winter certain. said.. "TlVat's why we' elected hin captaLi. lie g:ta surpifce cf the group so fir this ycc.r. lie v;v3 not expected to play this y . Ceultles. But he cleared up hb. record over the - eurr-iner and has been startfeg far the Orarexr.en. A.m Majf tuVJL teA4H Vvutcal tjf JL-U-Ajis.j bUaiinav kAl that he u a senior at L Tceure, he and Green plan to Green fi'i,V.r.J tju're x.ItMi rc-eli cf that czz9 A--- . --A Att'W V-s J nw)v4 fc- yrite.i.ii1a" 4vl w a ha-.-e a creat c; at a czza r.L.v he r..l T7e flrysiz Ten 23 t:.::-.-.i ii the nt: nc-rr:.I J-:t tape to Ch rzy ezreer cn a pacl.3 nets." (T3 ZjZhnZzzzztzzz - "J Peer I e eti are VZi rit:;t '""-3 V. mn. Yea 1ic;t, thee r.e;,;.trel .r. : :c;;' a rjtehplry frcrn 1' ; , ! r. UaA c.r, r . vjTi .. Jl 1j 1. . L. . . J tacktDtl:3lO,trc! 2cc " : ' " .-s V !- -1 jjww. tteW, . , . . . V St- . j i. ,4 . turned c:i il:ec-e: i to 1 rars, . "I' ' ir 23-10 third-Quart: r Izz I . 'nTt ir- .- A i. A 4 .-- ,A V- j Jt . . 5 , 'a, ft 4 WWII A b WA - . .. . ,w'f A ... -- - - - director Lzb Dcvar.ry c ! "IVe r.r; 1 a IskA WrfSfeWAfef A iAU -i - WA Aot.te . J J - - V " very uri7ie and s" -rreed greet y c 1 f2 , part cf!,:;:.ere::r.s T rkrr,"" ' r - ' . yards," Ncbraaka :e;h Tc:ei C " ... ; i 1 -.Mi3 COO C.. t r . I., 3 C,jMprfir C f h - - 'J ' f - T cjte!d3 and ran tlzt cz 1.3 C 1 i 3 cg-jIJ t!o. I like re " 7 edcer? r 7. ran caer.e in 1C71, I;en Je! v ; I ; 'W..WA tMl V. .... i . farf i,. j. ki1 . - -? ' ":"' ,. , ' r: :t ci lzz and I 3 juet c!"; i j-i-va, f- p .A. - f Tiizzt t:zz2 to 1 3 1! 3 f .-a-!e:t C:j! -'c:r ' "!!7 1 --. 1 . c. t t . e? G. ... .z i. . t t ...... .... - , ; - 1.' i t"? c: - '3 I" ien to f ' -1 r 'f f 1 r i-:.e. .::.izlz-aL,- ? 7 i ... t - :37:.7r r- .. .. t " ... V 1 J " I K.. L.. . 1- - - -r.o r 3 C ;3 CI .. . . u . , - -! t - .1 rrei r i tL, 1 ' , C f t.. .5 1, i. X'l . i V- a L! ' : . te ,. e k, ....,.".1 1!3 L. . - "?3 Wis wwir&wibHa ijrt. m r e 1. '?a .v -fcjS Aw-..ftS Axe-iw-w k ... ,& '0, r.r-rly C3 -ye.r;. s ... . .. . .. . . . J .1 - lie ::n t.,3 4. -.2 Cf a r.- w. . i ik .i 5 . .1 c ...t c.f 1 r:t cet fer t 3 r :;1 1" ? r e ri cr: 7-. Abaw 1.- - w.-v v. i,.3 t .5.;... 3 .v... r,T:.e c ; - : . rer. "jcetl ;ar. ik 1 r" 1 1 - ?' VtA tl v luj-b-j . . v. ,. A "i cant ivr-Tw. j c. ;; , srwfe..'A mJ A si V . L Cv2 r"3 rrht cn ! ' - Tleen-Ce:ere:e!3 c Uli: ) i tv -'- ... - Ti C z .en Li t!. ; 1 . . J C :" - r, .::r.i r " .-:(. 7 !i I' lit tz- !e.;n n:3 1 Ce- C::I 3 1 1 f: ; j 7... - - A . 1 1,, ... 7C. r. 1 1!:3 t 'j " - -. ' ' -V t . V . . . r . s ;. . . . , """3 ( 7 r' ' " - - , ' ' .... , ' 7.. i C c: f - 1 ' , " -' r p it ',7. i:.-'i c --7,i:it..:r - . . rf A . .... 1 J ;:....Jr:t!:c:tI :::.t:;r.elble.. . r .1 e 4 Jk ..