The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 29, 1983, Page Page 6, Image 6
Dsily Nebraska Thurcdzy, September 3, Police El Pago 6 11 111. Vser- "r I m syJJ I ' I " i U a a . - B w E il V ' . : 1 ' .. as a.. Car owners with Parking Area 2 permits who have received tickets ircm campus police in the lot near ICth and Vine streets will not be held resporili far ths tickets. - Lt John Eurhe cf ths UNL police said Wednesday there was a misun dcrsiandlnf! clout the rating of ths ICth and Vine street lot. lie said lest year it was zoned C3 a combined Park ing Area 1 and 2. This year the lot only b for car owners with Parking Area 1 permits. A new Parking Area 2 has been opened between 21st end 22nd streets. He said many cf the owners with Parking Area 2 permits are not aware cf the new lot end still park in the ICih and Vine street lot. . , The following incidents also were reported to the UNL police between midnight and 10 p.m. Tuesday. 12:03 a.m. Noise . complaint re-' ported in the Sheldon Art Gallery Sculp ture Garden. Officers found that a group was conducting a meeting there. 1:45 a.ra. Clothing reported stolen from an unlocked car parked near 1515 R St. Estimated loss to reported to be $200. 2:02 am. Noise complaint re ported at 17th and U streets. A group cf people were reported to have been shouting to people in Cather HalL The group was gone when officers arrived. " 9:00 a.m. Billfold reported lost or stolen at ilanter HalL 11:03 a.m. CcJcuhtor reported stolen from Agriculture Hall 11:42 a.m. Purse reported stolen from an cLlec in Dumctt Hall 11: ti mated Iczs Is reported to be 51C0. 1:00 p.m. Val!:t reported lect or stolen cn campo. 2:45 p.m. Person was reported posting unapproved sins in Abel Hall 2:53 p.m. Tree piling reported at 616 N. ICth St Student reported that she was sleeping in her room and awoke to find a white male in her room. The suspect fled and was not seen by anyone cbe in the house. Ike victim reported that the trespasser was about 5-9 to 5-10 and weighed 170 to ISO pounds. He was reported to have dark brown wavy hair, a brown moustache, and was wearing a blue muscle shirt and athletic shorts. 4:47 p.m. Belated report of a hit-and-run accident in the College cf Bus iness Administration parking lot The accident reportedly occurred on Sept 22 or 23. Estimated damage is re ported to be $160. 7:25 p.m. Person reported solicit ing money on campus at 10th and R streets. One person was arrested. 9:03 p.m. Suspicious person reported walking behind building at 616 N. 16th St Police contacted the person and issued a warning against trespassing on campus. rm I)a L HP S Ik P R E M E "Ha; ...i:v . '. I ' '4:: :. 1 ' ' 1 -A 7 r & 1 ft -. i v - r 111 Ml V?tvf , . j - ( j i oBJ , I ""-i f; Ready in just 5 miniite3-or your neid: one's free. Gucrateed: llDA?.!-120 Pit Pcrscnd Fsn Rzza avsilsble 'til 4 PM. utr nil. uar nx.i SUPREME Only $1X3 Rogularly $1,09 r- -iff rv. u::ccln- S:3M.11THGT. ,2::3g.:thgt. cr.3at3nicx KtEcrHT coupcm rrrM c-rrr.":3. c cohma per pf visit Valid only tt ttw Pizza Hut nwrtaunmts listad abova. fcvm.-Sat j tetawon 1t.30 ajn. and 130 p.m. ar axinn Oe :-rS41 X J Cash redemption value ia 120. NOT vaiid in combinaiiofl ut any ther Pizja Huta offer. 5-mtnuta euario'e errr3 to our two Selacliont cn ofl of 5 or tesa par tabla. or 3 pr tes p-er tarryo .1 . customer. ';:.. 4 fiaa Hut, Inc. UN Gel C2-C3 c'A cn-j Izrro crOlCDCJ U at ' ' ' vi 4 j f''"-.T CCUPCrj WKrSI CrtSma Offar limitsd to on coupon par party par visit at tna Pan Hut restaurants lisied ?"va. Good only on rerjular menu pries through frtsir li 1 X hJT valid m combina.ion with any other Pizza" Hut orter. Cam" redemption value is 120. 1K3 Pi Hot. Ine. Talks and Topics AND Model United Nations In Conjunction With l I LSLMI I TilTl-VvflTT I prcccnta i Wcrid Hcsllh in tha Cffs" - pv il. rn' vZZ3 Thurby September 29 lie Irii2 ctory that has captivated ' over : "' . OaC 3C u 3 - A'sad.sjTC'e - f c . x. , ; I . " ' " - S i - . 'i If III- - . U i J . d I J v iV w.J N J : 1 i i J i S:-rir .'"Ul r.."""3 r ir-it:e:r :t O'CC. .. ...ll I5D n c:. 77-:::7