The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 29, 1983, Page Page 5, Image 5
Dally Nebrcskan 1 r ITT T t 7 n Daily I Thursday, Scptembor 29, 1C33 Uczt tr;portar.tIy7K2in opposed ths Equd H!cht3 Amendment, and opposed It effectively. Barbara Hone-sr's resignation test month only publicized xihzt many feminists lr.c.7 dl cJor.j that Herman's prom kzz were cf the serious kind. Thh administration hz3 t:cn virtually no action to bring vddz chzrc"s in how women are ecpzrctcly treated under the ir.v. That b the level where an adminis tration's prevailing view cf the position cf women is most important: in the law, in the maintenance of welfare programs like Aid to Families with Dependent Children (most cf whose recipients are women) and in the economy where discrimination takes many forms. EDITOR Crf'AL MANACTR PRODUCTION MANAGER AOvt;if,S.N3 MANACEH M..NA'V1 rlTCS KCWS t DITOR ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITORS NIGHT NEW3 ES35TOR ASSISTANT NIGHT Krws EDITOR ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR . SPORTS E DITOR ART DIRECTOR PHOTO CHIEF ASSISTANT PHOTO CHIEF itrnr tt r n x 1.1 f. : lr.. L i..."n I ry i T jrr y L, . MfrjMi - .i- W. Tr?;!;a 111 Larrt i.jr-ar Est! l-.-u t.8 ftadrot Tha Daily Nebraskan (USPS 144-030) It publlah d by the UNL Publication Board Monday through Friday In tha (all end apring aemestaia and Tuea daya and Frldaya In th tummer aessiona, axcepl during vacationa. Subcriptiona: $20aemstr. $30two tamestsra, $35year. Poatmastw: Sand ad-Jresa chanoaa to tht Dally Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34. 1400 R St.. Lincoln. Neb. 685Sa-C44a. Second Cmj wtin paid M Lincoln, Nb. ALL Uii.....LU I f M'Ji UL1 F n ' m nn Ihll.l Jl ft II 1 r. 1 1 ' uwkj Itl! Osan: f i. 31 n n? yo tin ft- -a : I f: ill! I! I r FOODS of MEXICO J "l,ILI Sunday 11 arsvil pm Z3 CZ2 CD CZ3 IZ2 ZZ2 ZZ2 ZZ2 z 17th &"M" 475-iat3 WITH PURCHASE OF LARGE CANTARO OF iRjre .y,fcr,i. ioURsots!y per customer r Hm ' 9 1 v p i ir . r- .- - " " r mmzrrrrrrT-TT - ' c-: .C c- : o ",. ?) --; ' 1 - ' '.' - ' - - ' i; ! r- ":::A r ( V"" "' r i f -VJ :'.: r . ,:V. V ' l . V. - 2 " :--;T c witlim.. '-- j r , ,. CiiJ- - j :. " i . i - l. ; - .Lr- J ! Lc.v:r Level , L rT ifr rrr : Tft? If 7? rzz?? rrn rssn MA iV m TANGOI UrMriiiiod 'end YOU. SAC0 9GC. - r:' ' ...... "n ri a? AiA II II ) ;C AUO; 1 YAMAHA IC-2C3" CASSETTE 0I:Ct Automt dmfoioSa nieordiof 4 piayback ClKtronuayCOntroatd V touch contro) Hhfl1ormnct two-moa lftmpo1 Ptouui vxjnd $KfCO CMMlttdCCk RECEIVER Dct wt quartz frequmey Vy1hew tuning SAMorfMranctamstatianprtwil , 20 mm fm cnxwtd (contmuoui RMS, both chmneb drivt. S Chmt. 20 Hi 20kHz. 0X)8 THDi SOISTY SOMY P3-JDC55 IJOSTGrJ ACOUSTICS TURNTABLE LOUDSPEAKERS 14" size eompiiibie wm Son -protfay ehe components AoVanccd hity automatic operation r-mountpiufm cartTJ9K)sigrt tmeatUKkmg Direct dnvt 1 wo-way a-ws r 8".wootsr vinyl o 1 ( r 1,11,1 r7iAcoiJStics '! a..i SONY (y3iTLiQj'uLju"iMQ; Co?rt!r.";2 in tea t7'U!i cf flra rjCa" GATBVAY H0?P!r:a CZfiTCn 1.3 r.i 476-651 1 A3 inc Q u is 1 fill!:' ,v il - r juiMim jaw "Hi 1 y 1 U.- L. . Tr "ti r--" -ni 2 So, tftz lowest pries rrcy not prove to bs a bzrgn. At Fcm!:y Contact Lens Center, tna Hc::th cf your eyes corn3S first JVizts vtiy v:2 provld 2 ttiorcuoh, prore::!oncl cere, to e::uro Hec!4Jiy eyes v;h::e v::rlng ccntrct lenres. And ve do It et a prtco ycu cen crrord. In eddltfon to a v;Id3 sc!ct!on c? lens de signs end mete?1e:s v;e crfer free consu!tzt!on end en c;:c!u:Ive C0-d:y trie! period. Fcr mom tnfcrirtba zll: 33:3433-5757 . -'VX' 4--, 0T7A?'7TT7T'v.7' n.A v i j . I i "V.'cro tli 2 fic::tt. cf your eyes comes first" 'Diie:;t"0" .