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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1983)
Pago 2 "Daily Ncbrcskan Thursday, G :pt:n.b :r Z2, 1CC3 . - mmmm. . Z Z Z Z ZE?i3mL Z ZOjVlT " . to ..WW J i. J k . Nctional end Intornticnd nciv from lli2 Realcr N'c-,v.? Kcport i v.' i . I 1 StPTtMLtH 3P iLAl. 12:33 a.m. Catting To Know Ma: Journal Writing Nebraska Union Robert T. Justis Shauna B. Valentine Discover how journal writing can La come your personal record of growth and development. Learn how your life patterns and reflections can help you identify thresholds of growth to gain a better sense of "V."ho an IT" 10:2012.03 Moon Chronic Pain Manassment Nebraska Union Thomas P. Guck The presentation will discuss the nature and effects of chronic pain. It will also outline various nonpharmacological strategies for managing pain. - 12:03 Noon -Do Vitsmin Pills Help Stress? Nebraska Union - Katharin Riddle What is it that really helps you when the pressure is on? The body's reaction to physical, emotional arid mental stress will be described in nutritional terms. :: v.rcrzzszx' ' " " '-'i i. , t r -ft'' ' 1:C3 pun. ' t Combative Arts Dsmonstration Nebraska Union Richard Schmidt See demonstration of Judo, Karate, and Kendo. 1:S3 pint. I'm Not What I'm Gonna Cs, Cut Ei-by, I'm test Khst I Has: The effect cf Wellness en pcaisssia s&'f-cojtegpt. Nebraska Union Dolores Simpson-Kirkland 4 0 I , 3:C3 p.i3L f ion-credit Fitness Acf&itkt en Campus Nebraska Union Stan Campbell Various departments of the University offer diversified non-credit fitness pro grams and activities. These programs are open to all of the University com munity. Find out what they are and how you can become sn active partiHpant. C:C3 p.m. 12.-C3 a.ra. f?5naasOanc. . ' jz::. ', r;. .. '': East Side of tha Stadium '' '.'' Corns dance to the "Star City flayers" and eeisbrate IVsliness with ths entire University cwrpus! ... . .. ' , ; f'.rfylar at wf .';". V.'.xJt twnf j a-Stw y ..,:'x.'m I. .' y ' s; Lcura Been Doncoro end VIiJGicIcno , A Mid-America Arts Alliance Program DEAN DANCERS spin across the stags, exploring tha outer reaches of modern choreography Post K!ocJom Dance. Accompanied by live music composed by Miss Dean. Ci'uay, October 1 st Cpm Missouri Repertory Theatre Tha tmportonoo of Being Earnest A Mid-America Arts Alliance Program ISoreSsy, Oc5s&ar 3 it pm Gerry LluIIIgon With the support of the Nebraska Arts Council Ss!ur&3y, October 8 st tpm MALL11&R Boi Offlca (11-5. Kon-Fri) 113l3uslsk!a. 1 1th & R 472-3375 . HO I of Ntrttka - : ; JUDGE'S 2" Tonitt-SatiSspt 290cL 1 AREON BARON '' ' i JSBAGK ; -- AS : PRESSURE POINT ...EO'S CENTER Tonit-Sat TEE2.. ';' v- October. I MON TUE WED TKUR FRI SAf 3 4 5j 61 7 M TEACTERZ KGH HEEL i SNEBCEBS J ry- - LAKDSIJDE W U 12 13 v 14 15 -r :'MTON ----------1 i I 1 I I I wmf. B,WES NO COVER ': Fri Ci S-t S3t SOOct 1 I'- T 1 ' " I ) ( 1 Reagan plans visit to Peldng in April.-; , PEXIKO Defend Cccrctcjy C;?zi Vc!n bcrcr renounced thzt Prcclder.t Her oa r'.:r.3 to visit Vtttn I21 April VcL-l-ercr, .l:o ii vl,:t-: tr4 PcIp.3, bo Ezid he t:Mjvcd tha Ur.;t;4 Cts.t3 ra.-y soon cell cnr.3 to lis s:IJ ' Premkr Zhao Ziynzl wU vl:It WiihLintca Li January, the first Cliiric: prericr to mska guch a trip. A(icc3pTrr.iT.cntpc!.ccrrj;cjrxcd that China and the Soviet Ur.!on would resume tsZka in Peldng Oct 6 feed Li improving rela tions between Uie two courdiicj. Tiis t.vo Communist countries have hsd more thin Z0 yesxs cf hostile relations. In VVhbn, Vihlts House gpokssman Larry EjKJskcs esld Rsrsn'a decision to vfcit China rcHscts thi Importance he plrxcs cn strengthening ties with PcMn. Andropov rejects ofier MOSCO V Soviet leader Yuri Andropov Wednesday rejected President neem'o litest -proposals on crms reduction sad ssid there is a danger of nucl ear war if Washington pursues its present policies. In his toughest attack on the United States since taking oSce 10 months : ago, Andropovpoured scorn on Heain's cfTer, made in a speech to the United Nations lion-". .' day. The Soviet president said Washington has no intention of reaching an agreement on curbing missiles in Europe. lie said Washing ton intends to establish domination of the world with "a militaristic course, which posc3 a grave threat to peace. "The US. president, in his gradZoquent speech from the United Nations, declares his com-. mitment to the cause of peace .... These mere declarations can convince no one." : ':.House:;Ilrrine3,o ctoy': 1 . . "tives Wednesday 'voted 270-101 to approve a f: compromise plan to keep US. tlarincs.fci Lebanon 18 mere months. The Senate, r. Iieh b scheduled to vcte today cn the plan, is expected : ' to approve iL ;;. --'' "H" Resignation requested " IIIAIII The Head cf Eastern Airlines larg : esturdonVednesdaycalledferthercaition -. of company CI Bryan, chief nesibter for Eastern's 12,3- -.-" member local cf the International Association ' cf ilachinists, said Eorman's claim that bank- .'; ruptey is the only answer ifempleyees refused to accept a 15 percent wc.e cut defl'es avails-:. tie evidence.' He said an ana-ris by Herri! "' Lynch showed the afxline had the third-hfhest I level of revenue per passenger mile in the industry. Bryan said, the reason for the bankruptcy tactic was "to bust the unions.". ' U.S. growth may slow ' TOUCIJTO Eeal growth in the VS. cross national product may slow to about 3.5 per-. cem nesi year, csiei L-iiase caanattan cccn- ing at a basir.acs 'fa Tcrcr.;?, he' '. forecast that faCiaa wZlJirrp rc:..i ra ar-r.ual rata cf about 4 p " resat thb j'r ar to raars than G ' '. percent .fai lC:i irYcrk. tartar trii: , intercut rates neat year wH etay ctzllarr-'y- h!;i and that growth fa the US. rasa: 7 car "7 ' wlI clow from about 11 percent to 7 parte::! ..nestyear. ' -.- 'Former. Ncs charC2cl'.; :F?AIIFICT, West Germany A' frrrtar Nasi 3 cl'eer eatradltei ten Car.a .1 Li I! -7 : was charr.-J Wednae:ifw!i t!:a r'-sff- more than llCO -litharrii "Jri c-julri-l v.cna wsr iL-ir.2 pr:.. 2 prcertar r-'JIJ witr.r:.::.3 Lxn Isrr :i, Ceath Jlira, -:::tr:.i and Wact Gerrarr.y r,a tastier czs.:t Izzt - Tt? chairs aZ- that dart1 tL- Cirz:.: ccrasncfIi.aaal2fairn,Lc"rar----t-1 men, wemen cad chl'en for frj a J czeautle-j' cad tl;rt lb rrra" 'c '-f-- . i--"a car, : t:a 1 h:.. 3 p; I1 : i : 'm; 3 . tzzzzzr.zi Liz zzzzzt :iLj L:... L:C j H't drprrtursy.::! t3 frem cr city f.::J;; jrx 27ui Ci Ccxhu:!::r