The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 29, 1983, Page Page 15, Image 15
Dai! Ncbrzskan Pzr.o 15 - aw V. ATTENTION , . . "wf 1 I v fi J COITM ! new frtonde at tH fMKct African SJx-Joma Association gpt t 7 p.m. In e twk Urmm. Room wUi be poaiad. Your Ws ur:f-,yy needed. L'f.n-J fcicml Lvt ni.-4w-mwn wis be served. ctui::tg C-3T A C Bring in your coH7 1.0. end cat $1 off any re?uiar priori arbum or catuat $5 63 end toowe. WINTER?? STUDY TOUH3 13 Rsnr In EuTOpeTltrasVAua jia A Hew 2tansl Irajrmation A tV"' mion: 34i Nr&a Union 472-3234 T112 KOOCrOTCOTII AalSSWip SheMan Miftwrial ArtGusSary Caret HarlmHi Pa.pwr slacks Mn-t And clnr c'-ess Am ft&Niufi Wvgs Exhibition runs Soot 27 Oct 33 12ih R Street 472-3SJ7 Student Alumni Association is proud to announcs the selection of its new mamornr. Sussn Andersen Tucker Amaaon Ross Bacon Kannath BukowsU Georgs Davis Km thy Johnson ScoilMoc Sue Olson Rodny Psnner Nancy Rogtc Shelly Rotoft Chrs Scoddar Dave Smith JaveWieseisr Chris Evans . M Fafar Brand Femau Sandy Hang Toddlbach Matefemale to slwa taaf 3 bedroom house. Near Census. Own Room, tactmonth ps 13 uk3asa; CaH 474 2643 a.ar5.-.i p.m. : Vary responsible. iwsa-smngfwnaSe roommate wanted to share r at 22 Vine. BurKinc" f . f 14j total par month. CALL MaSe roommat wanted. ResvmW. mature. CM lor detetSs. iakm 1. Female kxmrsjv's. eSiesse te city cam pus. Cas Sw;, 4,-38 ewnMa. - Femr.'e wumfcrnS to ehsre rfe 2 fcsd- room. Park Area. $1S3ma. piua .433-4.71. FREE DELIVERY Any rLsce ta Iiaee!a Area 9 fMwfaWrL f?.'r,Im. fVfl eaot.4 2 Ca s f Fepd wiJs I I CaJ 47-i. 2723 N 1 I PburjBnou-Zj J PIZZEDIA . J I1 1 am-1 :X3 7 .78 a irJiJ I FrL a r-t. t!"J 3 sn I GAME'. .' CONVETJiTOn W. V- D4) 0et J 4mt -.''.ft- 1 v. . ' r - - : a. ' Z JreyTCi, . Th. ont's for you. Mepy Ciffid;y. Lcwa. taowr ftee a nice dsyt, ' f..fy 48 month Hussvartaryt You're the best hwgsar a hug mmtm coukj ever ftttyl (your ht--3 nae&ar PI Phto and FMac Oont to9t to turn m yos i;-tkn-i!e for the Cow-iter Dating Service fUC. Got FvychecU The Cofrputar Who's gonna win Phi Pal 500? Need you ask ASpfta OasB ASMA: " HUPPY BiflTHOAV to an bwiiMs roommate. I cant Neve hovr contpaa bta we've become. Tnana for being mu& a spec-- tared. Luv.l Vndy from New York: I ersnt a rain check on drink. Ca9 ma or steji ty the store. Ttee number I have for yixi t diaconnectad. Gary Feeing bestart Cant TrytwintZHamiL Thursday. FinpsrTwin tl Here's to good friends and friendly LAWyers. We had some great times ke sting K.C.s finest pixtm at tie tVed. wool winty Good Luck to you two. P.S. Youtl always be to of da todera pote ft ra be the wmg i CM-O Pledgee. Sunday is the b!g day, and the only thing that's going to keep you from win ning is if "SSt ient closed to traffic. Your Eligible Coaches, Stan, Craig, Jim a Phil Susie (Sammy LirSe Sister), You did a greet job with Rush) How bout another bottle of Asti?! To S the Anchor Spipsh Swimmers, We're looking forward to OcL &. We hope you are tool Good LuckS 0-G.Oucks TownsClub: Ws have the knowledge, we have the experience, we have the technology to win the Phi Psi 500. .'. -. v . ' Love, VourCoachea Sandy , ' " ' ri's to our Countms of Quivira! Ak-Sar-Ben has good taaaal Love. Gamma Phis Hner2, Thanks so much for d your hsip this past week! Itmada me leal more at home! KsSKte f ark-ttsirsi ;k1 at GmixZZi - - . iijut eur fHK-t. IStf 81 vsar ffr skj my yt to set ysa rm eyPealTaMi, Sinea this is "Let's fssl sorry for Jeff Week." be looking for your personal fan c&b at the game Scad. & J). ktea oooooooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) llOcts. 0UD. fcrr-brrr ...... . . . O fn"s " " . - O Cckc or III. IZX dm Jfl A. eV T." jT UJImI rfrrte-l 4V-e - . m -w- Celtic tzzt . o o o o CZst pod crJy 8pxi. - o o o i) O" :.-2 r - I ! . ' i - 1 1 ' ' 1 ' 1 J . - - U it tit t i v. -. sxa .j you. Lei's do a when you'rs vcr, and out ot 9e ct?Bt ' - Psrty-AniiffcaiBlie P.3. Leave t?-e police hon-ieii tint tutg the iKMy tnr. Jenny M. (Phi IK). " IjM 13 S3 J Cme S4t MaMiL Hofm Cm s how M this weekend. Setv aoms aces for am Joni - The AXOs have mir In !Ktl they w'V Irtii:t.!-i1wrfc.x'. KifitinSSnstLiii'S i got jsjyUissd. CO AXO. ' Your Phi Pal Coechea, ; stekTBruosAklarkO. eayJ(AXiD). See you no kiivr. no earlier then S. Luv, Mommy D!taCamma. Sundcy w the time. Debbie and Dana 1st acroae the line. Deb teewes the ars to vmmo. ArmwreUing. ATO softbaK, Fid Pai 500 sweep. Good Luck, Coaches Christy. Enjoyed the R-batt gams and conver sabon on Tuea. pm How about enoCier game some fime? Reply vie persona?. TheRedHead Mark P.. Tim D.. 4 Kim K. are reaajeat -tog information mardin his whunaa bouts. Please can Tim at 472-e47 if you " know where he's at To tha cute boy to the library (ATO): I would personally tike to wish you the Happiest of Birthdays. I cant wait to grin and Barrett with you. - Little Girl (A-Phi) AL1Y Er! You dazzling foxl Happy 18th birthday to a super roommate. Love. CariBeri Tan. Happy Thursdayl Just wanted to say I LUV You! - . .- tGm ". .-. To aM wild & crazy UNL Marching Band Members: Party this Saturday after Syracuse game. 1035 So. 17. SA-7. Tha festiwties begin at B:C9. Detsiis to be announced. Stephanie, - .' Happy Ftirttxlayi Jim N- wM ta up later wtih a LiQ kiss for you. Pucker vpi , , Lowe,. . : lifts , Kurt, ,;; ' You've got my number, why dont yom use it sometime? , '.'V"." ' Lisa ATTENTION OUtET RADICALS, IfKTIL THE QUALITY AND PLAGE IZZHT OF THE SELLECX SILVERAR If rflOVES. DO MOT THROW AWAY YOUa PAPESt PRODUCTS. NOT SERIOUS. BUT THEMXASGUTIT SonmsR Cnwdxlistiotn on becoming Fhi tSu. Tlwy are very lucky to ham a girt Wba you. We are proud of you. Lowa. , Ka&feanftG o o o o o. o; o (3 o o o o o o o O.' ........ JWccQ. mm, " ;j a ei" a mmri Vbw A E I"' 5 c:r.;j G O .o' o Zt. 27, 23, 29 2axi. () (.) 0'- TIM-- - . ' Tfd, 1 ,.vsae r so h-,-.y tor lte Ya. Dem-o Gisl frwa 04kvf. - lie! you Mon. nsit outsfds of L Ibrary, Lfte to N to know you betier. N kster- msM. fiaVP. v Guy from Western Neb. Good Uk k Suxl D, Nancy R, end Mary O H The AXOs are gonna walk tmsy wsm al the trophies durmg Phi Pst George Jon t Ref-Rae-Roy. H i the 5-A I love you. , Guess Who To the Mr. Physics Fen Ctubc It is time again tor the annual physical bash. For tim details, contact before Friday. Psez aWalker V.Prez T.Heiaer PS. Ann, did you break that? DougS-. I hop you're elected Homecoming Kingt Your Secret Admirer, Piedgs Trainer TriDetta, If you girts can pedal aa wefl as you can sing, we wai heer the victory be! ring at fie PHI PSI 5-0. Yourcoeches, Barry, Chad. Alien Jim K. (G1CC). How about going out for a coke (km) and some crackersTThis time IH provide the S2 bp. RSVP 2-9481. . Natalia (S. Locust Taco Johns) STEPHANIE (Legal & Consenting tl plus 1). Happy 18th plus 1 Let's hear it tor CJB. Have a Great day! What? Shut up and have a good bme! LUV (or is it LVU?) Kim (Legal lv Consenting I plus 1) Paul. ' HsppyBirthday! Your gift is like striv ing for s hote in one with your dnverl. I love you. Precious Lisa Ann. . Dam. I did 3 again : -. - - Bacani. Bubala ft Tommy Taeche ' PS. Hmopf tt. Kittwif WANTED: ' An stht-fw newspaper (or even a 12-f-r w) at 3flk. wfiit no lata sto rjs. CoiiUCl OH. ' - - Production Dept. P S. This is not the New York Tknss. What s a ?m8iin. anyway? Just another nurtujer? 'ACROSS , ' 1 Meals ca Big-.. Mo 7 This put its , markon Antony's gill 13 Pop. 13 Minerva, to Plato II Pintail duck 15 French . affirmative 13 Flaw 13 Pay dirt 13 Gently: Mus. . dir. 23 Mets' position 21Qa2hcs ' .. 22 Historian - Marshall . 2311c3'sj;'jest 2T5 -sax ' . f- -'' eL S m - :3Atr:3fjr VreewUWl 3 Inveracity 41M:.l;shact8 OKnsckstathe C'wii.i'wwL 3 3Lccrf;r:I:3 . ialzzt OCityia : Jlii;:Lr.rr a. C"w i lis. 3 n Axcrsiz . Vv3 ( k ttncl r:. .:.:.rr;-tfcre cnsc,:i-::c:y Soit i Paul, "ixxxt popie got no reason . . . un less they're gymnasts!" See you &turdy)V! Love, Your Studybuddies (And thafs an order!) Uura i Kim: Such two funny girte. Just you wait This aio goes tor you to Site! ley. Tracy Late,Geno,4Mr.b.. WeUyeah . . . Sometimes you juet have to eay, "what the So have a great time m N. Dakota. Be Carefuim Tammeria Mary Bath, SmiiaH Someone who cares. Will edit your book or article, research or depertmental report Experienced, rea sonable. Marcia Pearson, 665-3641. GARFIELD n shift chop 2319 GAHFiELD (two blocks south of 20th A A) Look for the Happy Cat 435-5522 A Wee Bit Of Everything! SOUND UNLIMITED the finest Disc Jockey Systems vaila bie for your dance. 788-5555. COMPUTER SERVICE i Larry Brown 15th AN 476-3391 Theses. Papers. Resumes COMPUTER TYPE TYPSriGAVOnD- PROCESSIKG AD your typing needs with high speed fine printer proofs and storage included. Fast final copies in multiple type styles including proportional spacing. Spelling checker A computer services available. 478-TYPE. 1830 Que lower level next door to .The Picture Man 1 fzzzmr;z3rz2i AfHlTlS gltT UIR wjAlLlO sTou 'f . Tric sE, Tim i - . : it'll ,i, im i i r-V "1- r'PFjTlT ',oTc H yr TjaiJl -rj' )jei2 t s itrr i f a 1 1 1 e TT -I ill-' LT5 CROSSWORD PUZZLE TiCL'SrrS T. IV&1LZZA 3 Raccoons' tun CI Prohibit ;i 67 Kind of ring or glass C3 Strike out ,'POsTN- ;. . J What a priest celebrates 2 Group : character 3 School of a sort 4 Valet 5 Duck, in Dortmund S Black Hawk---- was one 7 "Lucky Jim" author SDergerfrcra Vienna fJCritissitea " 13Il?:pss'sfair lady . . ; 11 Invisible .emanation 12 Per (daily) 14 Pipsqueak or pipsqueaks 17 Eaked-claypot 21 Pop's cousin 23 Nile dam 25 Way of acting 27 Tea from Taiwan 23 Electric wiS?er 23 de-boeuf (round or oval window) 31 Dutch cupboard 22 Chooses " S3 Whence to view the N.Y.C. skyline r" T T 4 js I"! '" T a. (ia " ia "Ti" znt is' tz Zi i r ZiZ Z ZD Z rri i"! i 1 .j , -j j j -j j r j -j' .. j (4 .j 37"" j " rr" "" sr -j v 1 i - . - j j . ! Z Z Mm V ZfZti1 ciu i" c ij ; :r"" ' ! f-IlLlZZ T" j T "f 3" """" i ill ' i . - 1 Tn Y i '.' '! I 1 . I Pregnant? BIRTHHIQHTIsaconfiden tint heiptng hand. 433-2m9. Typmftervlos Manpower inc. 122 N. 11th -Term papers, thssss, doctorsls. resumes, letters, outlines, etc. Reasona ble rstes. Near downtown campus. Call 477-6338. STATMORE LAW OFFICES DWI 1st Ottsnse $225 with this ad 474-1842 TYPEWRITERS: RENTAL - SALES - SERVICE BLOOM'S 323 N. 13th 474-4138 i tkiiilhi:'Ifv: Imported Cigarettes Clove Cigarettes Cliffs Downtown 12th 40 CHinOPilACTIC Downtown Mon. FrL Dr. John Wynhausen For Appointment call 477-1027 Wondering if any UNL students com muting from Weston Wahoo area would want to carpool. Ask for John. Weston, 842-9248. staffs tmi (fill II ft LOST: Silver encasement ring. Much senti mental value. REWARD. Please call 4St6S74. Name Brand CONTACT LES Replacements and Spares Fast Cofwtfilant Service From ea. ;Sav O.V77 lehVcare heeds tool ' , t C3 L'lCCs.3 Tfes! Frc3 Eye Contact Box 7770 Sliswnss Mission KS 3207 23 Khartoum native 33 Moines S3 Zero 42 Doral targets 44 Of a sacristy 47 -forth (lecture) 43 Drag (race site) 2 Hackneyed 53 Boundary 54 Mop the deck SSOop'sgal 57 Like seas after some spills S3 Brake part S3 Church area CI Monogram of "The Voice" C2M.I.T.deg.