The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 29, 1983, Page Page 12, Image 12
Thursday, September 29, 1C33 Lincoln darts league targets moremembsrs Td:3 hztsi drrts fir.-i cf Lbccla there is an Daily Ncbmsksn PG3 12 cror.bitica fc-r you! t,i lJI-. Ed Dowldsa, membership in ths orgsnftion 13 When I joked two cT3 there v. crs cja tr.3 end .bout 35 members," Cawlicn tzid. Now 1 JJu JVJ L::L Largest Selection of in Lincoln f ; ft! Ili'l rvlsanr e u ,7 ! IW , ! I I V I J i J I I X '(I)' VM.II.HH.I I. 13 M KM I UV Las a -&J Super Selection of 1 1 i icJ 4 i u3 Absolutely "Tito" G2LEIIGY C2271 in Town All Warm Case beer, CcsS Pto 10 5 or more Mixed Cases, Ccct; Pfcp 0 Luijl2) beats our keg prices. . Ch::!i U3 cuS bc'cra ysu fcny! 18 Gal. ' 15 Gal- 0tl3 0m0w3 rilavP Ci3aC0 Plus Many Others At The Same Discount Price. PRICES GOOD INDEFINITELY I Please reserve 24 hours in advance t y Tl Daily ri V . ! I . 1 1 in u LIU ft f1 (A) NEW LETTER ORGANIZER TRAYS Choose from a colorful big selection of stackable work surface letter trays to help organize your classroom work and SU'BS. (G) SWIVEL ARMCHAIRS Brand new. cantilever arm swivel arm-chairs with fulhr upholstered seat and back. Real study comfort at tremendous savings! (81 ADJUSTABLE CRAFTING TABLE Brand new, 7-position 30x42 inch laminate top on sturdy steel frame. 30" high. KO in carton. Save $31, regular t91 value! (H) ELECTR3C TYPEWRITERS Brand new portable elec tric typewriter. Inexpen sive yet well built for long hours of student tvoina. Manual carriage return. Save! Cn f-r tfi . Z NfcW, STEEL 4-OftAftER FILES Letter size, itaal conn itnicted files in atwrtee' colors. Lock included ! deal for student storap and budget priced to 7C J PER 1C9 II) BOX OF ICO FILE FOLDERS Purchase a box of IOC file folders (ietter-siza) with any txsrcbise ior only 7.SS now at All Msices. No limit. SlacV up today! (O) STEtL 2-ORAWER FILES -r Sturdy, steel constructed letter size i'-drawer fiiet with locks. Assorted col ors available. Ey op erating nylon roilsr oen$ion. I IE) TU3MT essx LAMPS . Brand new "Clip-It" desk lamps in assorted colors. Clip it anvwhere ami then adjust as needi for heavy studying at ... U)LEXAfJ CHAIRMATS 33" K 48" size pricd here. Other large sizes s'so avsilstjle. Protect floors and carpeting. An excellent value now at All Makes! f-m n&'Q War swl IX) ELECTRONIC TYPEWRITERS Srsnd new Smith-Corona portable electronic tyre writer with rrstmory -and 1-toweh correction. Pica and elite prmtwhee! in 'eluded. ID STUOEiaT WALL CLOCKS Colorful Sunbeam o-&nt wall clocks in 6 de!i cious colors: red, g.-eo, yellow, blue, erwn, brown, Accurate quartz crystal movement. l i Pltnty of Free Storaside Parking. Opan Waakdayt from 8:30 to 5:30, Open Saturday until 3:00. ( - (DOSED STEEL student ct:r.xs ; ; - Good selection of fuevy duty steel -60 x 33 desks just right forsak ing. Elevator ty p;g pt form style mvi ckate pe1e$ta!s. c f n L ' f, " Ens cl2s3 furnilnrs 9 cScs sasliisss icCiS3 eyiipssnt ( C - ' : Jeff v ---------------'',"""' we've got 14 teams and between 80 end 00 ' Bcswlden " said most ' teams have sis or seven members; seven b the maximum number a team. can have, v " . . The teams have formed a le?ue that operates out of c!!it. bsrs around town. Each team must play other league teams at least once.' - : Bowlden said the league has two seasons Janu ary to April and September tc December. He said the top c'ht teams in'the league make the playO'Ss. Bowlden, who has belonged to the association for two years, said he didnt know very much about darts when he first besn playmg cn a team, so people shouldn't let lack of experience dissuade them from joining. - ', "l!y roommate had a dart board and he and I would just play," he said. "Then we heard about these guys playing and decided to go down and watch them. We decided we were as goofl as they were, so we joined " ' There is a $10 fee to join the association. In addi tion, each team must pay a $30 fee. The money goes to cover expenses such as plaques for the top three teams, he said.' . ' People interested in joining the Lincoln Darts Association can contact Bowlden at P.O. Box 82834, Lincoln, Keb. CCE01. h i 3 reg. $29 as 13th and "0" Sfest at ? .,...AV- 0 4.' 5 fl I r- i r- CD L - . U I J ' .