h! on day, C:p.;.T,b:rC3, 1C23 tell Jf I ww(inuM v 7 ri Daily n L "' Ci--ii r til' - V . I II V - " "V tr A 2 2Qn it i - It I: 'X t ; EDITOH Ltrnf f "il GENERAL MANAGER f-":! t r, J PRODUCTION MANAGER KlI F." .7 ADVERTISING MANAGER Tr:rLL::. ASSISTANT ADVERTISING MANAGER r f trr:.' MANAGING EDITOR t :..'.:' 1," NEWS EDITOR r.;r C:i ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITORS T::rj L I','.: r::.3Z.r.;r LAYOUT EDITOR C-.rU 3 Th3 Daily Nsbrask&n (USPS 144-CC3) is publish ed by tha UNL Publications Board Monday through Friday in tha fzl and spring semesters and Tues days end Fridays in tha summer sessions, except during vacations. Subscriptions: $20semester, $20two ssmestars, 535year. Postmaster Send address changes to tha Daily Nsbraskan. Nebraska Union 34, 1 400 R St., Lincoln, Uzb. C35C3-0443. ' Second class post?"3 paid at Lincoln.Nsb. ALL 'sATCrL C 1 Y,. T" l3 C-LY t4tewXA.l Pat McCi!a DDS. Mm Hurlbsit DDS. snd assoc. Gcntb, Qtrity Care ErnaTjcncks & New Patients Wcjcoms Belmont Phza, 11th & Ccmhirkcr HwyJJ In response to the letter attacking Planned Parenthocd's Cxn "Condom Sense" (Sept 19, Daily Nebraskan), we would like to cropland Mmr.ed Par enthood fcr the wcr.ucrfuljob it i.3 dsir.g to educate ' people in r.rea3 of their own sexuality, Manned Par enthood is not trying to destroy the family, but rather trying to prevent an unwanted one. We are adults and are capable of making our own decisions, regardless cf whether we are possibly vio lating someone else's - standards of "morality." Wouldn't it be better to be able to make a responsible, educated decision? We are not promoting premarital sex, but simply condoning free choice and common sense. Beth EcfcdalT junior communicationspre-law 4f ' 4 Connie Ililkcmann junior broadcastadvertising Diwinond uds 'seodst ' V Another school year has begun and once rgr in we " are plsgued by a parade of Nebrcski Diamond's demeaning, sexist ads which appear in the Daily Nebraskan. We are referring specifically to the "We Dominate" ad printed in the Sept 22 issue. Was Nebraska Diamond advertising its store of the archaic belief that men should dominate women? We are appalled by such a blatant display cf Nebraska Diamond's insensitivity toward women. We suggest that the Daily Nebraskan staff members review their advertising policy. Is the additional income from this type cf ad worth sacrificing responsibility to respect the equality cf women? We consider these ads distasteful and we have no intention of patronizing tha lbrrra Diamond Company, Katis Cchcrlirke t , iior math "AnnToro sophomore' " ' , English Editorials r.zcr;aiiv3 . In Wednesday's editcrbl (C ; 1 21, Dd!y Nebra skan) you stated that the United I hitler. 3 has "not played a major role in preventing any cenfict" How do you know that? I.Iijht it be pcsEibla thst infor- maVfcrmal discussions amcr.g nsticr.s at the Oil. haw prevented numerous misunderstandings and potential armed conflict that would have arisen without the U.N.? - In another editorial (Aug. 20, Daiiy Nebraskan) you condemned Bob Kerrey for his many trips outside cfNcbrnska. Yet to invigsrate and develop a group, institution cr state, astronglcader often will research possibilities and gain first L.md experience of other models through tailing and visiting on-site with persons who hzx2 demonstrated success and have been pioneers. We need these fresh ideas and influences from outside cf cur state. Also, we need a network developed cf "doers" around the nation. These personal contacts made by Csb Kerrey will allow him to activate many prcjair.3 which would not be available without his initiatives in seeking to justify resources throughout our nation through his personal cn-cite involvement. , I believe in both cf these edilsrials, ysa have chosen to take an undeserved r.sgitive stance. This spirit cf negativism msy Lavs caused yea to neglect Don TGey Lincoln ' '" ' '' ' ;Conton!2r y. . Fcr ! :.T7 Czrl Yast- 1 w t 4 5 23 A ' V;ZIe Lar.ng on rd cn. 7I:tr3 rre few i..;z.xzi j. cr,vr.3 who are .able to' dance thrc--! rii.,:ii;2. We b r e at L ::, r: c r z . c j'sjly when jrlyCills. moves ; i i cera' lisr v:ic. ft & IVcntcd For Osb ' ? 3 a "'"CrC-"' i'.'f-lri-Ty--4--!'"- T.7hci::-r yea v.;-::t to r.i ;!J el a fcctbcH ecict, Cr.d a rcc.-r.dci3, or rccs a filer. J, CcSy IJclrcchcn C!crr:.::d is a n'o-fr3 tvey to do it. V Gey v;:;ct yea v,-cr.t to ccy, end Che-.-::;;. C2.C3 rets'-. ; . yea a tennverd cd. Yr tint t;'B :::i 15 per tvcrJ cuiraV''. ::-":: r - i . 17 e n -1 ps!i---"."1 c.'sr :1 r;pc;frr-:.":!j'-ct ' J C:-::nte pre'fer elder V'2 zzvtt rrri 'fcrfesl . riilsulsr :?!-. r-ltsit--tei hii h-r rc:ijt as 3 "J C . clli.r can-:.2c:!Jl'3are ;-sissr'-st- -fsm tuili cn "rcirsn r 1 ccr7.rr.cn err.: 2 sr. J' "J r' c : . " C"' i j 1 ... . !-r:.!ssr "5 crn- : ; " .1 en,' ..';run- . ..t be .".".2 t3. CO : ilri - n