DHi Mlf A ri rl , 3 ri n o -- -3 I . J . -j 1 . v 4 iwoM a sua mn v ) CI Tj 71 c 1 ft 1 A-Jr 4 C V w w 5.4, Wave eiter wave of new material contributcaio an ever-changing selec tion and a successful business at Avant Card, owner Terry Hopper said. "We're always trying to Cnd new things to get into the store," .he ssidr "That also keeps ray Job more interest ing. Everything b hand-picked." "I'm not relying on one company to pick what I put in," he said. Avant Card. 115 N. 14th St., buys cards from at least 35 companies to provide an unusual selection. Some cards are from very small and specialized lines, and others are more unusual items from some of the bigger card compan ies "the type of cards that no other shop in Lincoln would buy" Hopper said. Avant Card has been in business for three years, Hopper said. Other spe cialised stores, like the Footlights store which sold unusual card3 in the Gunny's building had difficulties attracting business in the past IIcpperv said the Footlights store may not have done well because they were "too pri cey" and used cards from only three companies. Exctle creeiizga A particularly noticeable part of Avant Card is the selection of erotic freetiags, usually picturing men. Hopper said the erctic cards are among the better tilers la the store, and haven't been too rauch of a problem. t '. "I have to be very careful in what I choose ... 1 dont want to cl'vnd peo ple," he said. "I never consider a nude body to be offensive." Hopper said he has never had a complaint shout them while he has been in the store, although some of the people he works w ith have received several complaints in the past The Nancy Herman itcras are much more controversial, he said. "In a card shop, you see human con tradiction in its purest form," Hopper said. One customer saw a card pictur ing Nancy Keshan snorting cocaine, and laughed at it appreciatively, when . the person who was working in the store said something disparaging Nancy Reagan, the man became enraged. "I think in a sense it's the initial shock of seeing some authority figure in a deviant situation," Hopper Terry Hcapcr cf Ararat Card. j coin slilr.3 dss.n in blue and silver, federation that should go into every- One cf the most striking things in Avant Card is the line cf tpecially designed clothing. The store sells sweatshirts and T-shirts with a Lin- which Helper designed. Helper also 'MUiU Miw U V itiMi IMutVkl VVMvvi VI Oko Esau, an artist wsrlehg in New York City. -Ilcppsr ssd tsre b en artL.a can- ti,i&. I La I lit. bwtVi "The thing that I have to keep reminding myself 13 that I'm chng Cresting, thir.g3.that pre; set moods and feelings," he said. "I always have to create a scare cf drama in the store.' 3 .It- i ' . rr? ill I" I! it-- LvJ t-u Dante's Inf emo." lie had . sounded more than a little bitter when he said it Lavender was a rise name for a chemical plsr.t i : At. EyPt-ds!x As the demands cf trashy rcmar.ee f.stc! pro-'' " duction would ha-e it, the lavender sly made April think cf Randall, jast Li izt the - ' ' 1' . - : - ; ' - . . t hours criTjz. C:.2 missed him eo! V.T.sn he r.i L"-.J ' nc.g ssundsd more rcxaanta. maantb'--A o, crai:::3, tourist traps, cows . . . he hzi t " 11;: ;! ft-t- W V-tf t 4 w 4a, UkUJU J vi '(.iiw v k they wculi jo ad the sy to Cath . 1 3 -. cows when there' Were thsrsandsxl ia Nebraska. There ere slat cf thing! sl:.l:!.i: La was there to explain; she had dsne mere tlialir-g than she wanted to cn this vacation, ar. i f.l.'-.!lrg " . had never been her strong suit, Dar.:.;' t: I :;:-; told her. "You're just the dumbest llttlj i ' Li -the history cf the wcrld,! he used to czrjz' to htr. Che wished he vas there to c?t ii t3 !:cr .'Smash P&lecs' views - o:i3 life s dstiiolUioifj : ."CliPalas o"s-ith3c-::;r?cfansch":!eb " ' ., marritgs and t j a csr -r.ee his LT.Thli . ' at e.3 Chsldcn FZ. Theatre at 7 p.m. end 0 p.m.;.l ' ' ' rer.se, trir.3 to raird Uzsj Lcr.;3 prcri: 2 cf "Zvsry Fdtee that brir'i cat all the palace's izgllnsss tr.i V -ztX7zzflZip3X7Z7Tsz' . tTO nirrked fcr death. Che cs! 1 c7 prry iasrailllTtraaltlTnsssia Lrrsr.ilsr. rs3 ars,!- cp dcl-ltz TcTTUp ac!s.sriCraat I!aa!l nillarwsre ca tlsfr wry tD CrrtTcsra . tj the cverlrrJ rsrte.-.r:ll C-""-d Ualisr . - ' r t 1 4.- Airf-w 4-tA-j.l Ww w crsas:s era i.zizzra ctz " a ts::s3. cfTsrt LsCj t3 c"-srrtsr. r.ly cLe Lr taaa.. '. C-tandlng outilij a' hct:l Ij Cape Tcv.-n, April . did net know whether she t ri av. rlre cr asleep, The sun r;z3 coming up, o whatever direct! :n it b she had seen in the Jchrr.r s si'rg rsssn'J'ht On the plane the had tc!:l X7:Z:zt cts;:t th?' - I---4 fwt- -4 f5, AcntA mid. c 4 v 3 1, . r 1 rr, Lavcndrr. Ever tlr.ee the Lav;rJ!:r- Ch:r:.ls;i . hrj L.-a Clsd wllli CIj Iv;r:;:r ct Fs:;: Tl . .t t .si-t C s ilnth? Che '. d teen i, i .j r.c'ghhar far 11 J:sra,er.d AprilLad l:: slli- cat atsrtTe. rt st wsrnt H2:e Cats to ran been such a i J clrl, vhleh Apra fs-r.d. a .little sad tscaass-. when the war ted to, Tire cften had admired base's Ssr.g, csli Irsv. a l":.lr and the wry her tlin ceemrd to tert b tl .l"t r-- --- s rf F"- f-M i i .... j .-. fl v ivn L.. J - , yr frxnoK fW.j ... - ... . U. , - - A viivaft A 4 A -J m , Ji tv- , , . r.4 . , , ' - - - - - -a 4 V r V w V . k .. w it - - - " " - " I .- T K - ? . - - r . ... . -.wt WjI I'.l Wl-. i Cl.l-g fr: r'-:e had -been barn1 with Cs.s'j caeual all: ...-t.tlsT.ly her figure hsi ccme ; -a 3 .-. e, ,- vd by Annd T rr . n, ant3 to t ell F .4vi r twwi t sMBibAd tA3 pswe, s&e sa3 htar Li the Cm. 'It's llhe a raityaxd.- , I Altherh Al tsa absat rrlg fci taW dssir h-3 kc srg to do it . j ' ; "Illss!jllle3lthsre"hes"73, "-r..---AT3 fizrj crtrro b tlre:.t;n!ri:e cn:rp!s3 a the track Ls .lish hb wlT3 and d;--:;tcr are ' rlllr j Tihsa.lt b halfway acrcss the tr li tracks; t " " 1 " - -jk r..-. T.... v - . J Lr;i:ca If tra ttepped., . -: -r .:.;rab ate-ly thsek&g assnce Li v.hdch Al f;:::i L. 3t."Lj to have t:z a.lcr they hv.-' r l.t 1:::", he undrcssrj her o the ccrr- -iL ;.Lrr;rti. T?y are --a.frcra als-re tL...j ie,:: tcCi r:aLL-g c:r:::t:i end csparate. : To lertrg jcu, A" the cap, v.llh a r.I;7 deter-. Ifv; saT7ca 7t.:e rrsre--' t ? f Nrft r. . . " . ....... . v. . ., ...... .errrjto.:;::;-:.!.: ;1.- -i.uhs- t:...:-.cs.l:sthatfeli:s- ..r,hel:-s-re ty. zzz-z f:r L': c-.-.t:r, r-.d tl.lj "-- -3 cel.j Lira f rrtl.tr r r i frrther Lsn t-.: c-l tsnlly in th e Fytl-cad, rs 7 r - 1 r - V f:r v.hat Iri hr-.. :r.:J to L!"i rer'it ti csretret L.e riil.j la t;..rj c:;..l 'A1 rFct1 '-:--v:l;:n L1j xvZi tel:e3 Ces-le ' -.r hter, pi rreves cat v.lth Liz r.li i c r:elr.:: hlj r" Ala r-:r---; J-.---3 10 V;ithdra;7 LerselTcad her i.ter Criri it even m 1 1. e ; 7 h e C: 1 - r- c - -. 1 -ltr; . - ' v rr, ir." : - k :nl:er..:;:ll:-::: ni::'.;r. . - C: :.:::: :Jc:ir: -ell 1