:2 0 J ... o I - j in - v. . " f r ' V . .... L . - . i r - - ----- V - ... . . Hi.. 123 "F" ft 1213'?" Ctrcct J.I V 1 'J Cwll i A 1 c.l v.i j L. k.d r , ,-v' -rv . .ie - j 7h :yx I - fs.... - it V" And nnar.cl 1 aid la c: :rl ; 'Z . . . i 1 12 1 e.,l,eC iJ v...u-m'j ::-:al3: : J r r. J write" rr J il.2 nerr.l era cf r.rc3 r.-: I lOyccrs t ;o. Cut urihrcltic3 end ccl : " :j r zrcza United CtLtes r.r2 just fceanins 1 3 r.. ... j re el 3 the i ' ' 11cer.ee cfthjr te.terr.ent And U::L i:u net teen iZz in its ttterr.rta to increes IIy depextmer.t ho teen .ethTc!y in.x!ved in recruiting Usck and other rzclzl minorities thro'j-'.out ths itzis cf Itreel.r. eeJi Jr.cs Cithd L-ector cf I ! -Iti-CultunJ AfTuns r.t UIL. Cf tho 22,-! CD j.:r..?r.t3 who were rcl tered tX - mih in 1C73, 271 were tlzzk, rcecrdir-j to the ccrlieet avcil-Lie te.tietSrs from the OfSce cf rleut 23. C3 c tue! z r.ti were i ! : ele 1 Lis eh ov.i a C 3.0 p ere e nt i- ere e,e 2 f er L zjl tn ent enre rri ent c w? g feur j"eer pened. '.th r:.:.l a nur..l:r cffe.etcr3 he,vs contributed ACT, rCAT nnd ether ceMevenent teet secres cf tieek students s,re cxzduzZy incrccein which, would l:;.ily a irxxe ccmpetltive arena between irdncrity groups and ether students in higher C.M4Sn T et rf,--Af; jt f TTf1 ft ccir.pletely cHITerent social frnme cf reference then most ether students, hs seid, end hz'.s to mshe a - been a pzeh to identify ncn-trctdlticned il-ek rola models. Th Credit should ts Iven to ths tleck md ether tetter tt competing in higher cde:eel!en thejn their ancestors tecnues cf socied cheres." Although prcrces ij teln rr.ids in c.ttrnetir.3 weuld help r..:he tl.: tzz: :;iizer;eth Lurdsn, cn cetiv3 A'.::.-:n ree:'.:. tV'.on, r-" ' l! : el: cnrcllr.er. t ::. 1 net : t-A ether r.:ine:::': :t3t:.?r leeus. . Qneofthsr.-.rjerf. ndncrity students: lis th- k;,;,;;. Burden seid. She added, however, thet t: i ;U cf IlnlU- Culturnl Affairs r.re tdr:ire.hle cr.d t:...t the orfjanisaticn's recruit;.:. er.t and -esistance to rri::erity creep 3 b cood r -""rr cf the " ":: ".2 in ' '-"if ... , r I " r-t . 4 . . . . 1 J 4. 4 4, Ccrdr-ed Cera Trr 1 Ilinn seid the felt the we 3 che: e.n tzzz-,12 ehe tvas th3 meet quel'ed" p ere : :i. . They need remehsdyv. 1 . 3s e. .. .:dy! :en to ACUN to tehe up wl:::ro EH1 left c e!.e re.' .1. Cha seiJ she he 3 tried to heep rncd about recent AfJUlI cethrlties nr.l !j bchir fenvsrd to wcrldJ with AUDI 1 r;:e::Llh:,:; n.n fere eccnd vice- . preeldent c-einet Ear.tr.'.i !n.t.h2 AOJN chet!en3 . XUIJ will have a e-cd year. Ih:y rZl t;3 c-od,"' Wellies Ecid sirxs tlicrs b ro jrccc;I:r.t to Cun tdn's rcrncticn, he c; tc i to : 7 : 'r.t Illr.n to vcid r-w.Jf ff rw t --- -- fTT'"! rT In c.lsr cton3( VWC3 3 to .t TawaI 1C-3 CCC? rcn trfiXC- 7 tO 3' - cues the Lhrary declr '3 cn f . "1 T.Vre all verlehej fer the r: 2 C.I- to rrahe eure the Lhranes are cpen .h,n the rentest r.eLr.her cf s VULVAS t3 need it, zzzt zzl3 T'' " I y frt- "TT era Ihuredey at Ereyh'j rcur.tehi t3 rrereete the If J IL fa S- egr -t jar Li ' Ccr.'.!.e:ze d T-n Tr 1 T-.'T.i r -1 !.-5 L.ed3 not 7 in t:.3 ta. ' " jp-i-"! f wb-. Ik. 4 Wfc ibllWr..4 in r-edhV-1 the structure cfUlX. IT? --Nf9 4 l1" 4" cc C3 lr.,dl.rCr3 t&K.-t U Ij nc . oa9i f" iftwn TV " ip w? fc.-ir.'.-t. - S!- j, jldwnbAA&d iTwX t.3 WmX . .. - . -'-::eth-tthe - - i '" B 4- Hrx4 A. A . "I have a !:.::.: eer.ee that the Icwit!! Inw 1 49-3 to d--fclCI3 the srdanes cf tl e rrJrereI'7 enp lees he cedd. "A let cf pee;!e that C - : ::d to char H'drci r..hIC'i ' o--- art U . J S a' '-' 4 7 - o 4 J- If i-e-r car's ready far cth".at!an, yeu'rs.rer.'j teae-:e c ; " v . . 1 SID is re'i fer ceeli ?-et;n arJ sj can der.r.'2 rr.rj 72 ' re. Vcj rr:; crn tp 1 3 r73a raee;di. And thei can L:"i p: -: i.. 'dee,ei:ex .7 cer.e.'3 . " ranai:::::e:ir .-;