"'Thursdiy, September' 22, 1033 Pan d 2 Daily Ncbrsskan U !3tTJ a Former NU recent dies 8 NC3d C0D13 OIIGK, monoy? of appoint heart attack 0 Q a a o n D Q 1 1. f-K, 0 D a Q C D n u 0 n a M rf hslrj evaluata rhn-niccnt!cil3. If vcu'n a Q fccaMjy c:d3 ct l:ar.t 13 ycara ell and rint 0 Q .to earn up to 1700 a coupla cf " D Q. ircsJeend3 Yrerk. dva U3 a coll. ' . ' . ' D tct a i w w " j i - un inertO 0 Providing medical research since 1933 C, iDdnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnn? l 0 Q Q Q Q Firvip iTnk'rstv rf Kfhrrr'ia recent Hermit Warner cf Cchujlcr died Tuesday ni-ht of an epparent heart attack at hb cabin in northern Butler County. Be was 67. . V;--.:rt who was the preildeafand :r.:ral mar.r.r cf We-ner MHIj in Schujl:r at the timecf hb death, fcivcd on the NU Board cf Cc-ente forJ2 years.' He Lit the board at the end cf 1CC2 afr representing Dixon, Dakota, Wayne, Thurston, M-d:.en, Stanton, Cumins, Burt, Colfax, DoO, Wachinston and Butler counties and parts cf Dowlas and Seward counties. He h survived by his wifa, Fern; daughters, Mrs. Halt (Joanna) Cheney, Valley, and Mrs. Richard (Jar.it Wccrts), Columbus; and four fjandchLdren. 7aner owned or controlled several banla in Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota. Ha abo was a member of the Nebraska Grain and Feed Dealers Association, Alpha I.Iu, the US. Assay Commission, the State Building Commission, Rotary Club, Masons, Shriners, Odd Fellows and Elks. Funeral arrangements have been scheduled for Friday at 2 p.m. at St John's Lutheran Church in Schuyler. 1 vj" W Oe m m' ' aV 'X . m w m X X 'M .". , M w , .S. . X X ( "C P-JKfK.J 1 rvw.' flSS. .KC, . m 1 nnv rn rrr j 1 ! I .4 ft J Lj u ' u n Thurs. Fri. Sat. & Sunday ONLY. . 1 iri- 1211 O St. 1 I Skywslk Level , ! 'j ' Estwssn MISIcrs & f ':es. TT A. I A f : 1 X X c y r i ' (' r A y: :w i X "I. H K m x h 'lJmJlJ,l'lTayK, ' 1 3 ir. n lb J Lvj If "5 in n nn ' .&m a 4b W Sis I Itt Eat a 1 r vs u JV! j L 1 JK -7 r-! J J W i t. J J - - ar "",r" (I)' 1 II Mill I' IXMM1I 1 )j If MMk C.ife a Absolutely .j CwLLi . IL-r-m Town .; warm beer r?.HiOS;,5 or moro Mixed Cases r?-fn 0 Check us out before you buyIN Please reserve 24 hours in advance. 13GsI. ISGsL vmJ IVWIWU mmmkm IvJiuJ Pkr a , 0 J Jb3 aaaaaaaaa O-JtlawO Plus Many. Others' At The Same Discount Price. PRICES GOOD INDEFINITELY ! With any $5.00 purchece, get this bumper sticker '"Free" (regularly .99) lh l t-t li::: t: re Li It 3 M 4fmmr. j irlniir ;iun!ir!sD)rlr p.: J i j It K i n a 11 VP Naticnd cr.d intcr:r.lir.-l r.:ws from tl:2 Heater Nc;v3 Report Manila rioto Idll 3; Reagan triD Gtill cat !,LjnLA At hart thrc 2 1 ' were li":d Wednesday nit when Hz-zz't.''i cf ar.ti- revcrnment cerr.castrrtcra t?.: to cittla their way to the hems cii;-lr...i Pr cedent The fhtin-3 was believed to t3 the wcrat slre incident cf violence Li the er; l:U i-Ltco rr.artial law was introduced in 1972. Hospitals reported treating 77 peep! 3 Loured Li the clashes, and a church-run radio station reported 3 casualties, marking the 11th anniversary cf the declaration cf ir.arthl law and to pretest gainst the murder a xr.cr.th cf opposition leader Benino Aquino. Martial law was lifted in January 1C31, but Marcos retains wide poivers undr a national security code. " In Washington, President Herr'an said .-Wednesday that he still plans to vizH Manila during a two-week trip to Asia in early November, despite the furor bcut the ae::-::lr.etlen cf Aquino.Tfcereliad been sug- tration that the Manila step be cancel: 1 if the Marcos Government's investigation cf Ac-.o's death does net appear to be diligent. Waroliipa continue fire E2IHUT 'J5. Navy 7ar:k'r-3 f.rei cn rrt2ery positions in the hiZi beklr.d E:Irut Wednesday ri.t for the third, rera'-t day, statrun Beirut Bedb reported. He l.r.y Cre t : .:i around 11:CD p.m. (5:C0 p.m. CD7) and silenced the cn peeitior.s with prcelilon- Economy Gteams ahead TASIIINGTON The U.S. eccr.smy is ro-,-.tn3 at a 7 percent annual rate in tke third QiiLXv-C-iTSj tr3 Oommsrc aDjrimcut cl" r.esday. U:e early p rejection came in a report that said the economy surpjed at a 0.7 percent pace in the second quarter, higher thn the criminal estimate, for the April-June peiiad cf 9.2 percent The second, quarter rate was the strongest eince . 1 1 percent , in the second quarter cf 1S73, the department salX -Meat "purchases -cut' WASHIHGT0N - The U.S. Agriculture Department on Wednesday stepped buying meat from two companies under fciveetlation for alleged unsanitary s!.!:;:ktcrl: plants. Agriculture. Secretary John Clock said purchases would be stopped ur.tl! Vr2 r'er.cy investigates complaints cr-t CzlvSlZteig Beef Co. of Denver and IJctra-ka Beef Processors cf Gerinj, Neb. The tr;3 cerrpanies were accused cf producing (;rct:d teef from, diseased cattle and cf Cthy racat f': r pterins plants by the Better Gove:r.rr.er.t At r.ceiatien, - a public-interest rcup, and the TV show, "First Camera." . ; : Soviets call for' eir mbq MONTBBAL The Soviet Ur.In on , Wednesday called for r.c7 rul:3 to cr.nre closer coordination bet.Te:n air trcIHc controllers. The call vras rails to aviation wu - ui.i-ic3 saia li u up to C2i iraLuC controllers to ensure that p!r.r3 do r.ct stray off course. He abo called fer :m rules" cn interception that r.'c:;!d re'r? airplanes lclatin3 airspace to land Lr.:.: wken intercepted. Court orders trcr jEicnt KKOXVILLC Tcr.n. T!-- T. - 2 Court of Appeals ruled Wcdac: .dry t: iC-; .-:r-cld Pamela If-nilt' rv. v .. , - - treatment fer a-rare f:rr.i c;,c. tnreater.3 to m her b !;;: !: : ; father vowed to C.'.t tke iv" turner in her zZt V;"x - t Her father, Larry7::V-::::';, c " treatrae-t because cf t;.2 C beli:. Kb attorney rra---i' Te :::3C -C: ttrycntl-r-cic:-.:!. ' that -i 1: 13 a I - : - - ",::J : ." ':v.s i:.:-ey