Monday, September 19, 1C33 Daily Ncbreeksn T1 A vHiiWCv.;fi; eh brought the pctcr.tlyhrdous I jwVfO rYt I am r.iitir.3 In rcepeiaes to the Cri situation created bvthcbckcfL'-Jitb.i 1' II U iCLL 211121 t:L-3 prcccr.tcd to UNL students by i iar.r.ea rarcr.ihood cf Lincoln. Thh L-a, caed Concern," tries to raahe liht of and promote the 12" 2 cf contraceptives. I think this h not only an attack on the basic end nest important unit of our society, the family, but also a step toward prombcuity and irrcr?cr.-:ty. I am not ignorant cf the fact that without contraceptives, people still vIIl . participate in sexual relations, but the availability cf contraceptives tahc3 all responsibility., away and nahes.thc Grc e-1 ffll 1 j"" situation created by the lack cfLhtbj m thij area to my attention. the concern for the v.cil bein cf students and faculty at' UNL and the many elicits being made to preserve campus security, it seems ludicrous for such a heavily used area net to be properly lit, especially when the appropriate liht fixtures exist but merely are net in use. lly concern la regard to this matter is for the students and faculty cf this campus and I hope this serious problem can be solved. . - . sophomore istration Ag majors reply We are writing this letter in response to Erik Andereeon's letter (Daily - Nebraehan, Cept 14) about the cover ' cf the Cept 9 Daily Kcbraelean. Did you ever think that there mi'ht be people associated with agriculture who thought that the picture cf the interesting? Those cf us with agricultural-related rarjsrs are proud cf the pictures and articles that deal with agriculture, even thauli each articles are few and far between. -: Kurt Derg 7 7 ti Daily Holly Ere wn j animal sciencepre veterinary L$M?$?ji ritt fieri - - - - V" All last wee!:. J studied . at Xove .jtr.ers .wa3 no l.ut m any ci ir.e I personally have little fear of wallia home in the dark. However, when I cecrted a yt'zr !-?y hsir . .r - ' EDiTOR GENERAL MANAGFfl PRODUCTION MANAGES AOVERTiSSNQ MANAGER ASSISTANT AOVERTtSINQ MANAGER MANAGING EDITOR KCWS EDITOR ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITORS LAYOUT EDITOR NIGHT NeWS EDITOR ASSISTANT MIGHT K-WS EDITOR ENTERTAJN.' NT EDITOR EPC ITS EDITOR .:'' AST DIRECTOR PHOTO CHIEF ASSISTANT PHOTO CHILF PUSUCATI0N3 BOARD CHAIRPERSON PROfESSSONAL ADVISER COPY EDITORS lST f "TrN I .... n t 4 It Cail eft V wJ ri I i hrl L.mT.-B I ml i 1 ' ar or ai j- a i I, Th Osiy Nbrt:.'-h (UCrS 144ee) ts publish ed by iha UNL Putiicc:Mni Board Monday tmouz f -f In t? fail end ttpring temstrs nd TuMt zyt &nd Fridays in tb summer ie-ons, t xcept during vacations. Subscriptions: $.?3smstsr, t2Mi sftmestors, $iyear. Pottmaatsr: Ssnd Jrmts crtana to ths Daily Nobrkn, Nebraska Union 34, 14J R St., Lincoln, Hob. tw-S-S443. C0" C'S rH t Lifww?ll, "b. 1 f "1 kVi ! !i n h ' P V V ''( Si ! ) Yes. Cc-y rClcr.2") any cne-I.oar czrriila la J-jsst 2 tt CestfcrJ Cisett Ccster. Cc?y two-fcoKT.cae;ctl3 Li 1 ir,.r.r.;r.i! rt:.f ?ct noasr.rd cc !r$ every tSae. Gssrentc: i. - . ;;y CcyCccscES. cr.i mt ths Heiocr.J cc!" HI Z. f , r r 1 to err 8 1 : e:-re, fr.r.!r.rr, Ixri-a I ib. czzit tzzitzl, ct...?E ".r rc ::s t !5 4 ,4 . " " '.2 ". t 2 tt r. v , . & W "-' - - - - C; .jrKfey-Fmay. 9-S.Z3. Saturday. 9-5 30 on os Te4 Monday Wednesday Friday this Wssk! Colbgs Visvv 410,515,616 Havdock 4,05,515,615 . Southwood Ejqiress 510 AD Pi's vH SOV3 fees ssmplcs conplimcnts of Iitt!2lCing& Lincoln Transportation System to bcnzZt ths Children's Rainbow Houss W : "3, 0 j