Thursday, September 15; 1C33 Dally f fchruksn 0 .'it 0 o 1 The Catholic Church remains a vigercus pat cf the revelation what the Klearaguarj caH the continuing sirups. Prints zzrvz cs both tha llin bter cfCuliure or. J the Portly leis ter in the ilar.dirdr.ia government Aldrich said Nicaragua has ex pressed willingness for dialogue with the United Ctatcs for the past two years and despite UJ. refusal, the revolution will stay an independent one. They're pot going to give . up the right to mahe their own interns! deci sions to anyone not to the Soviets, not to the United States," Aldrich said. She slid when the United Ctnte3 dosed down all the American consu Union Board to purchase word processing equipment The Union Dosrd announced plans at their wecLly meeting Tuecday to use part cf their 1G31 bud:it requect cf $189,500 to establish a word processing system at the Campus Union Director Daryl Svanson said the new word proceccing equipment will supplement existing computer equip t, and will enable the unions to do their accounting on their own systems. The new computer hard ware will tlzo update the food acnices at the two unions and connect East Union to tha existing accounting and Swancon said altliouh the board had no plans to spent a Icre amount cf its bui get cn a :r!e product, about the unions. Another priority, Cr.-r.:r.i rrii, will board yO spend T" ". ? ) t ... ins p3rrsclll-raundCiiipL!3 pic's! lates in Nicaragua, the Immediate response frcn the Eandlnbtas wai to' no longer require vies from American CIS, , Holder and Aldrich are putting to gether a gilds presentation that they . will use to present another view cf Nicaragua to various Lincoln groups. They plan a presentation Sept. 21 at 7 p.ra. in the Nebraska Union. Aldrich said people interested in further information on Nicaragua should hear Francisco Campbell, formerly a head of agrarian reform and now a Nicara guan counsuL Campbell will spealrOct 6 at the Eaet Union daring the aitcr noon, and at the Malone Center at 7:Z0 p.m. upgrade building requirements and' fire and safety standards because deficiencies had been pointed out to the board. Plans to amend Memorial Fteza guidelines were also discussed. The current rules allow any university organization to use the mall in front cf the union, provided that the organization docs not disrupt classes through the use cf amplified sound. Concerts may not be scheduled before 3:20 p.m. If amended, an organization may only use the mall ence a week and not mere than 'four time3 a semester. Organizations would be required to use union sound equipment at no charge and could not uee amplified sound Uefore 2:30 p.m., with no concerts taldng place before 3:CD p.m. Swansons said last year groups demonstrated every day and wore out f VbVAllVi VI i...-.-rtc4i!Pw'U'A( 13 should not be a"oved to impede th cn students during the mid-dy high- n n n :-j 0 .s-vw WvWWitwt IVWf 111 IUlvl lattff tsicy ro ls3 perfect CwS -', 0;:3 c;;rro cf Ihlo Dried ' GIT ATA!1... iEZP WvHwwmiw ILa4x twi yv.' - -if ( A- U . l W W " A : nOlV. Tt:.3 C!ecct3 mc1n3 est Fell tsi n:!:3 rscza fri ' SPORTY 0 OXFORD TURTLENECKS ili ,. ; .SHIRTS for iivU . tsi ' Originally $10 St7EA,TETl ' ' Originzliy $12 CORDUROY Buy one sweater at ' DRESS " j PANTS cS&- PANTS ! OF EQUAL VALUE ' HGC3-j19C3 S ' -" - . Originally $22-$32 " Originzlly $24-$28 . J CAREER WOOL Entire Stock .DRESSES SUITS OUTERWEAR Originally $44 Originally $75485 , Originally $554160 I 1 ! V t 20r0: 3 A TAIJ . . . DAK El A TAI1 271 0 8. 7C Ul (seres 72i from V:;r.nrK'5) C 3-3235 e;::A:.ius:2:rr.i 10133