Thursday, September 15, 1C33 Daily f.'ebrc:ksn I ' 1 -3 tr.d ceery Cr.lct deetruclbn cf a oulh Lcrcan p.r.:r.-:r plan has dra;;n tome t"y ctraro end teary rcacticr.3. Same peep 13 call Lorry i:cDcr.ald'3 death the Cret cf cr!d rr III, throi"h vHh tvf frr?rd .to bTlrr. i the same datructian to thVer.lLe popu lation cf l:u:ala; crdy In centre: t to the : ? Lirer.- loves cm Preeiier.t ilea -arte reaction c:e:a raoder tts, limited o it b to rhcterie r.r.4 the ca.ll far 20'tc ooo YeioTimeiia r . l:;r -an rniead an ir.tcrr r.t!.-. rural! on v. hen 1.3 10 7 crv cri (.J & vcFirniC nt- 1 w3 and LZj in tha way the Co::t Union has. Peine "3 he it rhetorically. Covict r adety fa r.ct democratic, net liberal, net humane. It fa as well to state this plainly. IlowcCcr, ills dees net relieve tha United T s- r 7 - C t 3 fi iiTPr!nm-?"n sr And mere importantly, it de-e3 r.ct relieve us frc:a tcchlrj to 11 V2 in ths world pes.ced.Iy, even v.ith the Soviet cavcrr.mcr.t. Arms ccntrcl hr.i never been a h! 'i priority for lha Herein cdmmbtrsticn, tlihcuin Herman prj- v- 'C--ijl 3 i. 1 tt. --3 2" w tl fnjf 1 rtr i-?-! 'if "T - s .f I fi scmethir?' in which th rr.!rt3 rre J, it is trsr2 thct r.ccin jbnt. pursuing : rr 3 ccr.trcl with energy tr.d fervor. An cpprc:-;v2 .ivcrr.mcr.t nU'-t much more ecclly ura its nuclear Lr:cr.d becsuso cf the crtltrr-ry v;r;-3 it uc:;s p r.vcr and A CO-dsy bin ca flights to r.d frcrn the Covict Uricn would in p?.rt express tha vrcrira hcrrcr; mcr3 !IX mLillcs &r;d clr.c! cxms ccr.trcl nco 3 could crJy ir.crcr.2 it ' 3 ccrircstition thLt tiicy hvu cnl'fir.t criticbrx if i!y, fcr a brut:! cctlDn.thrt fcurca tits r.-rterd t oimmcnL Iteidcnt fa pzrtly riht in fcfa Ccld War cvzlactbn cf the UIxS.IL, but ccrtcL"!y v.-rcr.j in wsntins to return to the Ccld 7zx cr.d cccd-ta tha erxss nice. If the Covict tovcmmer.t fa bid, it need net fellow, mid dossnt, thct cur cv.n government fa good. For ccllous dsstniction cf hums.n IIT3 by cur oTkn "side," the "covert" civil war In Klctua financed by the United Etslcs fa a current esara ple. It fa cf course true that this !ms hrppsnc-d before; the g3Tnirnent cf krcl dtrcd a plns-bad cf people in 1073 when they were C;lr ever the Clr.d. This can hsrdly let the Soviet Union clltlie hook. For a CDvcrnmrnt to intentionsTy thoct demn whst fa lmo,vn to be a civilian pcncr plane fa a barbar ous action, whether it fa dene by an ally cr by a Government whieh fa suppceed to be cur enemy. Soviet Union were rcveelm cf the dletortion in Hus Soviet air cpoee. furcr there were Eoiet aecueetler.s tliat the plane f f rniwnt "Ii V""5 fc f1 1 1T3 n?rre.!V"-!n " II A - - v.h:e rshps fg cv life Cornsts!kKern! , . .Sunday . 4 .CCS CO University .Monday 5:33 Bowl ing Specials . . . X'onday 8 :C0 Cig Red... ..Tuesday S:33 Collegiate .........Tuesday 8.CO U N L Secretary .... .Wednesiay 5:33 Greek Rollers .Wednesday 7:33 Eig-8 classic. ...... .Thursday 5:33 Husker. ...Thursday 7:30 Kingpin Keller . . . . .f.'ionday Pin Pounders .Monday Strike N Spare Tuesday Faculty Staff. .Wednesday Kite Owls . . ...... .Wednesday Gutter Ousters. Thursday 5050 (Mixed) Thursday 6.00 8.00 7:00 5:30 7:33 5:30 7:30 !ndiv!duc!3 endor Tcms VVdccma. Sign Up Kow At City Ccmpus RbcRoom cr Ecct Cc.T.pu3 North 40 Gcmos Desks. r :- r- r,f r--.. r.z:z;:z1 C3Crp. i1 Cr.!j EastCsrapys . U 472-1771 . s fl r 5 s ': " 1 I i i : ! i i i w h n l- i s ! i Y ULJ U'- 'u' UJa i " 'tbJ li L J V dkiU J ';.;.' o?Ef4 7A:.M0F:.f - 7 DAYS'AnEEK";- . ADEFrCCTSVETi:.TJP-r2C3 M . I J- F f - T- - ( THE FRIENDL Y FOLKS AT HY-VEE WISH THE HUSKERS SHOP THESE SPECIAL FOOTBALL VALUES. WE'LL HELP YOU FEED YOUR TEAM EVERY WEEK FOR LESS! 4 J - .. u... J ; J L J if H :CRS'- FOOTBALL 1S33 HU SCHEDULE RE-USEABLE CUP WITH PURCHASE Cr 22 OZ. CUP OF t PLANTATION iTr j; -10--. " ac-irn A,,L-aV : C111S I" Ji .-i. . J j r jm.Ki.T . I . . W fcrf. w - ' - f . - - - --rl. v" "-j-- i r- - I - ' 1 - - - - . .. ... - i . - w jot- . . .efe .W a , J f ... - . fc r, j- . f ...