Thursday, September 15, 1C33 Daily Nebrasksn 19 O TKE - Daughter Of Diana ' Manrfslrwy meeting Sept. IS, Thura day, 7:tO. xee 8.30. PCETf The UPC F orefgn Film Stria Commit tee It looking lor lirtet takers to fmip on Sugars a J Monday during tha 84 ti.rn Pea tent tfcr am) gat in fre i tns dtm. It interested, contact tha CAi-' r.ce, Room 200, Stuaent Union. Intrs ted in foreign f lima? Want to get invoK- J? Coma find oit hat UPC For fjn F iim Seriea can Her you on Thurs day. 4. 1 5. at 5 to in City Union. Room fobs pasted, Y.'oufi ymt to f tor!-n fllma i;. ticket? Soil 15 serins tteketa nd yen r n kep a tr sas ticket tor youi :!. Ticket psekws ere awssbia in tha CAP Office. Room 20, fteura&ka Union. - ; THY U3 OUT ' " " SAVE 42 1 Mjnth total coat) " ' plus be edible for , FALL ummt PftCIALl - , ; Tha I'j.'v Firm, .. -. ' lien's Health Club - . 2iW1 Hwy 2 423-6344 ' ' ' Arrsricsn'Horrt Ejwnemics Ataocis: AHA fail Weieom fcpt Kih. tM p.m. Esti Sma Pat Lhtts SW Rjtsh start ThursMy. If you ar ir.'irmad but haw not Ntit contested, pis eel): Randy, 477-743; Cud. 43SHUJ7; JtlL 4.144 V.:ATTc:rnc:j ' . jp.o. .ra .... I ' llwvtfvr9fM a GTU . JT3 .' HafpwScrwarTirtt-SjwBh Rsidrtts OfS-' ci-'!ych:'er,e si! oftherttsHt ta ensign a better hoelooy then tnesfatorHome- COtwng CQmpe..on. Cood . J."!-. GtAcousinMl . ... . f i,n UPC TH Culture v .,, j. Tontjt, 8 p.m. .' ' . ,- Culture Center 1 U.h&Y Music, Food, Fun ATTENTION ALL Uf X JUNSOfiS If ycu have a 2.5 C A or abova and have ccnpwted $3 hourt. ycu ee e." fct.fcr Kmswmri rc"S. yt For nna CAP Orrtc Cast or &;- Union. Oa:ina la ftiiief. IS ai r-ourt. -- THETAXI LITTLE SISTER RUSH Starta TrivPSsJay. Spt 15. Cirta intar aatad, C S-417. Ca;l tssyl " ACCOUNTING AS'JOCIATIGN First r-e,irn T"iircy, &eow.t-er 15 in Room 1C 8. C.A a 3.30. Ail VUL TU DEMS ViiLCOS- Spftikar from NAA TV84 SITiSTLING CHC3LEACLA THVO"JTS ' All girSa ,-!fef.d Mtwtinfl Thura, Sapt. S. 7X3 p.m. in Davany Comdex Contrrca Fioom. Any question, call 47M!2a8. ATTENTION STUCCMTS ASUN hta opaninaa In tna foHowina BJa: . " HEALTH CENTER BOARD - P,?fa nt tha atuiJant toSy in dealing mm trt haiith concarna ot tna Univaisity com munity. Thia board will ca taiitno an actlva rola in tha planning ot tha upcom ing apaniton, SENATE Rsprantativa from tha Arta and Scienca and Buairwia Co'isga. ItesponsibiliJtea inciuc a working wuha j miniatratora on projacta that affact atustenta. COMMITTEE FOR FEES ALLOCA TION - OFF-CAUPUS rapraaantativa. raaponaltsllltiea InckJda atwiytng atudant faa usara' butfgea and matting racom mumjiiiona on toSil fea. COMMSSSiOKS STUDENT LIFE ft ACADEMICS WORK with campus wWa faculty aanc la commlttaas. Ltit avaiiabla rrwn pkir j up your application. GOVERNMENT LIAISON COMMIT TEE monitors tha actlvitiaa ol tha Uni cameral. Eoard of f-s;nta, and U.4-L budget. Applications ar avallabia In 115 Ne braska Union Carina is Saptambar 81, 1M3 at 4:00 p.m. Anyona intaraatad in marttating or mar keting education Come to an or-mni-nftonal maaangof Collscsata Curt. &sp aamber15,NabraskaUnionat4:ua.Foom poated. ATTirjr.051 wr-f ff you aignad up for Alpha C? mma Rho Llttla Siatar Rush and have Uot received a return call by ftadncsday evening, or have any quae . lona, pasa call: 4'-4ir or 4L J-12)5. Yst look forward to meeting youl The Men and Llt!'e Sisters ol Alpha Gamma Kho Attontion alt UNL Women Kaspa Sigma Fratarntty and their Star dustor Littia Si&xira wian to invit ail of you to parttcipsta in our Lima S.s:r Kuth. The fun a-l citomnt is throv'.h Splembr 20-24. For furthar informa tion, call Don Duncan, 4 ? 4-6403 or Foy UndiisW. 435-4330. Sturiant Alumni Association Aopiicatjons are now ava..&t!e At the CAP Office. GTUD2IJT3 : G2TACn2AJt ,;' Bring in your co.lega ID and get a $1 off any regular priced album or cassette $5. 8 and above. CEjITnUM , TKE title Sis Football Players. I it :il owe you a beer. To coitact be at P.O. Paars beacn party after our 7M gsme - " Aloha, "Magnum" of the Don Ho a Hoo. Hanny Birthdayl Watch out Lincoln, she s finally legal. Use it don't abuse it) . Cindy Rumor has It that a member of the Union Board has been seen doing some lets night swimming in Sroyhill Fountain. Is this responsibility? CfTISsYOLVfa Check out end Join the UNL Stu 4mX Owntestlons of your choice at ACTiVitfES as ART. City Camrms: ts-A. SO, C0 3 CO p.m. Main Lounga, Nratka Union. For Infor m!km, call CAP-Oty, 472-2454. Congratulations to tha Abel Xlil Government. TJ. Sam Bath Chris Jeanne : Cethy new and fun Curt Karen Alan Ron Cindi Chip. Have a fun weekend, ft looks like you'll be the first) You owe us dinner, remember? Love. KetfyandKim Warning to all UNL Women: . Watch out tor the CELT who attacka women with stereo speakers. STILL In Pain P S, J O. Is the ONLY Answer. Bob T. Miss you at aerobics class. Kelp get my heart rata up) JailbaH (JoJo) Happy 18th Birthdayl You're a great room iot Hugs i UttSe Sisters of Acacia. Jogging, 6 CO p.m. at Acacia tonight. LSPresident Tom H Ready to party? Wa are. Give us a call. Vera ft Judy Diana. Gianna, ft Patrice: We wanted to send a personal to you atl . , . So Hanpy Belated Birthday this fall) Get psyched for Saturday night) Luv, Carolyn ft Chris Hey all "Ho'e and frlenda of "Ho's". This Saturday the aurf is up) "Welcome to the rates" commences. For more dntMs. contact "Don Ho." "Magnum" or the "dg Kahuna." Be There Aloha To tha great gal who atopped in front of Pound to ask rf I was injured etrer my accident Tuesday afternoon at 5. CO. Thank you for atopping and asking) The Guy with the Broken Bicycle P S Can I use you as a witness if (.need one? 2-8sb9. 4 4 1 1 W Ha, Mi L v i V JUNIORS Don't d!ty) Apo S Ications for homcom fpg royalty are Cue at estliarCAP Office, City or Last Union by noon Friday, Sept 13. . Sigma Alpha Mu Is proud to i''if-;i-u-t tfs start of the Fail tm LitUe S-'r Fituh. For informs Han, call Su&a, 472-CSie; Margaret, 472 4?52; or ses posiers In dorma. ATTENTION: -Flsjjret to announce pwtfcm9ment of Cs-w bath pisfifKUsi for &L, Sept 17.' Vt'e'ii bck for you ma weekend in aiv . other zana. KKKuetom WINTERiM STUDY TOUK3 Dec.?3 .ian.14 13 Itinarari In iurr-eisrael Auttralia and w 2.aMard ttitormatipn f.o -iraban S4S frk Union , . 4 J- i LKC East Information - RacruttTent meeting Thufsdey. Sept tt:h tx S p.m. Cast Union. M4t new trends and find out wiist UPC has to cffr. HeyHoripnerl ' . - ;Aa tl e cest of The Abel 1 Dropouts" Sjfi, ts producers are getting antsy and 8'anmg to look for fresh stock. Perhaps it's time for some new story lines. Mcwe drib's te'nr, Anyway, have HAPPY BifirHOAYI . . Love.- ; : Marilyn ft Jay 12 Price Store would like to thank eve ryone who helped take inventory. You may pick up your checks et Customer Service. September 23, US3. JeR. Conqratuutiona to our newest asso-ci&-.s. Vveicome Aboard! ' ,' Your Brothers of Lambda Chi Alpha iff ft Juen. ' Cue Biem sxys aH. . Your Slumber Buddies, ' . EisaftDee' ' Michele D, You're a auper person. God bless youl Thanks, Christine Scaler, Y9u move welll Wat tima, forgst the tkindftuffil ..' . . Themostieui:JuJTA in trie woiid! . 44n'Jsome Bmnetta, t would love to west you In the CAP Office to pick up forma for S.A.A. mem . feerahip. You're my type of person! Gorgeous Blond rri . Cl - daakefaw TOTAL V.'Cf?KOUT ' . .- U-:A imi e aerobe cl$x Mm. Thura. 4,t3-S:C3 ' tMLeRm.1Tt For more info, etl 472-45 m 74-23. nrFa AmSA Fall WeiefMn Ttaca., St. 15,h i:C3 p.m, Hssm Es. CIl'q. LFD NM'a cf EIe of wnefated btef . clend --tiE Oi.s tx&mity $:-t. 17 at 1a a.m. 410 West P few 4fa FYoptrty . DivteimfeCteAaseptisi - " ' Want tar iwofved cn caipos? fTvrr t tz&r.5it A,"5, - ..?m mwtersfiip ara now vsif.i tn & C ? e . ..m. Hurry up a-d gat yew .., t ,stea in by Sept. i. r l .1 i Ho. vJ-U-J Li LJ Screening rrhtins is cur specialty! hre a .fcre -"vsridty cf qisdity shirts -end we hsn&e grcps of 1 sisss. Stop in 2nd get z price quote for your group. ' 474-4143 ' - CROSSWORD PUZZLE U uuuw Goad thru 9170 0 0 . 0 ' :li.:TOE GOOD EARTH 4I ak ' 1U a cio ivui coupon . n crbCcbrlig CfoAds - J A Bmlcr-a it . , I 9 "r J Pet r.!cCih DDS. 1) ' " V ! ji . .. . k v - B- $ e - f - ' ; IKisdofjKS i tf 9 as tpe-a a4&4ns 4jb4Vrae . If CTwtv : 23 Cell town cf. ' fictian ZSCnecfSasta's i?rj.a - S2.U:2apsvi2r . - 4fil fcisip B-t-tiiitg : 'V ' 2Tcts ..... .r. - 4 S Pr-r;:-t3 3 Eztrrtrin ' -Isvi:..!..Iy - i; 'i .. -: -' -'. - "' i, T . J1 3 . k ... . 4 ; t.- , . ' y - M . -A " r . -- au.ANitt .2Norsssd2t . m"m fetfwisin at 4akAJi4 5 Actor Everett 9SL!dckcf . l' csvlssasdTV 7 C'jpi J SSSt ; SO.T.bcck . rfee 11 Gsrrst S3 Diivcwsy afceTOesiis.'l rwiiii'iiia? 13 Femtalaa - su!Sz3 " . '.21 Amount nivea -fcyealLN. HTV.1.4.. prjiSst tco csuch.. 21 "Present 1" 2? Come teia view 23Listtssturd , suiter 23 Tipper's need, tttisss SlCnthsh-rtssa twVfts'5 ' , 23Tc . a. 2ITitl-3fora . . rsttit 7 Crsiturecna HVeskit (his) 4IPa!sydl0w,s fealr 43Tearsdswaa ' - . flat OVarsi&resia 47Werdstoa 3lrnacffiith 3 Bsfe of fiction 2 Mass of history S3 Dispatch .-'.v. . 3 Word with cm or cloth aW wiay a tarbAi &w&rd,for . - . . short TF ,4 """"j I - "" rf if J J J I i i I i l . . ; ' i 'V 't -