Thursday, September 15, 1C33 Pe 13 Daily Ncbrc:ksn. o liCjAJlJllli cr For r-'i tr.n pion t'-'-M, rot testifier. ett J;er (tit ttim. 4,'i-i,. Safe: Mirne Football Ticks Cat) 454-fe$) 4 leave mci&i;e. 3 Ntbraeka v. Minnesota (onfall tHtt for tele. Buy ail 3 only. Call Doug 477-2 Thursday e-10 p.m. 1S6T TRIUMPH OT-. Great Condition. Call 475-1 7i2. Kurt Good Prtce. HOURS Mon.-Wed. 6 a.m.-3 am. Tues.-Sun. Open 24 Hours f "3. Largest Selection of in Lincoln Absolutely "J:35S OIE-Zj" CZ: in All Warm B3srCostPIusJ0 5 or more Mixed Cases Cost Plus 5 C ii J ' . . nv ' V . .. w 4 a P'i!3 Mcny Avc!!:b'3 At Tho F,;c3'Gocii lnc!cnnib:v - fuiiM football ticks! C::t fl"f. 47 S. 1572 Mssa Msr.h 1. S51C, f jsetiiont cond.. mosit s.J. tsi 445-6831. Two IfeksU topper to UNLUCLA time. Cit o;ri. i.';7. Ptavey P.A.. mtc.'t. m)ir. 753 watt powaf Amp. Nick, 469-7sli. 1877 Honrta 750. hfrins. many eoriea, exc; vnt, t jyo. 4w4-Sd, Tires! of Eattag a4 fine Same OM Ibb? G- f p T- a - -J w .C27.C3 a? . w r! - r 15?t Caltwn 113, Air, 4 a--, rry Cr"C-nt. .:,i'r1. 1 pner. b!aw bok, i-,C3 mu, .. ,-J i.vj. GOOOLif I COACHES ISpimngfrvmi fS passenger mini coach 47 r!or eoaoh - 4i253a Dry the Country Kettle! NOW, BACK DY FO?ULAR Dc.MA?JDI BREAKFAST SPECIALS' Served All Day 2 eggs, hssh browns with toast or cskes $1X3 2 eggs, hash browns, bacon, sausage, or nam . .$2.33 Giant Hcrncmsde Sweet Rools. 70 4947 Holdreca Li ltJ -a f f anas H Kvp&e.ras. a) a) B o n .. ..-.. ,J o i .. . a w .J s Scrno Oiccount Pr.t ! ! !!!!!! M ! For F"rit U. Trans AM i options. Gilt b trnmn i.ea p.m. ar.3 tt.J; p.m. 473 CvJ. GOOFATHOTS PillA ' 13J H 4V O new taking applications tor earMlme kit cNmrWB. Wuat Ni avail" Wa M-W-F 10:232 p.m. or Tuftys and 1 nurtdiys 10J9-I p.m. Apply in psrton. 466-1659 Super Selection of im. a nemsaaj ' L us an" i I flpaa epsajt amtfe, -wa Town ls9 Cu' . ' .-jy i a a .. 4 v. i j !. ! W tra a atnar Ing a cora roup tot noon end 6 p.m. ImWoh thorn w TtfiWiyl. TK tanad In modrttnfl, 0ncinj, i.-'.'3f.-.'. w .r- 'i-4t3 i'i;-(, rt tmmi to tna Snewcatia, FKciiy, t.0 4.0a p.m. Un o N. ACnt5T Mtbratfea rVu Cofvtion CowwW hirtna for potftlona en anvironml Ctmpf 3rt Halt. TrtirtlfW prtmioi. Iiiitnv aniea .-?.a. Cil 4f-C0 tor par tonal interview. PafMlirBi wci avaSSi&ta. FlaxtMa hours af jd pjsy. Ci tor Insarview t,ma dt 1227. Nd axtra merwy? Why not asfl Cull Tarrt after im. 4423i. Avon. STUDENT REP Call: Shirt Tasa Sermn Printing M. i Soutn 2nd S$rt unoom, he esssa 4;-ii,$ PART-TIME Up to tlCO a month tor about 4 hour of your i para tima aach wek. Join ovor 10,030 caopla who hava found donating piaama an ssv wv to em asrtrt mery. UNIVLSSiTt PLASMA CMTB 1442 O SJWt Call 47WWMS Bring In thla ad for a t2.C9 bonus on your first donation. CRAU STUOCtfTt ' I MATU'Z L'K2i.nXt.ii"Zn ' Wa art looking for arrong teSirtg ssrt out paopia committod to improving tftair financial tutura for mr foment and au porviaory poaitiona. Fiaxibla houra. Coma to an informational matting: Thursday, 7:45 p.m. 471Pracott ' . Asktor PJ. maka H12SII feweB wfiHa going to UNL. Chock it out. ba Ati You Cn Est in trta Army Perva. Call Jim Vandarsitct at 475S1. Nasd 3 ticleats to UCLA, prefartsty maie. 455-0383. Two tieSeta for UCLA. Cell Mary at 478-3093 aftarS p.m. . Wanted: 8 Comhuskor football tickats for October 1 . Syrscus. Preferably cSoea . togtthsr. Call 4iS-OSC3. Wanted: 2 paira melftmala tickcta to HE vs. UCLA. 474-02S7. Naad: MiloFemala tickats to UCLA gama. Call 477-6S74. Joff. 3 or 4 ticksta to UCLA gama. 477-8S20. Ask for Kavin. . Netdad: 1 mala and 1 femafo wl. D. tickot to NebrUCLA. Call 478-1151. fv??d tutor for Acct. 202. C&il 4S7-5783. AskforKavin. . Buying cl?s rings. Jow!ry, silver & eold coi'ta. Crc-p,-, Titsf. ss&'ling. Miiiar'a. 2719 Ho. 4s:h. 44-l23. t.A;$m In Ni mn kt tiua Fty, H-spi. SS, 1.1. FRATERNITIES Announein A'ph Omicron Phi's First annual HOOP ITt Irrtor-r-rstemity 6u ttbiil Toamirrsnt en 1tovf?sfer 111 A4i your Prasnl for wmiii (,-ar rrort inso, cil Shario at 4.4-i.-S.) A fcmfit for titt Arjritis Foundstion. . C CW ill v a t I- a i . Bay c:f in I M EOT PmTt.abit.hhja SCiS SAUDT7I03 ' C.Tsr expires C?t 31, 113 tlatst prcmt coupon wt:h ordr fke c:uvehy ' - I f 1 1 i - i 1C21 OCt a S i 477-C::7 ,: M l: rir - - - - ' . 4 Husfc trait tfvmrti, anrerts iwarwttd In trying out tor tha U J-84 aqud. p!eia an Orin?iten ntirta w!!l be hid . . U-( t Smn at 3:9 at t..t Sab t-svancy Sp&rts Compias. , at ksst Vf lor ar Eaiw tear Coa :.r . i -pm n- wai. i - - , know 1 l.f C, m hi a.'! kto W:.n p?mtei en esfswa, von trepy t-a wh t-a arw toctirrs lor. Cirfawtte. m mm irirf m'Jt i fv. iL nnf -n-jS' -A- UK'S 'UiJI C.'aa !. ,y. afS-3 nd t, 1t-1?:, tfia tor (t i3 toy 433 pirn. To all UNL Womsn, Th men of AOS and our Lltt:a Sia Cte,a v"i"t tv w announra tna atari cf oar Ul' Sit wh. f trat rush prty, Spt 21st. Look for sif n up sheot a, or e!Kig Smith at 4S74312 or Amy Graham, 472-teS&- COM!Nl UP SOONt ' SELLEECK RlVERBOAT SapiombarSD . imeATurjiu iTUCT AS-WeiATIOSI Wekly mattings Thur83ys at 8 C3 p.m., Rm. 2ii, Anortwa hail. This waok ttM movia,"Tht Word (a Out V - , . M . ' Prs-Dwt Club Join the l!3 Pra-ft Club Thurafisy, Sapt 12 Nebraska Union, 7:C0 p.m. Dr. fvibarg will speak on admissions. ATTENTION UNL WOMEN Interested In joining an actlvo, crcsy bunch of poopie? DU U:va Sistar Rush ia hret Firet party la thla Sunday niofrt at 7:00. Sn up on dorm or aorority sjats, or call Mark at 475-8329. ATTENTION BUPINESS MAJORS Are you tired of walking through a asa of unknown fecaa In C6A? Oonl go it aionel Doita :S;gma PL the Professional . buainssa freterriity ia looking for new members. Visit our booth ou tales CBA Auditorium Thursday Friday for Info on our organization. Csil Scott Shnert at 4J5-ia or 47-S7 for more itvta seniors' ' in t"e BUSINESS COLLEGE Cat some recognition for your invol vements, scholarship efforts and any trairtino you havtitl Arply before SapL 3 lntruLr.SOi.ieof ..;. D ELIAN UNION MEETINd 2:00 p.m. Sunday. Sept. 18: NEBRASKA UNION. 14 A R Street. Room will be pc1 t information desk. Members and friends inviiod. Congratulations to the new Kafjpa Sig ma broirtora: ."' R. ftendr . T. Jenaan 0.6urris '' . .. D. Langs M.Ch&mplon : M. Ifoiiary P. Kangn . K. Wright . A.E.K.O.8. Ttwria W and the LittSe S!s:ars of tho Unicom Announce: Little Sis4tr Rush 13 Stpt 15. 18, and 18 For more information, call Krs, 472 8747; Mtietn, 474-7947; or Theta Xi, 439 8417. We're looking forward to tnotltor auper year! . . t . XTSA meeting today, 11:33, Room poetrd. Szmkm, Frink Haitgren, Fisce mont Difscior. - ' ADCLU9 TonigM at 830 in the City Union. Cant mise Linning of a productive yttrf See Everyorie Thwe. rrtzuovM Frtfsy. Sect 16th. at 720 p.m. in the Cl'y Union Hestrum. UPC Foreign Film $fi8s frsnts Irsnmar Bstrasnan'a S?46L3 OF A NlSriT. , 1 ! I 1 1 II If II k" it h ll a' 4! . &! gX ci3 CM :! 1 .1 i ( ' 1 Ci.t r.k n.:-3 : r: "J J?"" r r -3.