Diiiy Ncbrc&sn wLwwnoMs 'wins ong non-contest After wccln cf speculation, the winners cf the very first Vzlly llzltt:.l.zn un!i!u:!y cirrson , non-costcrt csn b? mttljl . Third plice ns to Ken er.d Ifcthy Attenbercr fcr their contributions, ' Ar.ca their unlikely cc.bLi-ticr.3 wcrs "At th3 Zoo by Hia Animals, "Ililr" by r.!ea Withsut Hits. Lynns Wiltsiccs end Kathleen nr-tbjs earn the -coveted second pe:!iton. Arncr.j this duo'a eu ;;;;; :.tbns were "If I llii a Hammer" by the C&Tpentcrs, "lie ;;vc ward Bound" by Journey, dr.-"!" by thai, lUil ? hi 3, "I Am a Bock" by Neil Dbrr.snd end "Ir. Pc-te-a by the Lettermen. And la ith the b!j first place entry was a reader ?hocs entry was signed "Ann Ardnscus. - Anient Anknous' &3 entries were these cemsr" "Ebb lids" by Dinah Shore, "Annie Get Your Qua by the Scs Plstcb, "I Talis to the Trees" by Three Dcj Nlht, "My Little Town" by the Villon People (had enough of these yet?), "Besome I'ucho" by Kisa, "I Shot the SherdF by Freddy Cannon, "Itinr? of Fire" by George Burns end Tip toe Through The Tulips" by Gordon Uhtfoot