The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 14, 1983, Page Page 18, Image 18

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    PCH3 18
Dally Nebrsskan
Wednesday, September 14, 1C33
The TV series "The Twilight Zone"
shares with "Star Trek the distinction
of being one of the few Intelligent and
entertaining series that television has
produced. The ironies of The Twilight
Zone often caused the viewer to see
common human problems from a
fresh perspective.
"Twilight Zone The Movie ob
viously is to be Judged on the basis of
these expectations. The result, unfor
tunately, is a mixed scorecard.
The movie starts out badly with an
idiotic introduction which, recalling
"Creepshow," is quite inappropriate
for the subtle nuances that gradually
build up the classic Twilight Zone"
The first tale deals with a racist who
is treated to a dose of poetic justice. It
is interesting and very well done. How
ever, the character is too bigoted for
the average person to identify with,
and thus it is hard for us to experience
the horror that he comes to feeL
The second story is about an itiner
ant magic man who wanders from rest
home to rest home brightening the
lives of the old folks there. It is a fasci
nating fairy tale that is just a bit too
sugary. - :
The third tale seems to have been
created during the kind of party game
in which everyone participates by
creating a story with each person's
made-up sentence. The story is a hodge
podge of scenes that seem to have no
particular direction.
The rctuil plot b about a your.; bey
who terrorizes hb family (e.g. by forc
ing them to cat peanut butter ham
burgers every day). Junior is able to do
this because of the awesome powers
he possesses. Eventually a nice teacher
comes along and shows Junior the
errors of his way, and they both live
happily ever after.
This story is actually the one with'
the greatest potential The first part
builds up a suspense that b genuinely
frightening as the teacher finds herself
in a home where the family behaves
strangely. However, it's all downhill
after we dbcover who the bad guy
really b. The only redeeming enter
tainment after that point b a burst of
clever special effects.
The final tale b about an airline pas
senger afflicted with the fear of flying.
To compound hb mbery, a sub-human
creature perched on the plane's wing3
b intent on putting the engines out of
commission one by one.
Because no one ebe either sees the
creature or believes that it exists, our
long-suffering passenger must act by
himself. The problem b that the other
passengers come to view him as more
of a threat than the supposed monster
on the wing. . v
Thb story b quite entertaining and
b successful in posing the question,
did he or didnt he see it?" The answer,
of course, doesn't really matter
because we are in the Twilight Zone."
Generally, the whole movie b enter
taining, although not always in the
way we expect Twilight Zone" epi
sodes to be. Compared to the other
movies of the summer, Twilight Zone"
is worth seeing even though it falls
short of expectations.
It is currently showing at the
Cinema 2, 13th and P streets.
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Season tickets to thb
year's Lincoln Symphony
concert ticket series are
available at a GO percent
discount to UNL students
thb week. Today through
Friday, the Lincoln Sym
phony Orchestra Associ
ation b having its third
annual student ticket drive.
About 200 tickets have
been held back.
The tickets are availa
ble at the Westbrook Music
Building today and Thurs
day from 9:30 a.m. to 2:S0
p.m. or at the Symphony
Box Office, 206 S. 13th
St, No. 1315. .
Prices range from $14.50
to $32.50. The musical di
rector and conductor for
the symphony b Robert
The monthly concerts
Oct 11 ElmarOlive
ria, violin
Nov. 8 Juliana Mar
kova, piano
Dec. 13 Choral Cele
bration Jan. 1 3 Young Artist
Competition Winner
Feb.21 Richard Stcltz
man, clarinet
March 3 1 Naumberg
mtcrnatbnalFbno Compe
tition v April 10 Kristine Cie
sinske, Soprano.
Symphony events usu
ally are at the Pershing
$2.50 minimum charge par day on com
mercial ad. Ten words included.
$2.00 minimum charge per day on irK$i
viduel atudent and student organlza
.. Monads.
Students must pay for the ad at the
time It is placed.
SERTION. FOUND ads may be submitted tree of
1 p.m. day before publication (Monday
And $8 service charge will be assessed
for all checks returned to-the Daily
Nebraskan and will be collected by
. Check Rite.
Pet Carroll ts Gertrude etcin. CarrcU vjiU
rccresta her rcla ca the author Cept 3.
Tiehct3 far tl:2 event ere ca eala now at tha
Film series
til t nW
Student football ticket. Best offer. 475
1972 Mustang Mach 1. 351C. Excellent
cond.. must sail, best offer. 435-SS31.
"Coup de Torchon" Dec. 4 and 6, France,
directed by Bertrand Tavernier, Lucien, a police
oflicer in a small West African town, take3 the law
into hb own hands. "
"Starstruck" Jan. 29 and SO, Australia, directed
by Gillian Armstrong comedy set In a Sydney tav
ern, with two punk devotees.
' Three Brothers Feb. 12 tr.d 13; Italy, directed
by Francesco Rosi; the burial cf their mother brings
three separated brothers together once more.
"Hullabaloo Over George and Bonnie's Pictures"
Feb. 23 and 27, Indian, directed by James Ivory; a
collection of miniature paintings becomes a way for
Bonnie to get out of a displeasing life.
"Marianne and Juliane" March 1 1 and 1 2, Ger
many, directed by Marprethe von Trotta; two sis
ters clash in their approach to political method
one works for a left-wing feminist journal, one for
a terrorist group.
"Stalker" April 8 and 9, Soviet Union, directed
by Andrei Tarkovsky; a science-fiction picture in
which the stalker leads into forbidden territory.
"The Nisht of the Shooting Stars" April 29 and
30, Italy, directed by Paolo and Vittorio Taviani; a
wartime adventure emerges in the retelling as a
horrifying event.
ON V pn& IMt'ATMINT ftl
C&Od tsma VA (eteel your
f.m tasfe) ar total vstersas sresia.
5. Introduction to Imaginative and Creative
Thought, Collo of Arts and Sciences. As most
engineering students know, a few hours taken in the
humanities can drop a perfectly nice 4.0 grade point
average to a diemal 3.9. So, the College cf Arts and
Sciences has desned a class for the science, busi
ness and engineering students to prepare them to
fill their requirements in the social sciences and
humanities. Students are introduced to such
abstract concepts as politics, art, philosophy and
-wi twa V
Runners-up in the student survey included
nerval Antarctic littery, Flhdancir.3 1 and II,
and Fhilssophy cf Agnostic which may or
may net be offered nest semester. The prcfe;
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