The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 14, 1983, Page Page 15, Image 15
Pep 15 tw Nfe V 1 w (k.;.-.v V Daily new r;;-;t to ttui:r.t3 this y.::r hidr -cocccr. Ir.docr cccr b much 111:3 rtIor soccer except far CIS. Indoor cccccr has been cdd:d to the recreation department program ts sin cltcrnative to baehet ba.Il, ccccrdlr to Kenda Ccheele, intramural cocr- thrce-o-thrce, cnc-cncr.?, I it :.! Ilcnd free- v,(n rnt ! rus 'In regular sceccr you have to be In oed shape becauce you havs to run rp end dawn the Held, but in indcer scccer the field h m!I:r and anyone can d. Indoor soccer to a fzstcr ha 1. becausa players cn pes3 tl.e b;-!! the krth cf the field in cne U. Thla n:-!::.! it tcrn fcr tha d:r;r.:3 to itt up, cr.l tn c...r.:3 ..uu:d thought it ?ou!J be very populrjr be erase cf the brr'2 tr:;our.t cf pcop'.e cn cpus. UlWlWwJAVi 44 WW WMVAl i-J IvAM VI itlMit Vi fmhh in time. The department Hies to work cn cn hourly sc&le, she s-ild, to hal;x3 should rxt l:.:t mere than a half tn hour. Co-ed outdoor soccer is tJbo being introduced this j vilf C-jA 44 4f 4jfm wul 4wi l4iv iw 4w Smith field. Entry forms for co-ed soccer must be in by cpt 27. Flay vO bein Oct 2. . Scheele said indoor soccer games will be played at tlobel Lee Hall or lien's Physical Education EuLld bi, Fhy will bein Jan. 3. . ,' ; 1 There! nothing new about U.S. Savings Bonds. Millions of Americ&ns have built their savings plans around then for years. And that's the beauty of it. Bonds are a proven way to save. But there's nothing old-fashioned about the way Bonds go to work for you and for your country. v. , - i - - . . . j ' ' :-J-"' ' ' 1 . - ; ; v f j mi sat i ' t ii ii . 1 1 i t"i n I LJ ' , i VUUL 7- r .-tt-T" ' "", ' :sf'' 'LtvP-ty P i1 - 1 : " . . : i . : ' j ' . , - ,.J i ; I -.74. AKrV Jt-rtx-n. " 'I IPI'IIMHLy, iLI ii 1 Independent a" , -lii!n!ting ;,,,-...-.--. rf'f - Cv:r 75 ccur' to , chooia . from v. '";::- c!3"r::cns ar3 filled, work cr.d c!::; :r:u!:3 conflict, or courses crcn't ti ers v.:.;n ycu need tham. lr.:cndrnt study. Visit 'I-. . -. -.Z-:i C:-rtr:: (-:;;:- ::.J crJ. i::: Tt3 .t!;5 r:-jtt!5 t"J frcm city crr.p'js.; Cr