Pago 14 Daily Nebraskan Friday, September 9, 1C33 Oxford Cloiii Shirt v;il!i tha piirchaco of cur Sliallcnd Sv;oalor for enly $23 This Friday, Saturday and Sunday we will give you a solid color M.I. Collectible oxford cloth shirt absolutely "Free" when you purchase our 1 00 wool Shetland sweater for only $26 ... a $44 value. ys til -w . - - 1 w v All ' I " ? - , - - i lb ; - "" - "V ' ' - : r , , - i r - j - - :f ; - " ; -; i-.f.v-v St v ' ' ' y i A 't ' " - 1 - i ' - 1 ? - ' ' 'J V " -' - ' J V ' -' f I ' .' '-, - i - ' , '-""Z, i '"',''''' ' ' ' ' , ' '1 ;- , ' ' ' f ' i i ' , . v ' K ' . . , ' A ' V I ' ' ' Th8 Aslum t Garearay, uneoln Oregon State pinnacle of Bottom 10 By Steve Harvey THE COLLEGES The cover of Oregon State's 1033 football guide shows fullback Bruce Oglesby running off the field and giving the "We're No. 1" sign. How prophetic. The meeker Beavers opened (end maybe closed) their season by getting chased 6-50 by Arizona to burrow into the Bottom 10 lead. Here's the scary part A few days before the game, Arizona Coach Larry Smith said, This will be their (the Beavers') best team in four years." Oregon State's rating jump moved it ahead of Penn State, trying to avoid its first winless season since 1C33; Texas A&M, which reportedly will field an all-walk-on team next year; and Bice, which was called "the best 041 team" in the nation by one coach last year. (0-0) vs. Rice (0-1). SPECIAL CITATION: Four thousand Cal State-Long Beach football posters depicting two scantily clad blondes clinging to quarterback Todd Dillon were shredded after protests by various stu dents, administrators and blondes. One student said the city's gsy population wouldn't "put up with anything like that" Dillon himself commented: "I'm not used to being surrounded by pretty girls only ugly linemen. Bottom' 10 It was a stunning week for the Bottom 10 selec tors. It was a week with victories by such flower houses as Texas of El Intercepted Paso, the Pentag on's Air Force, Cal State-Disneyland and stadiumless Cal State-Long Beach, which is forced to play its home games on the left wing of Howard Hughes' Spruce Goose. THE RANKINGS SCHOOL, IlECOUDLAST WEEKNEXT LOSS 1 ) Oregon St (0-1) 6-50, Arizona Portland St 2) Penn St (0-1) 6-44, Nebraska Cincinnati 3) Texas A&M (0-1) 17-19, Cal recruiting 4) Rice (0-1) 14-45, Houston Minnesota 5) Duke (0-1) 30-33, Virginia Indiana 6) Miami 0-1) 3-28, Florida Houston 7) Arkansas (0-0) idle Tulsa S) UCLA (0-1) 8-19, Georgia sunbathing 10) New Mexico St (0-1)9-20, UTEPLouisana Tech 1 1 ) Kansas St (0-1); 12) Oregon (0-1); 13) Columbia (0-1); 14) Colorado St (0-1); 15) Kansas (0-1); 16) Wake Forest (0-1 ); 1 7) (where the Pentagon used to be) San Diego St (0-1); 18) Mississippi (0-1); 19) Syracuse (0-1); 20) San Diego St (0-1). nOUT OF THE TVEEK: Ohio State (0-0, but dont let that record fool you) vs. Oregon (0-1). CHUMMY GAME OF THE WEEK: Minnesota THEFHOS Green Bay quarterback Lynn Dickey was bothered by such severe headaches Sunday that he walked into the Houston huddle after one play, whereupon linebacker Willie Tullls asked him to leave unless he could produce an Oiler ID. Dont be surprised if New England quarterback Steve Grogan tries Dickey's tactic this week against Miami and refuses to leave the Dolphins' huddle. Grogan, shielded from Baltimore tacklers by the Patsies' famous Throwaway Line, was sacked seven times in a 23-20 loss to the amazing Dolts. Of course, New England had the advantage of momentum, having dropped all four preseason games. - Patsy offensive guard Bob Cryder said of the seven sacks: "Only four were the line's fault" four apparently being an acceptable number for New England. THE QANX3NG3 TEAM, EEC02D LAST WEEK NEST LOSS 1) New England (0-1) 23-29, Baltimore Miami 2) Baltimore (l-O) del New England, 29-23 Denver 3) Tampa Bay (0-1) 0-11, Detroit Chicago 4) Cincinnati (0-1) 10-20, Los Angeles Buffalo 5) San Diego (0-1) 29-41, Jets & NBC Kansas City 6) Buffalo (0-1 ); 7) San Francisco (0-1 ); 8) Washing ton Coach Joe Gibbs' halftime talks; 9) Pittsburgh (0-1); 10) tie between the Giants' and the Browns' quarterback controversies. CHUMMY GAME OF THE T7EEI& Tampa Bay (0-1) vs. Chicago (0-1). QUOTED O OK: Dallas colulmnist Skip Bayiess on Redskins fans: "These people live to loathe Dallas, where they'd love to live, and its Cowboys, whom 4.1 u l rx i i m vt ii m uiey u love to rove, r reua wouia can it uauas envy. EVEN THE HAJDEES' EAES ARE TOUGH: Tight end Todd Christensen, on buying a house in Southern California: "You pay for the weather, the beach and to be close to the airport" C1SS3, IMventl Press jnfcste f f - X i -'f CONFUSED about University Regulations & Sovks? Let us heip . .... 4W y tmtma m w 1 1 1 Z m W