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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1983)
Friday, September 2, 1083 f Pago 11 Dally Ncbraskan fii sir,- For Sal: Air conditioner, 1 yearold, single room, Ereat condition. Call 470-2514 ask (or in. Price la f ISO. Blcyclaa: 10" Trek. 191" Colnago 191" De Rosa. Call 4M-7M4. 1973 YAMAHA RD 250B. Rabullt. Can tee at Mr. Bike. Not thl aca S down bag. 435-7249.. t 45 Witt Pioneer SX-710. Receiver-mint condition Call 435-5432. Attar 5:00 p.m. For Sale - 197S K21000 Kawasaki. Fairing and many accessories, call Dave K. attar p.m. 435-5323. For Mia: ' - 2 tickets to the Oak Ridge Boya at the Ne. State Fair. Good aeata good price 472-9859. . Rickenbacker 6 string 1966, Cerwln Vega b. amp BQ-2SO, both new. 4354072. 1980 Yamaha XS-650, 1980 Chevy pick up. 1975 Olda Delta 68 (needa body work). Contact Burlington's Employeea Credit Union 464-0297, ask lor Linda or Evelyn. 8:30 AM-5:00PM. Open Reel Recorder: Revox $350, Sony with apeaker $200: ADS apeaker 1710. $270palr 470-2584. Alvarez Regent. Perfect condition with chip case. $110. John 475-6119. Mutt Mil: 4 MEN AT WORK concert ticketa Sept. 4 Call 435-725111 Rm. 13 or 16. Garage Sale 1970 B. Double-bed, desk, chest, table, lampa, etc. Sat. Sun. Nice loveseat and chair $150 or bast offer. 423-9448. Keep trying. RECONDITIONED Refrigerators, washers & dryers, electric rangea, TVs, deep freezers, 474-4377. STEREO LOWEST PRICES ELECTRONICS CONNECTION 435-3005 VisaMattercard 1977 Datsun. 4 doors, color silver, 6 cylingera, air conditioning, auto matic. AMFM. Call Muhammad 474 3478 from 9:30-3:00 PM. 477-1233 after 3:00 PM. 1980 Buick Skylark, color silver, 4 cylinders, 2 doors, automatic, air conditioning. AMFM Caii Msaad 474 7547 9:33:00 PM 475-0597 after 3:30 PM. 5-BR houM 3 blocks to stadium; fully furnished; beds, desks, range, refrig, wash er, dryer, shower, students only. 477 50491V. msg. Modern Office - Retail Near Campus ' Low Rent. Parking. 423-3137 Serioue atudent to share large houM. Call 477-331 2. BROWN PALACE CO-ED COOPERATIVE $190MONTH. 3 MEALS A DAY. 476-2383. House 3 bedroom, unfurnished, $220 month plus utilities. 636 No. 27th. Call 475-0556. STUDENTS! Try an alternative to regu lar apartment living. Furnished co-ed, single, and double rooms. Meala pre pared by house cook. Laundry, parking, recreational facilities available. 705 N. 23rd St. Ask for Jim or Mar at477-2S18or 474-9772. PART-TIME Up to $100 a month for about 4 hours of your spare time each week. Join over 10,000 people who have found donating plasma an easy way to earn extra money. UNIVERSITY PLASMA CENTER 1442 O Street Cell 475-8645 Bring In this ad for a $2.00 bonus on your first donation. Part-time bakery help. Apply in person at dO-blz 120 N. 14. WORK EXPCRIENQi Nebraska Water Conservation Council a state-wide coalition working to protect the environment, hiring activist to work on water resource inues. Internships available. PartFull-time. Call 476-2080 for personal interview. CUSTOMER SERVICE CLERK Permanent part-time opening in our cir culation dept. working approximately 32 hra. per week. Must be available 2:30-8:00 p.m., Mon.-Sot and Sunday 5:30-12:30 p.m. Applicants must have a car and be able to type. Call JournalStar Personnel DepL for interview appointment. 473-7412. stud:?ts 20 Immediate openings for full and part time help. No experience necessary, will train. Muct be enthusiastic and speak clearly. Guaranteed hourly rate plus bonuses. 2 shifts, 9-3:30, 4-9. Apply 620 No. 43 St. Room 100 Lincoln. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Frl. RIZIAESH !NTt5V:EW!N3 'Can you be persuasive in ?gtiing peo ple to ahars their opinions with you? Co you like being paid for what you produce? 'Do you like being en associate with national leaders in Market Research? CHILOCAWIPfCIALIIT 'Ooyouloveworklngwlthanddevelop. Ino young children? r Can you understand the special needs Of young children? JfcnK!t o'op positive relationship with children and parents? nee? ou,",y nv''o""nt your prefer If so, SRI-Salnt Elizabeth Child Develop ment Center and South Wood Pre-School and Academy are looking for students who want to learn more about the devel opment of Infanta thru preschoolers. In ternshlps and hourly positions avsllable. Contact job Locate f u Admin. Bidg. or call 472-6627 to arrange an Interview. Walter snd Waitresses needed for week day lunch hours and weekend evening hours. Will train, apply In person 1:30 p.m.-2:00 p.m. Ming Palace, 1309 L Babysitter for 16 mo. old In our home, 5-4 dsysweek. Late afternoon hours. Close to East Campus. 464-9731 . SALES Northwestern Mutual Life has an oppor tunity available offering comprehensive education, training and support, plus Independence and unlimited Income po tential for the right man or woman. To find out If this may be the career for you call Jodl 475-8048. NEED MONEY? DONT HAVE A JOB? The Nebraska Eaat Union haa several part-time positions that might fit into your schedule. Food Service Grill Cook, Mon. and Fit, 6:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.; Cafeteria Line Servers, Mon., Tues.. and Wed. from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., and Thura., and Frl. from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.; Dishroom Personnel, Mon. through Frl. 10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. Facility CustodianSet-up Personnel, Monday through Friday from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., with occasional weekend work. Apply In Room 314 Nebraska East Union. ' GODFATHER'S PIZZA 12th AO now taking applications for part-time kit chen help. Must be available M-W-F 10:30-2 p.m. or Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:30-2 p.m. Apply In person. Make $12,200 for college while going to UNL. Check it out. Be All You Can Be In the Army Rewrve. Call Jim Vanderslice at 4754561. DATA tNTRY OPERATOR Are you Interested In working m data entry operstor In an office on a Intermit tent basis? We are looking for data entry operetors to work during peak produc tion periods only. It you have a typing Skill of 65 WPM with 5 or less errors we will train you to operate a CHT. Work on 2nd A 3rd shirts are available. We offer medical, dental, disability and life Insu rance, paid holidays and vacations, along with other excellent fringe benefits. We will offer car pooling assistance to those In outlying areas. If Interested apply In person, Carol Wright Sale 3601 NW. 15 474-2018 Jeanle between 8:00 a.m. ft 4:30 p.m. An equal opportunity employer. STOCK HANDLER Temporary position for people to pack age Items for mailing. Will sort mail and some asMmbly line work. Start Sept. last through ChrlstmM rush. No experience necesMry. Full-time day and nils shirts available. Apply In person. I a.m.-4:30 p.m.M-F. Carol Wright Sales 3601 NW. 15th Lincoln, NE 68521 474-2016 PART-TIME JCES Students who are Interested in develop- Ing their people related skills snd earning $6.25hour or more phone 488-1227 for Interview. EARN EXTRA MONEY! Take inventory at the HALF-PRICE STORE 2600 S. 48thVan Dorn 2 hr. training session required Sept. 6th, 7:00 p.m. at the store $3.50hour Inventory: Set., Sept. 10, 6 p.m. to midnight AND Sunday, Sept. 11,7 a.m. to finish. You must be able to work both days. Sign up with the Job Locater In Room 1 13 of Admin. Bidg. or call 472-5627 with your name, social security number and Shone number. Sign up NOW. FINAL EADLINE is Sept. 6th at 5:00 p.m. HELP WANTED afternoons 6 evenings. Apply in person. Mike's O Street Drive Inn 22nd AO. Part-time Microcomputer Program mers for work with IBM Personal Compu ter on Innovative university project. Ex perience with Fortran and Assembly need ed. Call Lee Miller, 472-3471. 1 i CIQ1 fv V e V ir. ps World-Herald rates for Mi students! If you're a busy college student but want to stay informed, The World-Herald has a special student subscription offer just for you. Jhe Omaha World-Herald can be delivered to your door each morning this semester for just $18.20. This special subscription rate gives you 16 weeks of The World-Herald for the price of 14. Stay informed with what's happening across Nebraska, the nation, ana the world. Order your World-Herald subscription today! Fill out and send in the coupon below. Delivery Bsghss: Monday, August 23 Delivery Steps: Wednesday, November 23 Delivery Resumes: Monday, November 23 Delivery Ends: Wednesday, December 21. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL-403-2849M Mail this coupon to The World-Herald t 4217 "O" Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68510 D Yes! PIccss enter my subscription to The World-Herald for the fell 1C33 semester. I've enclosed my payment of 013.20. Name , Apt.jor Rm. No Address Phone P PEPSI & SIG-EP WRIST WRESTLING TOURNEY AND DANCE. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft -sftr ft ft ft ft Feature Band: KoKomo of Kansas City tftftftftftftftftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft September 8, 1903 7:00 - Midnight Centennial Room UN-L City Union Wrestling, Music, Trophies, T-Shirts, FUN! Register to wrestle at North Union Lobby today through September 8. $2 at door Additional $2 to wrestle Contact Kris Grosshans 474-9455 r3 r:-.? grams grrgrriirartTrTrrar BACK TO SCHOOL SAFETY CHECK Any brand multi-speed bike serviced-includes adjusting gears, brakes, true wheels, lubric ation and complete bike check-up. All parts extra. Factory Trained Service Crahp 0ii with coupon H $20 Uc!3 ... V U September 30, 1983 Lincoln Schivinn Cyclory fN. 1517 N. Cotner Blvd. 464-6952 3321 Pioneers 488-2101 ic September Entries Pfeiy Activrties Due Begins Campus Recreation Sports Festival September 1 September 2-3 Punt. Pass & Kick (M.W.C) NA September 7 Frisbee Skills (M.W.C) NA September 11 Tennis Singles (M,W) September 7 September 12 Tennis Doubles (C) September 7 September 12 Flag Football (W,C) September 7 September 13 Slow Pitch Softball M) September 7 September 13 . Cross Country (M.W.C) NA September 16 Fast Pitch Softball Tournament (M.W) September 13 September 16 Backgammon (M,W) September 13 September 19 Outdoor Racquetball Singles (M.W) September 13 September 19 Outdoor Racquetball Doubles (C) September 13 September 19 Placekicking (M.W.O NA September 25 Horseshoe Singles (M.W) September 20 September 26 Archery (M.W.C) . NA September 27. 28 Flag Football (M) September 27 October 2 Soccer (C) September 27 October 2 Volleyball (W) . September 27 October 3 Darts (M.W) September 27 October 4 (M - men; W - women; C - co-recreational; NA - advanced entry not required, enter at event site; - held in conjunction with Nebraska Union RecRoom.) Sign up TODAY at ths Campus Rcc Office! CJ Office of Campus Recreation 1740 Vine Strest Lincoln, NE CC:C3-C3Q1 472-3437 V ii 11 i sea mamas zsnswaasBBMl '