The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 01, 1983, Page Page 13, Image 13
Thursday, September 1, 1983 Daily fJcbrcskcn 13 r r The following is a list of local happenings for the coming weekend, tonight through Sunday: ASTExmcrnj tTsjEWsketAxt Gallery, 119 & Oth. Paintings and batik by Linda Stych Sunday through Sept. 24. Also, art by Mary Byington, Sunday through Sept 24. Sheldoa Art Gallery, 12th and It streets. Photo graphy exhibit by John Pfahl and Victor Schrager, landscape by Harry Oriyk on display now through Oct 2. Soft sculpture by Donna Orlyk on display in the Art Shop. University Place Art Gallery, 4322 Cleveland Ave. The work of Ben Darling, Nebraska landscape painter, and Dan Frankforter, woodcarver, on dis play all month. Also, jewelry by Nancy Cardisco on display until Oct 1. UVE BANDS ASca TIM Lenses, 5200 O St. Levis and Lac? tonight through Sunday, no cover charge. Chesterfield, Ekfcjsniey&Pctts, 245 N. 13th St Lincoln Jazz Society, Friday and Saturday, no cover charge. DrcsistlcSE, 547 N. 48th St Ministry tonight, $5 cover. Jason and the Nash villa Scorchers Friday and Saturday nights, $3 cover charge. Judge's, 2530 Cornhusker Highway Monterrey, Friday and Saturday nights, $2 cover. Larry's Chimcaae, 1316 N St, Comedy Shoppe tonight $1.50 cover. Morrells, Friday and Saturday night, $4 cover. IitSs Ca's Center, 2630 Cornhusker Highway, Footloose, tonight through Sunday, $2 cover. 112-2 Do'a West, 2630 Cornhusker Highway, Crossfire, tonight through Saturday, no cover. tlcGcfTay, 1042 P St, Tony Breera, guitarist, Friday and Saturday, no cover charge. - Ka-ILIcr Ballrcca, CC00 W. O St, Orville Von Seggern Friday night, $3 cover. Gil Erajnik Sunday, $2C0V7T. Cher's, 1C20 V O St, Roy WiSfcns, Friday and' Saturday. No cover charge. Tfce Ecse, 70th St, Old Triangle, tonight through Saturday, no cover charge. The Ccyal Grove, 340 W. Cornhusker, Tight Fit, tonight through Saturday, no cover charge. The Zoo, 136 N. 14th St, Magic Slim and the Tear drops, tonight through Saturday, $2 tonight $3 Fri day and Saturday. LIAJG2 EVENTS Nebrsa! State Fair Greg Kihn Friday and Manhattan Transfer Saturday, both shows begin at 7:30 p.m. Wayne Newton Sunday at 2:20 and 7:30 p.m. IIOVIE3 Ciasna 1 asd 2, 13th and P streets Tor" 7:40 and 9:40 pxL, "Jaws 3-D," 7:15 and &20 pja. Both shows end tonight r o o o o tl o o o n o o o o I) o o ) o o 4 4 1 1 41 J v o f I o 4 it o 4 1 4 4 mm WVJWaiHiiwJ mmm Most Tequila Drinks 75 Lincoln Jan Society CZo QtTJZT Ore? O o o II o 41 O 4 4 ! O !! O a 41 4) 4 4) 41 41 4 '? 4) 4) 4) I O 41 4 4) 4) O O t i o o t 215 IlorOi 12t!s ftreet 4 3 irw 4) 4 41 41 41 rr j Cooper, 54th and 0 streets, "Vacation," 5:45, 7:45 and 9:45 p.m. Douglas 3, 1300 P St, Trading Places," 550, 750 and 9:20 p.m. "Mr. Mom," 5:40, 7:40 and 9:40 p.m., 9:15 p.m. "Easy Money ," 5:30, 7:30 and 9.30 p.m. East Park 3, 66th and O streets, "Mr. Mom," 550, 750 and 930 pjn. "Metalstorm,"6:15, 7:15 and 9:15 pjn. Jcyo, 6102 Havelock ave. "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves," 9-J30 p ja. Plaza 4, 12th and P streets, "Risky Business," 5:45, 7:45 and 9:45 p.m. Strange Brew," 5:45, 7:45 and 9:45 "Cujo ," 6, 8 and 10 pjn. "Curse of the Pink Panther," 5:15, 755 and 935 pjn. Sheldon Filn Theatre, 12th and R St,"Lianna," 7 and 9 p.m. State, 1415 O St, "WarGames," 730 and 9:40 p.m. ends tonight etazrt, 13th and P streets, "Return of the Jedi," 130, 4, 7:15 and 9:40 p.m. BE IN STRIDE AND RIDE A FINER BIKE THIS YEAR We've got your bike, come in and see it. DOWNTOWN 427 So. 133l EAST PARK PLAZA QUALITY Parts Service Accassories s - " nr'r """""" ' " Intmdntirtft TTIRIE 24 ME. SMmiES Spsdzl cz::v?s?:33 for &3 AfisrMotirs Cruzvd Criind Chi!l-!ze Cuisr ISb. sioiered m cfcii a cheese. Ccdii Crcn Curler WE.with noaterey jsck & a thick est A'fn C Vi tlilIMIll i Ctzd'lzi ni)'zr 10 oz. v,ith shared ham, mushrooms & thick slice of edr cheese. HI!iTCC2i Curler 10 oz. mixed uith cimhrooms, topped isith sca" crera dressing. FhC!y zrich sliced sirloin, onions & rsushroosis on sour cosiffi bun Aih Siss ciese. ALSO Try our ISHer Norlios and Tcco Sdzd. C?2N 24 HTiS. THUIIS-SAT - 6 AT.I-3 AH1 iI0N-7ED 466-1659 o MM ComtaXkKemak . UahttTsipf o!.rg Specials.. : e3 f5d.".i...... CaHets ULSecraiary ... Greek Rollere . . . . Eig3dasic. ..... Hudcer. .Sunday . .Monday . Monday . .Tuesday . .Tuesday . .Wednesiay . .Wednesday ..Thursday . .Thursday 4:CG5:33 5:33 8.C3 em 5:33 73 5:33 7:33 Kingpin Keg!er .. PinPoundart.... Strike N' Spare . . FacultyStaff.... Kite Owls ...... Gutter Dusters. . . 5050 (K&xed)... . . .Monday .. Monday ...Tuesday . . .Wednesday . . .Wednesday ...Thursday ...Thursday Individuals endor Teams Welcome. Sign Up N'ow At City Ccmpus RccRoom or Ecst Ccmpus' rcrth 40 Games Desks. ...J j rnc' . p-jr-"i i tri n I I I I LM j CtC KjC?flCa i f I 4J23 ; i Ci2-1773 I SHMMMBBMWBMMiBWMMBBBWBMMHI Will IIIMIlJ V! Uf i I 6:00 8:03 7:00 5:30 7:30 5:30 7:33