Tuesday, August 30,1033 Daily Nabraskan Pago 17 i -1 .' ''"? i.'A ;.M v.. CIV: ,'' v i 'Lavender Moonlight': AMannequin Romance April May June was so excited, she felt like cheer leading as she threw open the double doors and stepped out onto the hotel balcony. "I'm in South Africa!" she screamed to nobody in particular. "I'm really in South Africa!" she screamed again, partly for fear that if she did not keep saying it to herself it would not be true, but mostly so that the devoted readers would know which far-flung and exotic land would serve as the setting for this tale. She looked down over the sidewalk, scanning the Johannesburg streets for her beloved Randall She could not pick him out of the crowd, but she knew C , ; Pat ) i-. - 'v Clark that soon he would be at the hotel. He would knock on tne aoor, and tnrow his arms around her, then she would open the door and . . . no, wait a minute. She thought it out again. She would have to open the door and throw her arms around him, then he would knock, then . . .'nah, that wasnt it either. What the hell, she thought, they would get it right when thetimecame. On the sidewalk, an elderly woman with a cane was dragging home a shopping cart full of groceries. "Hello down there," April yelled in her unbridled exuberance, weaving and stomping her feet and jumping around like she expected the old lady to lob her a biscuit for her labors. The old woman looked up, then slowly raised her cane to point it at April Tfou little harlot," she. crackled in snaggle-toothed anger. "Put some clothes on before I call the police." immediately recognized the problem. "Musta' been when I ran the bath," she thought aloud, and quickly ducked into the hotel Just as she did she heard the sound of gunfire, followed by chips of plaster splat tering off the balcony. "Hoohadeeyabadabbadadooba," she said, her voice unable to make real words. Gunshots in the hotel? Gunshots at her? Where was Randall? As if on cue, a knock came at the door. She froze, wondering what to do. "Who is it?" she finally managed to say. "White slavers," said a businesslike but friendly voice. "Open the door or 111 blast it oft" The gunshots, she through. It's them. What do they want with her? Tm calling the police," she said 'stupidly.'. "April, I'm only kidding," shouted the voice. "Sure you are," she said, petrified at the realiza tion that the white slavers A,vith the gun knew her first name. Where w3 Randall? "I Jo, it's ma, Randall," said the voice. "Please let me in." i " "Hcudall who?" "Sandall your boyfriend. How many Randalls do you know?" , lie had a point there. It was Randall' She threw her arms open wide to embrace him, then remem bered to epen the doer. He slipped into the room, and she clunj to him 12;e a b!3 blonde amoeba n', r.An m K"hvfpn enh "there were v gur.shcts. At this hotel room. At me!" She buried her Ic.ee in his chect and cried, but soon realized that she wculdnt-be able to kzzp this up as she couldnt "Cicts, eh?" sdd RandaUfcrather mattej-of-factly. "Ard you're r "1 cIIts." ' ' "Yes," she'edi, with abrstete certainty.' "Who rc"!i h-va dcr.s sjch a thir.T Ir.to th3 hctel rccm Etched April llzfs bzzt frl:-d, Ar::!a Z2m Ruth, c:rJy trer.ish!3 ' "l ::i:.: Ti! Tr-i ctrr? t3 C j 2- ' Artists to perform folk tunes Nationally acclaimed recording artists Ken Bloom and Julian Kytasti will perform in Lincoln Sept 1 1 , at 8 p.m., at the Joyo Theatre, 6102 Havelock Ave. The con cert features music with an international flair, including American, Ukranian and British folk tunes, as well as Jazz and classical pieces. The concert is being sponsored by the Lincoln Association for Traditional Arts, Inc. Tickets are available at Dirt Cheap and London's Stringed Instruments for $5. " Gik3 too 5 imaiMec, asid.tv3,!l copy ycusr Bring in any taps you'vo recorded yourself and we'll copy it on the spot. It only cost $2.60 and we use quality BASF Tapes. Come into AMP Sound today and give us 5 minutes. 60 minute tap ' inn 2935 N 33rd, just off Cornhusker Hwy Minute Mart 70th fit VanDorn With more locations to come! liTSV U J - aras Pmd. - So MmcIh i r iioir Stop in and check out -our wide celection! Bacament i' . .,. - :' ' Nsbraolia Union Garden Lcval Eaot Union