Monday, AuzuzX 23, 1C33 Daily Ncbrcskan D r - I Police-IteporS j y Although czr.plkta cf noise disturbances on c&rspus decree:; J ia the summer, thefts frcn open university building continued, ssid Lt John Burke of the UNL pc-ce department The inciJor.ts were reported to the police between 7 a.rx FiLIry end 7 a.ra. Sunday. 31 axi. Pcrre reported stolon. 10:16 JLnt. rum reported stebx 23 pxi. Cooh repcrted stolen to Lipoid on -the north tils cf the Keoriolui Union. - 2:37 p-ra. Lerccr.y repcrted si Ktbrsc-ha ETV Kctrrcrk. C.C 1 rxo. Curpicbus percen in front cf Ilcrul- 1C.C3 p.n. ccroploint reported fxcnrcundlU. IQZ O pxs. Leu J porty repcrted at 153 B St Ytczrlr'j v. ere LrouoJ for tlechcl pccccccicn. 10.C3 plto. Leu J porty reported zX CC3 H. ICth 11:14 pxx Lcud porty repcrted si 1515 K Ct Vjnu"?.". 1 12 p.rx Lcud porty reported at 1715 N. ICth lOuJlXrx Deleted Cre repcrted in Abel Kci A plZcw iloed ty a ilht tuTa The Cre itus put out 0 pxi. A dloturtece repcrted at the Deb Deva ney pcrts Cc-ter v."Z3 inrcooojoted ty cfUcers. Clr? ' " - 12 0 axa. Lcud stereo dlcturtonce repcrted at 1515 12 Co. 13 an. Lcud cterco d-oturteoice reported at Trior.3 freo-nliy. 2.-01 axs. Lcrcer-y repcrted at Caiher IIoH A bcelicooo xtzj etclon a!ter it3 cryner left it ty the 23 Clotuiloou-ce repcrted in P!cr! Area 9. Forifo3 Cod tpen arrivol cf the police. . 2:0 clizl r- Irury repcrted ct STooa IJa frater nity. H;e lciira, trho fc3 dcm sczoe strirs wns i t rt VJi V 4vi nt jPfc---4 WWfc4bMdl suctcinod cuts cn the fcce end a pccoH-Ie trcloen ncce. 23 axa. reported in front cf KehrcoiaUuicn. 3 am. leers rerpended to dloturtcnce zt the Kclloj Crr.tor. Parties hod refused to leave before 33 an. Iudetereodloturbcncererjortcdat 1715 N. ICLliCl C:1G ax3. Dlotuitoiice repcrted in the 4003 bailcf Qucdnutoi Prowlers Trere C ww V-JI 4. :TT3. 1 Jo crrcots were : UVj I i . , mm m 0 i - 10 Brilliant Days in September Cc!cr it exciting! Tho ctata cf Ncbrccka v; coon bo turning cut in c!l its colors for tho Nobrcc'ai Stot3 Fcir. Thcro vvl'.! bo tho judging end competition end tho lZZ:j CJ v.::i that thriving. Thoro will bo four days cf "TruHi cr Ccnrri" end dozens cf f res chows ...color hzn cntcrtsJning. There bo A3 Cr;, Thursday, September 0 f "rr" 11 " WViWI -Utul lltvl bvulljj. Illuiw Villi bo tiivrn t , ... tremsnSiOus And tists juet tno beginning. - r- vl;j L'J. u'i Jo . I i l i iV: ( Enrerths PaiteTbpcf-the-Qass Sweq)st2!ss andyoi could vsoirriirigtkit'cangjyeyou a realadvanrageinlife. Your avnIex2S Insoiimsnts homeo)irirjM; . v Whi!eycure2t it, pickup sorrthinjferiertovTitewith, Its iriaccccpicaly textured ball grip the peper to he!p prevm reeyc-cbolcg and tapping. 5 icd it writes up to five rimes longer Liinmc:: bdll pens. LccIcfors'A'eepnzI'jes entry fenrj crJ cfziJ ctycia: ccrege " , boc!2rcre.EutdoitccaX)lJi