The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 29, 1983, Image 1

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    C 3
Unt-;r;!ty of f:brc;!caUncc!n
Vcl. C3 no. 2
lies, (Qjresim
'2 C:H llava a Drc-ra, tl.3 tin-era rcid, u
l-arlla Luther HL-gJr.'s IC ;3 Uirch cn Vhiz-ten
I" - - - -i"3( c. -earned tet Je.,3, pcac?; and
Jlc ' W
C--':r, a:.:;.:ej Celr (llic!) i-ck cf paxtidpa-t-n
K;crs U tky than kcpeleeenees. II: said cost
Cc:::dD-::-.-. .
Th; ev; 'twas a til: :z "r.tmr nt Ids e vera! paxtle
! .13 ar.d crrir.'nera Jr-es Terry, supervisor cf
hi". 5 L::.i cr3 succecer::! had the turnout trea
lir r.
- J X S..C .3 that peep.3 CXS td ROpC.eaS
L!::::3. r.:dj up a psrcents-3 cf the
Cw T i-v- J tcr L .cu ldcl cf pLrticip t'cn
th? civil riti;cnt la IC33, tecsuss ncvliT.3
WziCAvi tkeks tedcy there b no unity" Ordana
Us slid the dhxrrlty cf b-uc3 presented lnth8
f 2
-" MM
ClslY phcto ty Djv Czntz
;,lr'.3 rnd frcrcii rlreb dTva lCth Street tsrard the ttzts
j:j Crry la czzr.nzziz7Z-:n. cf Ilir'Ja Lcller Ei3 Jra 1CC3 Iliirc ca TThinca-
save -ZkM, money
r.7cc::;:trriz.r'Jr--:trzL -
cf retrdba cr.d
t tcth cedents cndUT-l.
v c"; . z J th2 r.c-T7rc:trr t:;n presets ia cctba Fri-
T: : :" ' --::-! C:rr.:-j:'Trc, r:.':: J f '2. 1
r' r.i-Pcr.n tit3 in tcr,;:M'3 K;:::c:?
: , r: '-17
' 3 ?:rc!n f.:.T.3 end l:rz"'y c:clt3
, - ,
drop add syst ems
and lieadaches '
students went through rer.errd registration this
yecr, a number similar to Izzt yzzfs, he sii
. fkLcT pcirtj a reiXwtioa fee and ccnsntm
cpea-ccurse Lts posted thrcuhcut the bedroom, a
student sir3 thrc" th2 prccecs CZs out a compu
ter rctKLtien ferra ir.elzr.3 v.hich courses he
wants to take. The fcra b inserted into the compu
ter, which checla the student's choices to nske sure
the classes are ctn cpen.
If the clrz3 are cpen, t' 2 computer autcmati
czZj r::;l:ter3 the stsiier.l ia the courses, and the
tud er.t irr.edi'te'yreecl.e ca ID card. If the class
h clrrtd, the cc7?Z2tvL7 net register the student,
and V..2 student zzzzt tra the process aeia.
ITeifer said he h pleer : i v. llh how smoothly the
r. " pr.z::.J rcx:t tl.3 11: -.3 a ctu:r.t str:.l t! 2 L:':rcer.i until I ? v. 3 f..r rcl:t:rci end -
I u C-.-t - t . dl .-
the rights ef wemea and homosexuals. Ihe ray
cf fami!y farmers.
Deatty-Draseh cf Lincoln co-chaircd th3 Con
memcrative MarchCcalltion la Lincoln. Che said the
approximately CO cpecial-intercst cro"P3 repres
ented were united ia their anti-Hea-aa attitudes.
She said cne cf the functions cf the march was to
show that the president does not have majority
support on chil rights as well as many ether issues.
Terry said Heaaa ha3 hurt blacks by cutting wel
fare and food stamp funds whil increasing the
defense budget, and jvin tax-exempt status to
schools which practice discrimination.
Terry, 33, said he remembered Martin Luther
Kind's historic march and his "I Have a Dream
"I was 13 and just becoming aware of social prob
lems that needed to be changed. . .1 had hope there
would be progress," he said. "But since the Reagan
administration came to power, weVe gone back
wards." Orduna said he believes that people are now more
visibly active in the civil rights movement, but they
have lost sight of its real purpose.
"It's politics now, and that's all," he said. The
'deeply-felt common cause which led the movement
in the ICGO3 is missing in 19S3, he said.
However, Brasch said the rally ia Lincoln and
similar events in more than 400 cities across the
nat d ah Gvcfa3 purpose to""rededIcate'
ourselves to the principles cf Martin Luther King."
JoAnn Maxey, former state senator and Lincoln
School Board member, expressed confidence that
Saturday's demonstrations would eventually prove
successful in uniting the public in efforts to achieve
Kings goals. . i
Te vow that the dream shall no longer be a
dream" Maxey said.
Cy Gens Centre? :
Farmers in southeastern and south central
Nebraska are feeling the efTects cf a long summer
CsTOwr-iit Awt mcsrLkisrcs xom 10 to csrcs
Ay 1 1 AAMfiM't ff 1-ir""?iie-''f3!5
corn crop and forced many farmers to cut much cf it
-for silage.' , :.;
Robert Lcmke, who farms about 5 acres
with his two cons near Valtcn, 5 rr" " i c: ;t cf Lin.
ccln, said h;j hopes for a dryland ::i crcp have
pretty much dimirished.
m have no com crcp thi3 year," Lem!:3 said, "so
HI prcbat'y chop it aH",
Imke said his com Lied good for meet cf the
summer but this month's fccax was tea rauah.v lie -compared
his current crcp damage with that done
by hailstorms ia he mid-lCTCs ar d this cummer's
dry air to the cummer cf ICC S.
Cer enroll
c.i u:3 i.:d r-;:r c:
en I. : 1 t: !.:n a ' . "l.:,:rcr mere to c ::n-
r f
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