Monday, August 29 1033 Pago 8 Daily Ncbraskan 4 V V v V I V A X Y v X y X X O A 5 ' ", ATTENTION: STUDENTS AND BUSINESS PERSONS Announcing r,vo neiv businesses to serve you! COMPUTER TYPE Ready to perform these services for you: TYPINGAVORD PROCESSING HIGH SPEED PROOF COPIES MAGNETIC STORAGE FAST FINAL COPIES SHORTLONG TERM PROJECTS SMALL RESUMES TO BIG THESES COMPUTER SPELLING CHECKING EASY CHANGES & CORRECTIONS YOU TYPE WE FINISH OR WE TYPE BEGINNING TO END We make your FIRST impression your BEST impression! 476-rypE MICROSERVE.UIC Come in and use our computer systems for: TYPINGAVORD PROCESSING SPELLING CHECKING PROGRAMMING SPREADSHEET ANALYSIS RECORD KEEPING STATISTICAL ANALYSIS MAILING LISTS BOOKEEPING ACCOUNTING DATA COMMUNICATION EDUCATION Computer experience is NOT needed to use our systems! $75-8500 COtAPUTER COMPLEX A X Y X ? - f r f y y y y I f X X I X i ,. x '-. '' ft "' .- j r a .V- 1 f 1630 QUE STREET LOWER LEVEL NEXT DOOR TO THE PICTURE MAN N '6 S T 7 3Dufl n. to w ifTt...:. w ' '4 Reg. $12.95 to Teddybears, Polar Bears, Panda Bears, Kowala Bears, Raccoons, Elephants, Dogs. ft f ... -1 Only G 9G . . Lim on sale! c4 u 10 Off All Wall Decore. Fill in the empty spaces in your room or apartment! Centrum Plaza 475-1655 11th & "0" Don't forget Thingsville is also your Big Red Headquarters. hingsville GALE GrJD3 G2P7. fl, 1003 StsSf photo by Dsvt Btntz UNL band drummers practice Friday in front of Kimball Recital Hall to improve their sjTichronization. The msrehins band will perform for the first time this season st the first home football game against Wyoming on Sept 10. Pre-trial . . Continued from Page 2 The city considered eli minating it (the program) altogether, but they do that every year," McMas ters said. "It (pre-trial di version) doesn't fit under the 'essential scrvices'eatch word that the city has been using." Unlike other programs funded by the city and county, the pre-trial div ersion office is not man dated, he said. "We're like an extra. We're always in a down position," he said. "Also, we're still seen in some people's eyes as being soft on crime. We are not uni versally accepted. . .some people don't think we ought to be doing this." McMasters said the pro gram's budget for 1983 84 has been set at $175, 558. His request for more than $64,000 in city and county funding has been approved, and the re mainder of the budget will come from fees and client charges. The budget for the pu gram is $40,000 less than it was in 1 975, McMasters said. The office has elimi nated one part-time po sition in order to save money this year. The pro gram offers internships in the misdemeanor div ision, but is unable to pay the interns, Albers said. Two UNL students are working as volunteers under her supervision this summer. The completion rate of the pre-trial diversion pro gram is very high, Mc Masters said. "Completion rates mean that the person at least is not re-convicted," he said. Completion rates average 90 percent in the misde meanor division and 70 to 73 percent in the fel ony division. Withdrawal rates among pre-trial diversion participants are hard to pinpoint because of the complexity involved in studying them, McMasters said. However, he con ducted a study in 1981 in Lincoln that revealed the rate among diversion parti cipants was 8 percent lower than those who went through the court system. "This is only statistically important. . .," he said. "Financially, it doesn't make much of a differ ence. But it at least gives us an argument against critics. . .we at least don't do any worse with diversion." Budweiser, Skoal, Moosehead, Redman, Olympia, Hawken, Trans Am, Kawasaki, Checkered, and many others in a variety of colors. 3 'J LziLTvJ An an r5 nn 1 1 Now just n o K 90 Gateway Mall 466-4488