Daily Nebraskan Page 29 bra: 'in9 are I v. I e Wednesday, August 24, 1983 Continued from Pege 2G Even if people know you're lying, at least t heyll know you're aware of sports. Then they can rib you and you can kid t hem back and wow, it's just a beautiful part of life. You don't have to be an expert on sports knowledge. There's too much to know and if you've come t his far wit hout caring, I don't t hink you're going to be interest ed in facts like Harmon Kilibrew was the most valuable player in the American league in 1909. You don't have to be an expert on sports knowledge, but you should fami liarize yourself wit h the names Turner Gill, Mike Itozier and Irving Fryar. But you don't, for instance, have to know who is right behind Fryar on the depth chart at wingback. (Although I think Shane Swanson would appreciate it if you did.) Another example. You should at least to able to associate the name Annette Adamczak with volleyball You don't, however, have to know that she is from Moose Lake, Minn., stands 5-11, plays outside hitter, or the awards she won as a high school standout. You get the point? All you have to do is be able to get through a normal conversation. That just about covers the basics. If you try just a few of these suggestions, you will be on the way to becoming more aware of sports, And people will notice. Especially members of the oppo site sex. 1 hate to sound sexist, but this will benefit you freshman men more. For one thing, college women don't go out with freshmen guys anyway, and especially not with those that have no sports awareness. Convcrsly, most upper-class men don't mind going out with a freshman woman, even if she has very' little sports awareness. Sorry, but we live in a sexist world. So, for you younger men, be patient and slowly incorporate sports into your life starting today. This column doesn't give a lot of details; so don't be afraid to ask obvious ly sports-minded people 'for advice. You'll make them feel good and gain knowledge in the process. Or, heck, give me a call or stop by. Ill be glad to help. I'll just consider it part of devoting my life to serving mankind, seeking pleasure and never missing an episode of "Hill Street Blues." And, for those of you with sports awareness, please, give this column to that guy wasting his life in front of reruns of "Gilligan's Island." Invite him to play Frisbee. Ask her if she would like to learn to play tennis. And, urn, I'll see you at the first home game. Later. Penalty possible for absences Members of UNL's football team and marching band who are participating in Monday's Kickoff Classic in East Rutherford, N J.f w ill not have to worry about attendance problems for miss ing a day or two of school But the same can not be said of other students attending the game. Participating players will be put on a list that will be sent to each UNL department chairman, so that they will not be penalized for missing the opening day of the semester. Dave Decoster, dean of students, said students who plan to attend the game may be taking a chance. "The football players and members of the band will be covered," Decoster said. "But, the other students will have to take their chances with each indi vidual teacher." Decoster said each teacher has their own attendance policy for absences at the beginning of the semester. "I don't think well have too many problems from this," he said. "But, the student has to know that if he decides that going to the game is more impor tant than attending the first day of school, he won't have any place to go to appeal any repercussions he receives from his teachers." 3, L t J (oiu cij (our o X y -v. sx d &Sxr Z V ; V XX ) 4 V"-1 T-Shirts, Jackets, Sweaters! We Can Supply and Custom Print Apparel for You, Your Fraternity, Sorority, or Dorm Floor. Campus Rep: P 7 r I. i 142 NORTH 48th (14 block North of "O" St.) v Vi j Xx X' : XV y T ' ' v X V 1 -,X :s X X XXX Si. ' Q One-hour Photofinishing Custom Quality 4" x 6" Prints at no extra charge Open 7 Days Expires Sept. 24, 1 933 233 Gateway North Q 467-5717 .-win $:ui& booococo - - r ..u,.,-. i cx30ck:xxcxxx:c)0( ........ . :V'X:::ri'- i