The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 24, 1983, Back-to-School Edition, Page Page 26, Image 26

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    Wednesday, August 24, 1933
Page 26
Daily Nebraskan
V aao
UU'rO clJll
far V&M
For a relaxing break from classes give us a try.
We'll waive the initiation fee for students, and for
just $90, you'll get a 3-month membership. That
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Take a look at what you can enjoy:
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You're not at home, BinMy youV
at college, viiere cporta are 'in'
and 'scoring' iiac oilier meaning
This column is not meant for you. By
the very fact that you have read this
far I know that you are interested m
sports. That is, unless it is just now
dawning on you that you are reading
the sports page. You are.
No, this column is really intended for
those people, especially freshmen, who
are just moving into the big campus,
and who aren't really interested in
Although this column isn't for you,
the sports-minded person, you should
read it anyway, then pass it on to that
person who is unaware of the joys that
sports can add to life. This doesn't
mean to just jokingly toss it to that
self-proclaimed stud in front of the
mirror picking that one zit on an oth
erwise unblemished face.
Bill Allen
Seriously give it to someone who has
no interest in sports, someone who
would never read the sports page oth
erwise. I'll start writing for that kind of
person now, so please, for them, show
them a copy.
So, you're a freshman at Nebraska
and you don't like football. You think
working out is the 4 p.m. to 1 1 p.m.
shift at McDonalds right? You thought
shooting hoop was some kind of slang
for taking drugs. And your mother
always said she loved you even if you
didn't play football, or volleyball, or
wrestle, or even watch Monday night
football with Dad.
Well, you're not at home anymore,
Buddy, or Buddess, as the case may be.
You're at college, where sports are 'in.'
It's time to increase your sports aware
ness. Now, I'm not in any way, shape or
form saying that intellectual pursuits
are not t he top priority of everyone on
this campus. Mainly, I won't say that
because I'm tired of having all the
coaches and fraternities mad at me.
This column is designed to help you,
the person who thinks Joe Namath got
famous selling panty hose and guest
starring on the Love Boat. The person
who thinks Billy Martin is a designer
jean. The one that thinks scoring means
. . . never mind.
OK, first of all, you have to look like
you're interested in sports. Now don't
be scared off right away because you
think I'm going to try to convince you
to exercise every day, eat right and get
plenty of sleep. That would be like
Orson Welles telling the world to go on
a diet.
My chief source of exercise is making
my bed once a month, or playing Nerf
basketball. I won't eat anything unless
it's saturated in animal fat, and I think
a mug of beer should be added to the
great seal of the United States. But it
would be easy to tell I'm interested in
sports, even if I didn't write this column
every week.
You should at least own a pair of
sneakers and a Nebraska shirt. Don't
be afraid to walk across campus wear
ing both of these items and a pair of
gym shorts or some sweats.
Intramurals are a great way to get to
know the guys or girls on your resi
dence hall floor or in your fraternity or
sorority. There are also some intangi
bles. For instance, if you're talking to
some of the guys, casually mention
that you should drag out the old gold
clubs from the closet at home and give
them a workout. This works even if
you've never even played golf before.
If you're a woman, just sort of drop
into the conversation that you could
always throw a softball better than
your brother.
Continued on Page 29
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Special Hours: Aug. 2Q-&Arttiru